
Forced To Be The Big Villain

With the arrival of the Mystical Realm, the source of ghosts and spirit creatures, humans also became capable of using abilities. But in such a world, Raymond, an ordinary man who just wanted to eat well and live comfortably, gradually became the big villain of the story because of a debt. "No, I didn't stop the world-famous hero from going to the next level." "Just because the blood crystal is in my bag doesn't mean I stole it." "Just because the ghosts are listening to my orders, you can't pretend that I'm their boss." "You may have seen that I opened the gateway where the monsters came from, but... Hmm... I guess I can't get rid of it this time." * * *

Enis_V · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Young Master William(1)

Raymond's words about knowing William was actually untrue. Raymond knew about William for another reason. Because he had seen him before. He had heard William's voice before.

Raymond was much younger then. Although he is not considered an adult at the moment, he was considered a child at that time. On a day when he was running around looking for food, he came to the train stop, which is usually where he looked for food.

But before he reached the stop, he heard the sound of a commotion from the stop. What he saw when he arrived made him feel uncomfortable on the spot. He couldn't move. A monster had attacked the stop. A monster, 3-4 meters tall, with six arms, spherical in shape, with disgusting red skin.

Arrows were stuck in several of the monster's numerous eyes. Apart from that, it was unscathed. A man was fighting against a monster with a halberd in his hand. The man with the watch was moving at a superhuman speed. He attacked one leg of the beast. He left a wound with his smile. But soon the wound began to heal. Agree, the speed of recovery of this disgusting beast was high.

The man's battle with the beast was the first thing that attracted Raymond's attention. For the first time, he saw a real monster and an 'Awakened man' fighting. The man with a halberd was fighting the monster alone.

'Why alone?'

The second thing he noticed was the bloody terrible train stop. There were bodies everywhere. It was a terrible view. Some of the bodies were so deformed that they turned into crushes. Most of the bodies were unrecognizable. Many organs were scattered around. Anyone who saw the view would start vomiting.

Since Raymond's stomach was empty, he only took out gastric juice. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and forced himself to look. This time he noticed a third thing besides corpses and war.

There were three people standing in the back. One of them was a teenager dressed in a suit, with his hands in his pockets, calmly watching the scene. Next to him was a man and a woman in armor and wearing a cloth with a coat of arms covering only their shoulders. They also had calm expressions.

"Young Master! How long are you planning to watch?"(The Man Using the Halberd)

The person the man with halberd called 'young master' was a young man in a suit. But the young man did not answer. This situation continued for a while. In the end, the man with halberd was too worn out to fight. He was already very tired. For one last hope of salvation, he turned to the young man in the suit again. The man with halberd had already lost an arm, he was covered in blood. He was in a pitiful state.

"Lord William, Please-" (The Man Using the Halberd)

But these were his last words. It was a big mistake to divert attention from the beast. The sphere-shaped monster swung its huge paws and tore the man's upper body from the lower body.

At this time, the remaining three people did not react, as if nothing had happened. It was as if they were watching a random scene. It was like a daily occurrence. Only Lord William, the young man in the suit, wore an expression akin to sulking.

All the while, he took out his hand that had been in his pocket and showed the monster in front of him. As he pointed out that monster, the two armored people next to him disappeared. No, they were so fast that Raymond thought they had disappeared.

When Raymond saw them again, they had come in front of the sphere-shaped monster. The female one swung her sword and separated one of the sphere-shaped monster's legs from the monster's body. At that time, the other one was in the air, in front of the monster. Spewing fire from his mouth, he burned the monster's eyes. Receiving two heavy blows at the same time, the beast uttered an ear-piercing scream.

'The-They are strong.'

Soon, the two managed to easily kill the monster. Soon, a train came to the stop. Young Master William and two people in armor boarded the train. As they were boarding the train, several government officials got off the train. However, since the monster was already dead, their only job was to clean up the area. And Raymond could never forget what he had seen that day and the cold Young Master William.

This chapter is a short one but the second will come soon so don't worry.

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