
Forced To Be The Big Villain

With the arrival of the Mystical Realm, the source of ghosts and spirit creatures, humans also became capable of using abilities. But in such a world, Raymond, an ordinary man who just wanted to eat well and live comfortably, gradually became the big villain of the story because of a debt. "No, I didn't stop the world-famous hero from going to the next level." "Just because the blood crystal is in my bag doesn't mean I stole it." "Just because the ghosts are listening to my orders, you can't pretend that I'm their boss." "You may have seen that I opened the gateway where the monsters came from, but... Hmm... I guess I can't get rid of it this time." * * *

Enis_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

With Awakening Always Comes A Nice Sleep

'What the hell?'

But it didn't end there. A light emerged from that little ball-like structure. Dots like stars appeared all over his body. Then the beam from the little ball began to spread over those star-like spots. A stencil was formed that covered his entire body. Together with the beam, all the stars were connected.

Ev,eventually all those dots started to glow together. A warm feeling took over his body. With this feeling, his wounds began to heal at a visible speed.

Raymond felt like he was in a hot bath. It was an incredibly comfortable feeling. Eventually, the brightness emanating from those tiny dots increased so much that the brightness illuminated the entrance of the cave.

And then all of a sudden all the light went away as if it never existed. The only difference was that Raymond's body healed.


Raymond was so taken aback that he lost words. He couldn't speak. Because right now it didn't look like he had achieved the fourth success at all. First, his senses did not become as sharp as mentioned, nor did his brain start working fast. Secondly, this experience reminded him of something else he had heard.

'Our writer was so obsessed with achieving success that he accidentally discovered a method of 'Awakening'? Or did I do something wrong?'

Yes, it was 'Awakening'. What he had just experienced was similar to the 'Awakening' mentioned in the books. The 'Awakening' had an another name, it was the installation of meridians. At this moment, the body would interact with spiritual energy for the first time. This spiritual energy would regenerate the body so that it could use and store it. With this, whatever the disease is will be cured. Even a deathbed person would regain his health. This was only possible with 'Awakening'.


Raymond suddenly started laughing wildly. Yet he somehow survived. His life has always been like this. He always gets into difficult situations like this, then somehow he gets out of them alive. This time he not only survived but also hit the jackpot.

Knowing that his life would never be the same again, Raymond fell asleep with a silly smile on his face. Today had been a tiring day. When everything was in order, his nerves were also relaxed, so he fell into a deep sleep. Raymond, on the other hand, could only accept this sleep.




In times of 'extremism' chaos, people began to experience 'Awakening' for the first time. At that time, spiritual energy was raging around the world like a storm. 'Awakened' humans were suddenly able to control incredible powers. They called this power, which they gained through spiritual energy, spirit power. Because at that time every 'Awakened' person gained a spiritual magic as if they knew how to use it from the very beginning.

Some blew flames, some broke stones with their hands. Some even summoned avatars to fight for them. After the period of chaos was over and new order took its place, people who underwent 'Awakening' were unable to gain these spiritual spells. Of course, they had spiritual power. But they did not gain any spiritual magic.

That's why the 'Awakened' before that era were called First Generation, and the 'Awakened' ones after that era were called Second Generation. At this time, the same question came to everyone's mind: But who would protect people from danger after the First Generation 'Awakened' died?

So they began to research spiritual magic and the Mystical Realm. The most successful institution in this was a place called Queer. Over time, Queer became a place to teach the Second Generation 'Awakened' to use spiritual magic. Now this place is known all over the world as the first priority training place for 'Awakened'.

[Tuesday 13 Belzir]

Raymond woke up in the morning with a dry throat and an empty stomach. He still felt quite rested, even though he was aching in some parts. He stood up and observed outside the cave. He ran to his bag as he saw his own bag not far away. For some reason, he felt that his physique was getting a little stronger. But the feeling was very vague.

After he ate the energy bar he took it from his bag and drank some water, he set off. Thankfully, no one came to look for him. Otherwise, it wasn't even sincere that he couldn't be found with his shout last night.

Since he lost his gas mask in the fall, he could not return to the [Yellow Ember Forest]. He walked in the direction the road should have been, according to the map he had looked at earlier. The happiness of having 'Awakening' last night was still visible in his eyes. In the end, he too was 'Awakened'. But frankly, it didn't feel much different.

'Now that I think about it, how did I have Awakening? I mean, does this work the same for everyone?'

After walking for a while, he found a tree stump and sat on it. He took out his notebook from his bag and began to write down what he had experienced before, letter by letter. Finally, he also wrote down his own predictions and experiences of the 'Awakening'.

'Somehow I have to try this in the future. I need someone to try it for me. There is also that dream. Dad talked about losing control of his body. Does this technique involve any danger? Is my father also an Awakened? Where then?'

He had many questions, but no one to answer. He desperately kept these questions for later. He could try to find an answer in the future. The priority now was to complete this delivery.

Even though he was going to quit the illegal delivery business now that he was 'Awakened', he didn't want to carry such a troublesome package with him. He was planning to quickly deliver the package to its owner and resign from this job. He was someone who learned from life's difficulties that long-term plans should not be made. It was unclear what would happen when.

He was soon back on the road. He was walking through the woods as he occasionally checked the communicator. After Extremism, satellites became harder to use. The intense spiritual energy in the air rendered most things inoperable.

Communication would have been nearly impossible if wave-protecting magic devices were not installed in city centers. Yet these magic devices had a working range. Outside of that range, most devices were still unable to communicate.

Although, over time, the world would return to normal as the spiritual energy in the air was balanced. But at the moment things were still difficult. After walking for a while, the communicator gave a message indicating that it was connected to the line. Raymond wasted no time calling a specific number in his directory.