
Forced To Be The Big Villain

With the arrival of the Mystical Realm, the source of ghosts and spirit creatures, humans also became capable of using abilities. But in such a world, Raymond, an ordinary man who just wanted to eat well and live comfortably, gradually became the big villain of the story because of a debt. "No, I didn't stop the world-famous hero from going to the next level." "Just because the blood crystal is in my bag doesn't mean I stole it." "Just because the ghosts are listening to my orders, you can't pretend that I'm their boss." "You may have seen that I opened the gateway where the monsters came from, but... Hmm... I guess I can't get rid of it this time." * * *

Enis_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Raymond's fear

In the back area on Lin Hill.

Some butterflies are flying. Flowers were blooming on a few trees.

'Cherry blossoms? They are beautiful.' Raymond looked at the flowers curiously. The flowers that bloomed a little early still added joy and beauty to the environment. There was a peaceful atmosphere.

He extended his hand.

He held a flower. He brought it close to his face. He smelled. "It doesn't have much of an odor." murmured.

It had been three days since Raymond and the man in the ninja suit had clashed. Raymond had already accepted the fact that he had killed someone. Or pretending to be.

'I hope Xingming doesn't get suspicious. Now there are other girls…' He turned his head. He looked at Yueng from a distance, whose blond hair was tied in a ponytail .


Yueng was wearing a martial arts uniform. She was punching the tree next to her with a serious expression.

Her fist did not touch the tree. But each time it was making a loud noise.

The tree was undamaged. But with every punch, strong winds were blowing around.

Yueng stopped for a moment. She stopped punching.

Drops of blood were dripping from her fisted hand. The drops were turning the grass on the ground red.

A red glow was evident where her hand was bloody. A glow whose source is different from blood.

Yueng shouted and quickly punched with her right hand.

"BAAAM!" This time it was much stronger.

The winds were so strong that it blew Raymond's hair back, who was standing ahead of Yueng.

Raymond, on the other hand, was used to this scene and was not afraid at all.

He even looked at Yueng with slightly bored eyes.

Yueng was throwing this powerful punch every 10 or 15 minutes.

After the punch was thrown, she would sneak a glance at Raymond and take a break from her training for a while.

'Does she expect me to praise her?' Raymond came to this conclusion. But pity... 'I have no idea what she's doing. Even if she did something commendable, I wouldn't notice it. I hope she's not looking to me for advice. I don't know if that punch is good or bad. Maybe she's doing it wrong. I hope she doesn't think I approve of her actions because I stayed silent.'

Raymond turned his head away from Yueng. He wanted to look at the flower in front of him again and admire it.

But the flower had flown away at some point. In fact, many flowers on the tree were blown away by these strong winds. Raymond was upset.

He left the branch. He stood still. He had been waiting here since morning. More precisely, these girls have been waiting here since they arrived.

He was afraid to go to the front yard.

Because in the front yard there was a monster ten times more frightening than here.


A metal scraping sound came from the front yard of the hill. Raymond's hair stood on end.

'Why is this girl so violent?' Raymond thought to himself.

In the front yard, there was a scary creature named Scarlet. Raymond had wanted to have a good relationship with these girls at first. But when these girls were training, they had completely different personalities. Especially Scarlet...

'I feel like this hill is no longer mine.' These scary girls were coming here every day. When it comes to scary girl, Raymond thought of someone who likes to wear pink sweaters with black hair. 'Xingming isn't here either. I hope she comes soon. Only she can control these girls.'

He looked around curiously. He was looking for a place to sit. He had been standing for a long time. It was almost evening.




'This place is too noisy to relax.' Thinking so, he turned his head towards the forest. But he didn't want to leave the top. What happened the last time he went away from the hill had given him a minor trauma.

He thought for a while. He then looked at Yueng and listened to the loud working sounds. No, he couldn't stay here any longer. He took his steps. He walked towards the forest.

He was looking around carefully. He was walking with his hands in front of him like a frightened rabbit.

Meanwhile, he was currently wearing a black Confucian robe. Xingming gave it to him. She said that as the owner of the hill, he should wear it because it has 'Lin' written on it.

Apparently the hill owners wore black like that.

Raymond couldn't find anything special in the robe. He also liked the texture, it was quite comfortable. So he had no trouble wearing it.

A little far from the hill. Ear pricked. The training sounds didn't sound that irritating anymore. He could still hear, but now the voices were much quieter.

Next to it was a red-leaved sycamore tree. 'All kinds of seasons are experienced together in this forest.' commented.

Because the branches of the plane tree were thick, he climbed on it. He looked for a comfortable branch. He tensed on. "Heh, pretty comfortable actually."

He closed his eyes. He enjoyed the calm wind.

He reluctantly thought of the fight with the man in the ninja suit.

Back then he could die.

But obviously the man in the ninja suit wasn't trying to kill him. He just made it look like it was. Raymond had come to this conclusion.

He opened his eyes and thought to himself.

"Maybe that guy wasn't trying to kill me. But the people behind him were trying to blame it on me. I killed someone. There will obviously be consequences."

"If I could use talent too. If I had some strength..." He hummed.

For some reason, Raymond couldn't use any abilities.

Of course, he hadn't tried to learn any skills.

But he learned from his research that in order to learn talent, one must first feel the spiritual energy.

All Awakened could easily sense spiritual energy. This was the most basic thing.

'Maybe I am not an Awakened.' This is what he thought when he found out.

But then he couldn't explain the miracle in the cave.

"heey, hey... All I have is Breath Flow." He sighed.

'By the way, I wonder if Xingming was able to find that girl.' The last time she took the body of the man in the ninja suit, she told him that they had found someone looks like daugther of the man in the ninja suit.

He asked Xingming to bring that girl today. If she couldn't, he wanted at least to check her condition. If she's in good situation, it's better not to touch her for now.

But he was hesitant to talk to Xingming. Xingming was the most murderous and violent psychopath he had ever seen in his life.

So I can't order him. So he couldn't say exactly what he wanted him to do. He just asked. "Bring that girl if possible, leave her if not, please." Said Raymond to Xingming.

After thinking properly, Raymond suddenly felt himself in a very difficult position.

There used to be a terrible group of girls who came here to practice because this hill was empty. Raymond had been foolish to admit that they kept coming.

As the owner of a hill, he had to be strong and mighty. But he was a disgrace, unable to sense the spiritual energy as an Awakened.

Now someone was plotting against him. To him the owner of the lowest hill.

He didn't know what forces were doing this. He didn't understand why they were doing it either.

He was obviously the young master of a small family.

The only way he could communicate with this family was through the maid they gave him.

But the person who was supposed to be a maid had scolded him from day one. And she was pretty mysterious.

He didn't know if they had told this maid that Raymond was fake.

If they didn't, Raymond didn't know what this girl would do to him when she found out he was fake young master.

That's why he was trying to hide his identity from her. That's why he couldn't beg for help.

"Obviously the maid why can't I give her orders? I'm not afraid of him. I am the young master. I can even order him to warm my bed if I wanted to. Hmph! Next time I will order what to do without any trembling. I don't even know why I was scared at first." He convinced himself in a low voice.

His eyes were filled with courage. He straightened his back. He clenched his fist and swore.

"This time I will command her. She has to do as I ask. She is a maid." His voice was strong and confident.

'Should I start with cooking?' As he thought, a crisp girl's voice came from the side.

"Young Master?" Raymond's heart jumped when he heard the voice.

He turned his head like a rusty robot that hadn't been oiled for a long time.

The pupils of the eyes shrank.

Some distance away, Xingming dressed in a black skirt and jacket with gray stripes tilted her head, looking at him. It was unclear how long she had been there.

"What are you doing there?" Xingming was looking at Raymond curiously. The pink braids in her hair and the bunny earring in her ear swayed in the wind.

Raymond was scared to death.

Hey I'll write this novel until like 100 chapters. And whether it's populer or not I am going to drop that. But it's going to be a nice story. Baay !

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