
Forced To Be The Big Villain

With the arrival of the Mystical Realm, the source of ghosts and spirit creatures, humans also became capable of using abilities. But in such a world, Raymond, an ordinary man who just wanted to eat well and live comfortably, gradually became the big villain of the story because of a debt. "No, I didn't stop the world-famous hero from going to the next level." "Just because the blood crystal is in my bag doesn't mean I stole it." "Just because the ghosts are listening to my orders, you can't pretend that I'm their boss." "You may have seen that I opened the gateway where the monsters came from, but... Hmm... I guess I can't get rid of it this time." * * *

Enis_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


When Raymond opened his eyes, he found himself handcuffed to a desk in a black room. A lone lamp above his head lit the room. Yet the room was dark. He looked around for a while. He was confused.

'Then what?' He asked in his mind.

This little man, whose life was complicated, was highly adaptable. That's why he could still remain calm. Before long, he heard several footsteps. He turned his head to where the voice came from.

There was a black frame on the wall like a door. The frame suddenly opened. More precisely, it slid sideways like an automatic door. A tall woman entered. She was walking with his high-heeled shoes 'tack-to-knock'.

The woman came to the other side of the table and placed her files on the table and sat across from Raymond. The woman's face was covered by a white mask with green embroideries.

"Hi Raymond, you can call me Miss Yi."(Miss Yi)

"Your situation is a bit complicated. So I'll explain it for you. Stay quiet and listen to me." (Miss Yi)

While Raymond was still stunned by the gorgeous figure woman in front of him, Ms. Yi's gentle voice rang in his ears. He came to his senses immediately and nodded slightly.

"Good. We have a job. Mr. William recommended you for the job. If you're willing to work in that job. We'll give you the job. Our company will give you a good salary."(Miss Yi)

"You have a special situation. As you know, there is a war in the world between monsters and the awakened. Do you know what the first generation is awakened?" (Mrs. Yi)

Raymond noded.

"Then, do you know why the second generation awakened don't have magical abilities?" (Mrs. Yi)


"I see. You don't need to know that to do the job anyway. It's even better if you don't know. So I won't explain." (Miss Yi)

'Is she crazy. Why did she ask me, if I don't need to know?'

"Coming to the job you have to do, you will join Queer as our successor. You will represent the company. You will have a new name and title. You should just do as we say without worrying about other matters. As long as you take this job, we will not only pay off your debt but also give you a large amount of resources."(Miss Yi)

Raymond frowned after hearing the words. He tried to assess the situation. Simply, the woman in front of him said she would explain something. Then she didn't explain anything and made a job offer, which she said was great. Oh sure. She also said that Lord William had recommended him.

Should he join Queer as a successor to a company? What a great job? Only a fool would take the job right away. Clearly this company wanted to use him as bait. Also why him? What was his fault?


"What happens if I refuse?"(Raymond)

Ms. Yi didn't say anything. She just stared at the cuffs in silence.

'Just as I expected. I cannot refuse this.'

He suddenly got a friendly smile. He pretended to be excited about this job offer. He was so excited as if it was the job of his life. He immediately started shaking his head wildly and laughing.

"Hahaha. Of course I'll take it. I was kidding. How could I refuse such an offer. What idiot would refuse? I'll both show up as a successor to a company and make a ton of money. Isn't it just more dangerous to know extra? Besides, Queer? I will finally be able to see my dream place with my own eyes. Where do I have to sign?"(Raymond)

Ms. Yi's eyes narrowed as if she was smiling. She held out the folder in front of her and took out a piece of paper. She pointed to a blank in the paper and handed Raymond a pen.

Raymond looked at the pen with puzzled eyes. The pen is not a normal one. There was also a knife on the pen.

"Press your finger on the blade. When the blood reaches the tip of the pen, sign it. It's a blood contract. It's all for your own good." Ms. Yi said sweetly.

A blood contract is not a simple agreement. This contract is made by one of the world-renowned talents. And it is protected by magic. If one of the parties does not comply with the agreement, the spell gives the heart of the non-compliant party to the other party.

Raymond looked at the paper in front of him. In fact, the paper was exactly the same as what Ms. Yi had said.

Raymond would fulfill all his duties as the successor of the company. At the same time, he would obey orders without questioning the company's orders. Of course, things like killing yourself were forbidden.

In return, the company will clear all of Raymond's debts. He would give Raymond a monthly salary. The monthly salary was not specified. There was only the phrase, enough for a company successor.

After all, Raymond had no other choice. So he didn't think much of it and signed the paper with his own blood.

As he signed the paper, the handcuffs in his hands were released with a 'crack' sound. Not knowing what would happen next, he looked at the woman in front of him with a wry smile and waited.

Ms. Yi was silent for a while when she saw Raymond sign the paper. Then she stood up. She bowed ninety degrees before Raymond.

"From now on, we will be under your watch. Young master Ray," She said in a steady tone.

Raymond was taken aback by her sudden behavior. He looked at the woman in front of him, not knowing what to say.

Ms. Yi remained in the same position for a while. She slowly lifted his head. She looked at the young man in front of her. It was as if she was waiting for him to say something.

This strange situation continued for a while. Finally, Raymond couldn't stand it and said slowly. "You can stand up."

Hearing these words, Ms. Yi lifted her head. Then she said in an apologetic tone.

"I can't show you my face right now. But we'll meet later. And I'll answer your questions. Follow me for now. I'll direct you to your car that will take you to Queer."

Then she walked out of the room with sure steps. Raymond was afraid the automatic door would close and leave him inside. He quickly followed behind.