
Forced Marriage With The Ruthless Alpha

There are two authorities that ruled the city; The royal family (werewolves) rule the day and the mafia organization (vampires) rule the night After series of fights and battles, the two authorities are unable to defeat each other so they decide to form a relationship with each other through marriage Sin and Richard were forced to marry despite hating each other Sin and Richard were lovers by name not by heart but as the story goes on, Sin finds herself obsessed with her forced mate

Loner_Hades · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Forced Marriage

Human meat was the food that the the royal family are having. Tonight, Wayne his all smiling which he normally doesn't do most nights. Richard noticed this ai decided to adj his father

"Father, you are smiling tonight, is there a reason?"

" No am just happy that you didn't get beaten by that girl"

A sense of hatred went through Richard's face, he would have become the strongest person in Kinland but now, the strongest is undetected.

"You stopped the fight, if you had not I might end up winning"

"I know, but if any of you had won, the winner will survive by a thread breath and the loser might die"

"Who cares if she dies, I'll finally be happy if she did".

"Well, I do care"

"What do you mean, father"

"Both of you are very strong and I think it will be the best if you are both together"

"Together?, I don't understand"

"Together as mates. Think of it, if you two become couples, there will be no need to fight for the strongest position when you both become one"

"Are you trying to build a relationship with the vampires?"


"And you are planning to use your son's marriage life as a leverage?"

"No, I'm trying to get rid of all opposition and threats to my throne before my death"

"There is no way an doing this. I am never going to marry that girl. Never"

Richard angrily storms out of the room, out of the castle to anywhere he can be alone and clear his head. Alpha Wayne is not upset, he knew how tough arrange marriage is on the couples at first, overtime they will get along

Richard turn into a wolf and shot into the forest at full speed. There is a hut in the forest, Richard entered and turn human. He wear nice clothes with the thought of going to a club and spend his time alone.

Richard entered into a club, he looked around and find the place noisy, erotic and smelling of alcohol. Everyone here has someone with them, dancing ay talking keeos going on

Richard was intrudged by the scene befire him; he has never been in a club before and being here today makes him smile. Richard saw a lady, what maje her stand out aming the crowd is her dull face and she being alone, no company

Richard went to get some wine for himself and went to seat beside the lady who turned out to be Sin. Of course the two of them have hidden identity so they don't recognize each other

"Hi" Richard greeted on a timid character

"Is that you… is that you Merlin, god I thought you were dead"

Sin stood up from her seat and hugged Richard, she is drunk and not seeing things clearly

"Excuse me, do I know you"

"It's me baby, it's me. I have been waiting for you here a day, please let's go home"

Sin laid completely on Richard giving Richard no room to resist unless he wants her to fall and he will cause a scene.

'it seems line this lady was stood on, she must have intentionally srink too much alcohol to forget her pains' Richard thought

Richard held Sin by her waist and let her lean on him as he took her out of the club.

"Takee home"

Son whispered when they got out of the club. She threw up on the floor and Richard dropped her, Sin fell on the ground, completely unconscious.

Richard cannot take this, he doesn't even know who this lady is. Richard debated in his mind whether to keace the lady or to take her with him, he his yet to make his decision when someone scorned him

"Don't dump that lady there, pick up now"

This is what Richard hated about concealing their identity, the citizens of Kinland will not know it is their prince standing before them. How will they know he is not a club type of person?

But he's got no choice, he should not leave this lady here.

Richard lifted Sin and made her lean on him and he held her waist taking her out of sights. When Richard was completely out of sight, he backed Sin, transform into a wolf and shot into the forest. He arrived at the hut in the forest and he transform back to human, clotheless.

He drew Sin inside the hut and laid her on the bed, he searched for clothes in the hut it found out that all of the clothes he have here are used up; torn and ragged. He searched carefully because he can't sleep naked, especially when a lady is in the room and he found a trouser. He tried searching for a shirt too but he didn't find so he decide to sleep shirtless

'Nothing will happen'

He assured himself and laid beside Sin. He couldn't sleep easily as he felt the hot breath from sob on his chest. He opened his eyes and looked at her, she is attractive.

He his being tempted to touch her but the restrained himself and keep staring at the lady. He couldn't tay his eyes of her as he admire the lady before him. He grew a lust inside of him and finally touched Sin's forehead and caresses her cheek. He bought his hands down to her shoulder and he is enjoying himself, he couldn't control himself. His hands traced Sin's hands down to her waist but then he stopped

He shouldn't do this to the innocent lady. He turn his back at Sin and forced himself to sleep.

The next morning, Sin is partially awake, she felt the hands of someone on her so she jeered out of her sleeping position instantly, this make Richard to wake up too, shirtless

On seeing the man that slept beside her and remembering that she was drunk last night, she thought some shit might happen between them. From somewhere in her body, she took a knife and pointed it at Richard

"Who are you?" She asked

"Will your savior be counted as an answer"

Richard looked at Sin's face and saw the stern look on her, staring at his chest, so he decided to be more serious especially when he remembered that he slept shirtlessness

"Oh, I swear nothing happened between us, I…we did nothing"

"Then explain why you have no shirt on"

"Uhmm, my clothes were…I'm am a… my clothes, they were torn"

Richard can not tell this lady he is a werewolf yet, he needs to explain why he is shirtless . Sin looked around her and what she sees are wood building, grass roof and through the holes on the wood, she sees lots of bushes around and lots of torn clothes hanged on the woods, she is in a hut on a forest

"Where is this place?"

"Uhmm, my secret liar?"

"Why on earth will you bring me to a secret place?"

"You were drunk, unconscious and I cannot take you home so I bfoufht you here"

Sin get off the bed and wore her shoes

"Why do you have so many torn clothes around?"

Richard doesn't know how to explain how all his clothes are torn without mentioning werewolf

"Uhmm…the clothes…I do train myself in this forest and I end up tearing them"

"That doesn't explain why the o e you eore last night is torn"

"I do train in the midnight too, I prefer training at midnight when everything is silent and cool"

"Why do you train? What do you train for, how do you train?"

"Hey why are you being harsh and why the questions, you should be at least grateful I sheltered you"

"Hmph, thanks for the shelter. Now answer the questions*

"I cannot tell you what I train for but I do train like a monkey, running around the woods and jumping trees"

Sin went out if the hut and breath in, she sighed as she breath out.

"Show me the way out if this place"

Richard stood up and held Sin's hand, leading her on the way.

"Last night you were stood on and you mistook me for him, is his name merlyn?"

Sin noded as confirmation

"Why on earth didn't he come to you?"

"He's dead, don't know how"

"Oops, I'm reay sorry for that. Can I know your name?"

Of course Sin will never tell her name, she seems to be the only called by that name in the whole of Kinland. Everyone knows Sin, the night Vanisher. But sin do have an implied name fir herself, the one she bear everywhere except home

"My name is Sara. You?"

"Richard. Uhmm, Sara, can I see you again?"

"I don't think so, I seldomly goes to the club"

"Well then let me say goodbye, till we meet again. The main road is a few meyrets away, I won't be able to follow you there cause I'm shirtless"


Sin walked away from Richard and turn back to look at his body again

'he looks strong' she thought in her mind. For a strong lady like her, a strong man will be a compliment. She hastened her steps and walked out of the woods to the club and theb to the Damian Castle

Richard went back to the hut, he did not knew he cannot go home like this. This isn't the first titthis happened so his brother, Roland already knew if Richard doesn't come back to the castle early, he needs to go give him clothesin his hut so Richard was waiting for Roland.

Damian Castle

Damian was sitting on his throne when Sin entered. Sin paid homage to her father

"You did not let me finish my words yester night before you went out cause if you do, you will use more time out of my castle"

Sin said nothing, she only kept staring at her father with hatred shone on her face

"Well I'm going to tell you. Wayne promised give us half of the kingdom so we can rule both day and night , here is the staff he gave me for confirmation "

"We didn't win the challenge, why will he do that?"

"He wants to make a relationship between us so you will be getting married to Richard"

"DAD! Are you out of your mind?, You want me to marry that devil, you eayme to marry someone I don't love? Never is it gonna happen "

Sin shouted and was walking out of the palace but was stopped by Damian

"I told you, love is a distraction for people like you. Go wherever you want, when you come back, prepare for marriage"

Sin went out of the castle back to the club

Richard waited for eternity but still, Roland isnt there yet. He was worried thinking Roland forgot bit no long after, came with clothes

"Dad made me late, he wants me to deliver a letter to you"

Roland gave the cloth and letter to Richard and left.

Richard read the letter which state that Alpha Wayne has given Damian half of his kingdom in exchange for marital relationship between them

Richard was infuriated, now he can you govern half of what he his supposed to when his father died. He doesn't understand why the sworn enemies just immediately wanted to be friends. The letter states that he should prepare to get marriage whenever he returns.

Richard was saddened but there us nothing be can do since it's his father. He is knly sorry that he won't be able to get closer to Sara whon he admires alot. Then, Sara entered

"Sara, what are you doing here .. again?"

"I'm upset. I always get out of home and go to the club whenever I'm upset it the club is closed so I came here"

Richard put on the clothes and Sin asked

"Were you going home before I came?"

"No, I only have my brother bring meore clothes, I'll be staying here for a few days"

"Can I stay with you, purely platonic "

"Sure, you can. You totally want to get out of home?"

"I'll stay here until I calm down, a few days should be enough.

Few Months Later

After all arguments and fights, Sin is getty married to Richard even though both of them took each other as lifetime enemy.

Sin's entire life, she has been preparing for this day, she just never knew she won't be able to choose who she loves. She thought all she needs to do is do things that'll amaze her father so he can permit her to love whoever she wants

But she was wrong

Her father viewed her as a tool to gain more power in Kinland, and form an allince with Alpha Wayne- by marrying her off to her worst enemy

"For a prince and a princess, the kingdom comes first" Damian said "what benefits you and your kingdom should be your focus and don't get distracted by anything including love

"Dad, I'm getting married. Why are you teaching me state affairs?"

"Because when Wayne dies, you will be Queen, learn that now"

It is easier for a prince to marry for alliance, if he didn't like his wife, he can marry another. Usually most of them have several wives and concubines but for a princess like her?

She became a princess few months ago when her father agreed to marry her off.

For a princess, the story is different . There is nothing she could do, she just has to please her husband and watch him marry other wives when he gets bored of her

Sin felt her blood boil but now is not the time to get angry.

Leaving all the bad thoughts behind her, she faced the mirror and studied herself. Her maids had spent hours, preparing her, making her look life beautiful than she was

She is wearing a white and golden dress, get blonde hair was comped back beautifully with golden hairpins in the shape of flowers and leaves.The make up was perfect, the jewelry is the problem. They were beautiful but heavy, now that sje is wearing a lot of them

She is already feeling weak because of nervousness, or is it fear? She doesn't ibut she is feeling sick. There was a knot in her stomach that refused to go away no matter how hard she tried to calm it down

Thus thing is burning in her stomach, it is Hatred

She just don't know who is she supposed y hate?

Her father, for wanting Kinland and ready to marry her off to an enemy? Yes, she hated her father

The Daybreaker,? No. The Daybreaker toousy have problems in marrying his enemy, she have no reason to hate him. Bit she still hate him though

Alpha Wayne, for covecting her strength and wanting her to his family. Sne hatef alpha Wayne but the hatred doesn't live until she hated herself for growing so strong. If she had been weak, she wouldn't be married off to an enemy