
Forced Marriage: Destined To Be Yours

"You have to marry me. Otherwise i will crush your family under my feet." Liam warned Evelyn. Evelyn did not take seriously. The police arrested Evelyn's father and their house came to auction to pay off their debts. Desperate Evelyn, agreed to marry him. They both got married. On the day of the wedding night, Liam asked her to answer only one question, "Why did you kill?"

saisudha_reddy · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Evelyn said that she is ready to marry Liam.

Liam looked seriously at her and said, "Are you sure?"

Evelyn lowered her head and said, "Yes, I am ready to marry you."

Liam said, "Think again. Once you agree for this, you can never go back on your word."

Evelyn looked at him seriously. This man has cornered her and did not leave any way out.

Now the only option left for her is marrying him.

She said, "What option did you leave for me? You did not leave me any way and yes, I will marry you for my family."

Liam said, "Okay, then…"

Evelyn continued, "But you have to promise me that you will not do anything for my family. My dad's project should be back to him, and they should leave happily."

Liam looked at Evelyn deeply.

He said, "I promise I won't do anything to your family."

He thought in his heart, "My target is you. Not you. I don't have anything to do with your family. I want only you."

Evelyn nodded her head.

Liam said, "You also have to sign the agreement."

Evelyn frowned and said, "Agreement? What agreement?"

She agreed to marry him. What agreement she should sign? This man won't pull her in any scam, right?

Liam went to the wardrobe and took out the papers.

Then he placed them on the table before her.

He said, "Sign this."

Evelyn took papers into the hands. Then she started reading.

As she started to read it, her eyes became wider with anger and surprise.

She said, "What is this?"

Liam said, "This says that you can never divorce me under any conditions. You will forever stay as my wife and live as my wife, till your death. We can divorce only if I agree which will never happen."

Evelyn said, "How can you include a clause like this? Why you hate me so much?"

This man vowed to ruin her life for ever. She thought after someday she can escape this trap some or the other day and lead her life.

But he got fixed to ruin her life forever.

Liam smirked and said, "You thought you can marry me and will me at your will."

"That will never happen. This marriage is like a prison which you can never escape."

"This marriage is like a punishment which will never finish."

Tears formed in her eyes.

Evelyn said, "I will sign only after my father gets his project back. What is guarantee that you will stand by your word."

"First talk to the client."

Liam smirked and said, "I will always stay on my word."

He took out his phone and talked to client.

He said, "Now, sign the papers."

Evelyn nodded her head.

Liam handed pen to her to sign the agreement.

Evelyn took pen into her hands and with heavy heart, she signed the papers.

The papers got smudged with tears.

Her heart is filled with sorrow.

Liam said, "Tomorrow, come to the civil affairs bureau with your id proofs. We are getting married tomorrow legally."

"Be there at sharp 9:00 AM."

Evelyn nodded her head.

Liam said, "Now, I have to leave. Don't be late tomorrow. And don't think of playing any tricks with me."

"Now I think you believe I will do what I say."

"If you want your family's happiness, come to civil affairs bureau tomorrow on time."

He said this and left from there.

Evelyn also left to her home.

She booked the cab and all the way she was crying.

Her life is ruined. No, she ruined it with her own hands.

But what she can do.

Liam is so cold and arrogant man. She cannot expect a loving life with him.

Her life is bound to be sad.

She reached home. When she came home, she saw Maria and Mike in happy mood.

Mike was telling Maria, "Maria, I am so happy. I don't know how it all happened. Morning the client said he don't want to pay for the project. Now he was telling he is good."

"I thought we are doomed forever."

"But someone saved us."

Maria said, "Mike, it all happened for good. By god's grace everything is back to normal."

"Otherwise, I am worried how Evelyn will react when she knows about it."

"If she learns that you have this problem. She will never agree to marry."

"She will feel that wedding is not important now and will call off the marriage."

"Now, I am happy."

Evelyn listened to it and understood the man was behind it and he gave the project back.

She came inside the house.

Mike saw Evelyn and said, "Baby, where are you?"

"Where did you go?"

Evelyn forced smile and said, "Dad, I had some work. Now I am fine."

Mike said, "You should have taken rest. Tomorrow is your wedding. My daughter should look beautiful at her wedding."

"You go and take rest. Tomorrow is big day for you."

Evelyn smiled.

Maria said, "Yes Mike, tomorrow is big day for all of us."

"Evelyn is getting married. I am happy for you."

Mike asked, "Did you have your dinner?"

Evelyn nodded her head.

She said, "I will take rest dad."

Mike nodded and fell into discussion with Maria.

Evelyn went into her bedroom and closed the door.

She leaned on the door and all her tears which are deep in her heart came out.

She squatted on the floor and cried a lot.

Her life is ruined for ever. Today is the last day for her to stay with her family. Because she knew after tomorrow her family will never look at her face.

Why is he doing like this? What sin she have done?

Why has her fate cheated her like this?

What will happen next?

So many questions popped in her minds.

In all this conflict she fell into sleep.