

In a universe not so different from our own,a kid dreams of a world filled with different races beasts but a war breaks out before his very eyes.

An aillance is formed between the demons,elf's,devils,fairies against the humans the cause of all their problems.

Day after day the boy keeps having the same dream and eventually gets fed up,he tries to stop the war .

This is his biggest mistake as a flash of light appears in his bedroom and dream simultaneously .Human like hands with hands covered In a space like skin with stars shinning and everything,grab him and pull him through as he starts shouting.

A dark room appears before his eyes and all he can see is a human torch .This alone shocks the kid and tears start to form in his eyes as he cries the being starts to reduce on the light it produces

A silhouette of a man with point ears eyes as distant as space and skin with a spacey fill finally appears. In a booming seemingly irritated voice he tells the kid to shut up.

The kid stops out of fear and a sigh of relief is let out by the elf.

"Why--- am--- I ---here ? the kid asks in between sniffers."In short ,you have tried to inference with my world so l stopped you by bringing you here."

"I---am sorry,can I go back"asks the kid."Sorry kid its too late but I will just send you to my world since you wanted to cause I balance"say the silhouette.

"how about my a parents"asks the kid."Well they don't remember ever having you so your partially dead." replies the elf.