
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Chapter 29

Following this, Lu Qingyang further refined the marketplace of his Heavenly Court chat group.

He not only included methods for body cultivation, true cultivation, and talismans but also added several additional categories.

Magical treasures!


Miscellaneous items!

After these categories were set up, Lu Qingyang used incense points to fill them with corresponding items.

Creating the Heavenly Court chat group had cost Lu Qingyang one million incense points, and evolving the sacrificial methods had consumed another million.

Originally, he had over four million incense points, but now only a little more than two million remained.

If these two million incense points were converted entirely into first- and second-tier items, it would be no problem.

As for third-tier items, Lu Qingyang was not in a hurry.

This was because the third-tier marketplace required a third-tier Heavenly Court to be opened.

Moreover, most people were still hovering between the first and second tiers, so there was no real demand for a third-tier marketplace.

The only ones who could make use of a third-tier marketplace were the high-ranking officials of the alliance.

However, compared to the total population of twenty million in the alliance, these high-ranking officials were few and far between.


Three days later.

Lu Qingyang completely withdrew his divine consciousness from the Heavenly Court.

Facing the newly revamped interface of the Heavenly Court chat group, he felt a surge of ambition.

"The Heavenly Court chat group is established. Now I just need to wait for others to sacrifice demonic beasts, and I can sit back and steadily improve my cultivation!"

The intense mental strain of the past few days finally relaxed completely.

Now that the Heavenly Court chat group was in place, the followers no longer offered incense for free but conducted trades among themselves.

However, there was also a problem.

Maintaining the Heavenly Court chat group required consuming one thousand incense points daily.

Annually, this amounted to over thirty thousand points.

But when Lu Qingyang glanced at the current data panel, he felt reassured.


[Name: Lu Qingyang]

[True Form: Immortal Wood]

[Lifespan: 15/]

[Realm: Third-Tier Perfect (/)]

[Heavenly Court: Second-Tier (/)]

[Divine Abilities: Ancient Wood Roots (Third-Tier), Immortal Wood Spiritual Root (Third-Tier), Immortal Divine Fruit (Third-Tier), Immortal Divine Whisper (Third-Tier), True Sight (Third-Tier), Heavenly Court Domain (Third-Tier)]


"With over six million incense points, if used only to maintain the Heavenly Court chat group, it could last for about twenty years."

Lu Qingyang calculated in his mind.

After creating numerous manuals and treasures, Lu Qingyang's incense points had dropped to six digits.

But within just three days, the number of followers had exploded.

From the original thirteen to fourteen million, it had now surged to nearly twenty million, an increase of six million followers.

Lu Qingyang knew without much thought that the emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group had led more people who previously had no faith to become devout followers willingly.

This situation was within Lu Qingyang's expectations.

After all, the opportunity to defy destiny naturally drew everyone in, and no one wanted to be left behind in such a matter.

The previous conditions to become a cultivator were strict and almost unthinkable, but now, just by joining the Heavenly Court chat group, one had a chance to cultivate extraordinary powers, making the two scenarios worlds apart.

Therefore, the surge in followers was an anticipated result.

As the number of followers approached twenty million, it did not stop but continued to grow, albeit at a much slower pace.

From the distribution of faith, nearly ninety percent of the surviving humans had become his followers, with the remaining ten percent non-believers continually decreasing.

Lu Qingyang speculated that in another ten days or so, all humans would become his followers.

"Hmm... The differentiation between cultivation systems is quite cumbersome. It might be better to establish a unified ranking system!"

Looking at the interface of the Heavenly Court chat group, Lu Qingyang used a small amount of incense points to update some features of the chat group.


The names of individuals in the Heavenly Court chat group were now accompanied by corresponding rank labels.

Starting from the ordinary mortal rank, Lu Qingyang temporarily divided the levels into four tiers.

As for divisions above the fourth tier, he had not yet updated them, as the highest known combat power currently only reached the fourth tier.


"Second-tier mid-level cultivator!"

Seeing the newly added label next to his name in the Heavenly Court chat group, Xu Bo's expression was peculiar.

Looking at the names of others, he saw similar labels.

The difference was,

Some were marked as mortal rank, while others had different ranks.

"Brother, the demon hunting team is assembled. When do you plan to set out?"

Xu Qing, with her graceful figure, entered the room, her lips slightly parted.

Xu Bo retracted his gaze from the celestial communication array, speaking in a deep voice, "The emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group will undoubtedly lead to a surge of cultivators hunting demonic beasts."

"We must act before others, hunting enough demonic beasts to unlock the second-tier marketplace."

"Only then can our Xu family gain the upper hand. Also, what is the current situation with the family?"

"After receiving your idea, the family has also assembled a hunting team, preparing to hunt demonic beasts!"

Xu Qing answered frankly.

Hearing this,

Xu Bo nodded slightly.

The emergence of the Heavenly Court chat group had caused a significant upheaval in this world.

After all, this backward and fragmented traditional cultivation world had never encountered such a divine phenomenon.

And it was destined that hunting demonic beasts would become mainstream, as everyone desired the spells and treasures within.

In the entire alliance, third-tier cultivators were considered top-notch.

Those who could reach this level were few among all cultivators.

Most cultivators remained at the first or second tier.

Due to a lack of systematic cultivation methods, they could only continuously consume demonic beast flesh.

Relying on their innate ability to refine and absorb the flesh's power, the conversion efficiency was naturally low.

It wasn't until Xu Bo used his free exchange opportunity to acquire a body cultivation method called "Heavenly Martial Energy" that he realized the profundity of cultivating with manuals.

Compared to his previous crude method of refining demonic beast flesh, the two were incomparable.

If he had corresponding tiered manuals, Xu Bo even suspected he would have already advanced to the third tier.

He might have even become a fourth-tier cultivator, rather than remaining a mere mid-second-tier cultivator.

Unfortunately, "Heavenly Martial Energy" was a low-tier, top-grade spell.

At most, it could be cultivated to the first-tier peak, providing little help to Xu Bo's current situation.

Now that he was at mid-second tier, he needed at least a second-tier spell.

However, unlocking the second-tier marketplace required a thousand offering points, not to mention the subsequent cost of exchanging for a second-tier spell.

Therefore, Xu Bo's primary task was to form a hunting team to hunt demonic beasts.

He aimed to quickly accumulate enough offering points to unlock the second-tier marketplace and exchange for a second-tier spell.

This matter was urgent; any delay might allow others to get ahead, which would be detrimental to his family's development.
