
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 122

Saint's secret realm appearing in the world, the words of Yin Hong caused Zhang Ming's mind to tremble slightly.

He had joined Tai Chu Cave Heaven for over half a year now, gaining some understanding of the realm beyond True Immortal.

This realm stood above True Immortals, roughly equivalent to the seventh tier among celestial realms.

However, these giants had vanished from the world since the end of the Golden Age, suppressed by the shackles of longevity for five thousand years.

It was rumored that Tai Chu Cave Heaven housed a self-sealed saint, awaiting the reopening of the Golden Age to unseal himself and contend for the Dao.

Therefore, though Zhang Ming had not personally witnessed the power of a saint, according to the sect's records, such beings were beyond compare with True Immortals.

"The saint's secret realm appearing in our world, if we could obtain it, wouldn't it mean a chance to reach enlightenment and ascend to sainthood?"

"Your words are reasonable, but the opening of the saint's secret realm will surely be turbulent. Even if True Immortals do not intervene, the battles among True Humans alone will be extraordinary."

"I heard that their sect, the Celestial Dynasty, has produced a genius who challenges even True Immortals, blurring the line between True and False."

On the lectern, the disciples discussed eagerly, the saint's secret realm an irresistible temptation to them.

However, opportunities often came with dangers, especially when it involved inheriting the saint's legacy, which could drive various factions mad.

Yin Hong's expression turned stern: "The struggle for the Dao has always been about survival of the fittest. As the Golden Age approaches, it's a feast for the strong and a dirge for the weak."

"If you wish to be strong, you must strive from today onward. Only then will you have a chance to reach enlightenment!"

The Golden Age!

It was also an era of chaotic struggle!

Only through struggle could one dominate the world and attain the Great Dao.

Otherwise, one would only become a stepping stone for others to reach the peak.

Anyone who could enter Tai Chu Immortal Sect was extraordinary. Even without the divine body or the saintly talent, they were exceptionally gifted.

If they focused on cultivation, it would not be difficult for them to advance to the True Human or even True Immortal realm in the future.

However, achieving enlightenment and ascending to sainthood was no easy task.

Some possessed astonishing talents that were rare in the world; others had deep opportunities and blessings accompanying them. Otherwise, talking about becoming a saint would be nothing but wishful thinking.

Moreover, above the saints were quasi-emperors, and above them were emperors who surpassed all living beings.

Every breakthrough required enduring hardships. Only through competition and struggle could one aspire to such realms; relying solely on hard work to climb these levels was merely a joke.

"You are all disciples of Tai Chu Immortal Sect, each a genius. In the future, you all have the potential to achieve enlightenment and ascend to sainthood."

"In ancient times, there was a mortal born of humble origins who rose during the Golden Age, surpassing all geniuses and steadily advancing toward the throne of the Great Emperor."

"Since then, the notion that mortals cannot become emperors has been completely shattered. People have come to realize that even mortals can become emperors."

"As long as one has an invincible Dao heart, even if they are mortal, they can break through the nine heavens and dominate the universe!"

Yin Hong's words resounded like thunder, shaking the hearts and souls of the disciples, stirring up their blood and igniting their desire to compete with the world's geniuses.

A mortal becoming an emperor!

Dominating the universe!

Who wouldn't want to become an emperor?

Who wouldn't want to surpass all geniuses and dominate the universe?

This was the pursuit of all cultivators, their deepest desire. Even Zhang Ming was stirred by Yin Hong's words, his blood boiling.

Yin Hong continued: "With the saint's secret realm appearing this time, the various forces in Xian Huang are likely to intervene. I will appoint Zhang Ming to lead a group of twenty disciples from Dong Feng to vie for the opportunity."

"Among these twenty disciples, thirteen have already reached the True Human realm and can directly enter the secret realm. The remaining seven seats will be determined in the Dong Feng competition."

"If you can rank in the top seven, you will be eligible to compete for the saint's secret realm. Otherwise, it will be akin to throwing your life away!"

After speaking, most of the disciples had no objections. Only a few who had already reached the mid to late stages of True Human gave Zhang Ming a dissatisfied glance but did not say much.

Although Zhang Ming had recently joined Dong Feng, with his battle body, and having already advanced to the True Human realm, Yin Hong clearly intended to groom him as a pillar of Dong Feng and even the entire Cave Heaven.

Once he reached True Immortal, he would surely become a young master.

Currently, Tai Chu Cave Heaven had several young masters, all at the True Immortal level. With the coming of the Golden Age, these young masters would be seeds for achieving enlightenment.

It could be said that any young master could ascend to sainthood at the lowest, and had the potential to challenge quasi-emperors and contend for the throne of the Great Emperor.

With his battle body, as long as he didn't perish, Zhang Ming was destined to become a young master. So although they were discontented, they had no choice.

After all, offending a future young master was asking for trouble.

Upon hearing Yin Hong's words, Zhang Ming did not refuse and respectfully replied, "Disciple will obey Master's instructions and seize the opportunity of the saint's secret realm!"


Yin Hong nodded in satisfaction.

"Although you have only recently reached True Human, your battle body is extraordinary. In ancient times, those with battle bodies could even challenge quasi-emperors with the power of true emperors."

"With the saint's secret realm opening, various forces of geniuses will appear. If you can defeat them, your chances of achieving enlightenment in the future will increase!"

"In that case, according to the calculation of the secret realm's true appearance, it should be about a month from now. You should return now and prepare."

"After the small competition ends, set off immediately to compete for the saint's secret realm opportunity!"

After speaking, Yin Hong waved his hand, signaling everyone to leave.


Upon returning from the lecture, Zhang Ming went straight back to his residence.

Dong Feng was vast, with many halls and pavilions. Each disciple fortunate enough to enter Dong Feng had their own independent residence, and Zhang Ming was no exception.

As soon as he returned home, his first priority was to report the news of the saint's secret realm and exchange it for contributions.

After all, news of the saint's secret realm had already reached Tai Chu Cave Heaven, and his faction must have been informed. It would only be a matter of time before it spread throughout Xian Huang.

In this way, Zhang Ming decided to take the initiative and submit the news of the saint's secret realm to complete his mission.

"The saint's secret realm involves seventh-tier experts. I'm sure there will be plenty of contributions..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming immediately sealed the message in a jade talisman, then used the Grand Offering Art to send the jade talisman to Qing Yang Realm.

Even though he was inside Tai Chu Cave Heaven, the Grand Offering Art did not attract the attention of any strong people.

Because within Tai Chu Cave Heaven today, the strongest were only at the level of True Immortal, making it difficult to perceive the faint fluctuations caused by the Grand Offering Art.

In no time, Zhang Ming received a prompt in his mind that the mission was completed.

Checking his status panel, he found that he had gained two hundred thousand contributions, unable to help but smile in satisfaction.
