
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 120

March time, fleeting and transient, passes like a galloping horse through a narrow gap.

The news of the battle between Qingyang Realm and Ancient Wilderness swept across the four corners of the world like a swift wind.

Even in many domains far beyond the Ancient Wilderness, there were whispers of the changing fortunes in Qingyang Realm.

At this moment,

Under the leadership of the masters of the three great heavenly realms, various forces emptied their nests and launched a thunderous pursuit of the cultivators from Qingyang Realm.

To them, the most distinguishing feature of Qingyang Realm cultivators was their unfamiliarity with the language of the Ancient Wilderness.

Even if they acquired it through external means, there would be a distinctive tone in their speech that set them apart from natives.

However, despite racking their brains, the various forces of the Ancient Wilderness were unable to decipher this completely.

Under the blessing of the Heavenly Court, Lu Qingyang enabled everyone to speak the language of the Ancient Wilderness naturally, without any flaws, indistinguishable from native speakers.

Therefore, despite three months of carpet searches by the Ancient Wilderness, they found no clues.

The cultivators from Qingyang Realm seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

This left many forces shocked and filled with suspicion.


Gu Fang and others infiltrated the No Immortal Realm, spending three months gathering information from various sources.

They eventually gained a rough understanding of the secrets between the Ancient Wilderness and the No Immortal Realm.

Immediately, relevant information was sent back to the Heavenly Court in encrypted messages.

As the ruler of the Heavenly Court, Lu Qingyang immediately grasped the thoughts of the people and clarified the messages sent back.

"The No Immortal Realm is divided into five major regions: Ancient Wilderness, Immortal Wilderness, Zhongzhou, Yao Wilderness, and Tian Wilderness. Among them, Zhongzhou is the most prosperous, the heart of the No Immortal Realm, a land rich in spirit, and a place where strong individuals surge like tides, unmatched by the domains of the Ancient Wilderness."

"Each epoch lasts ten thousand years. The first five thousand years were known as the Golden Age, where heroes rose together. Since the last emperor broke through the clouds five thousand years ago and fell on the path to immortality, the Golden Age ended, and the shackles of eternal life oppressed the world for five thousand years, preventing anyone from reaching the realm beyond True Sovereign."

Various information flashed through Lu Qingyang's mind, deepening his understanding of the No Immortal Realm.

Although he had gleaned memories from Xue Wei's soul, as a Fourth-Order Transfiguration Dragon and elder of the sect, his knowledge was limited.

Especially regarding matters outside the Ancient Wilderness, Xue Wei was particularly ignorant.

During the three months, some people with extraordinary talents and extraordinary cultivation managed to successfully blend into places like Zhongzhou and Immortal Wilderness.

They joined top sects and learned a few secrets from their ancient texts.

"The shackles of eternal life, Ninth-Order Emperor!"

Lu Qingyang chewed on the words in his mind, his interpretation of the No Immortal Realm becoming clearer.

During the Golden Age, the No Immortal Realm was powerful. Now, a Sixth-Order True Sovereign there would be considered ordinary.

Above True Sovereign, there were Saintly Experts at the Seventh Order, quasi-emperors at the Eighth Order, and even Ninth-Order Emperors.

In the Golden Age, there were giants comparable to Ninth-Order Emperors.

However, looking back to the ancient years, there was a realm beyond the Emperor, known as Immortality.

It was rumored that those who achieved Immortality would gain eternal life.

However, over countless years, the path to immortality became a dead end, and all the Emperors who stepped into it could not escape their fate of falling, none of them spared.

Whether you were extraordinarily talented or peerlessly unmatched, you would inevitably meet death.

It was precisely because of this that the world where the Ancient Wilderness was located was called "No Immortal."

The words "No Immortal" implied that there was no way to immortality and no higher pursuit.

However, even so, during the peak of the Golden Age, the Emperors' strongmen still surged forward, hoping to find a glimmer of hope on the path to immortality.

As the Golden Age declined and the path to immortality disappeared, the world fell into a period of stagnation in cultivation.

The realm above True Sovereign was completely sealed off. No matter how stunning and exceptional you were, you couldn't break free from such constraints.

Only when the shackles of eternal life dissipated, those strongmen would have a chance to advance further.

"The shackles of eternal life are like iron chains hanging over the heads of all living beings. No matter how extraordinary your talents are, if you are born at the wrong time, you can only sit with regret."

Lu Qingyang thought deeply.

According to the information deduced from other believers, the shackles of eternal life would soon disappear.

Since the last Golden Age, it had been four thousand nine hundred and eighty years.

In another twenty years, the shackles of eternal life would completely dissipate.

By then,

The Golden Age would come again.

The No Immortal Realm would once again see a flourishing scene of heroes competing.

"Since someone can seal the arrogance for thousands of years and quietly await the arrival of the Golden Age, perhaps there will be top strongmen who choose to seal themselves, waiting for the reappearance of the Golden Age and striving for the elusive chance of immortality."

Lu Qingyang felt heavy in his heart.

On the day the Golden Age began, experts above the Seventh Order would inevitably appear.

By then, Qingyang Realm would inevitably fall into the eyes of others. With the current foundation of Qingyang Immortal Kingdom, it would be difficult to resist such strong men.


The Golden Age had not yet truly begun, leaving room to breathe.

Lu Qingyang's plan was to break through the Sixth Order within these twenty years, at least entering the Seventh Order.

Once he reached the realm of the Seventh Order Saint, Qingyang Realm would be able to protect itself.

After all, even if quasi-emperors appeared, they would not recklessly fight to the death with Qingyang Realm.

These strongmen sealed themselves for thousands of years, seeking only the realm of emperors and the elusive chance of immortality.

Other than that, there was little else that could move these strongmen.
