

They feel the girls' pussies, breasts, and assholes, and Wael started to fuck Doaa and Khaled fucked Angie. Then she changed Hala with Doaa, and here Khaled fucked Siham from her pussy, breaking her hymen, but with the effect of the substance, Siham did not worry about it, and she was enjoying the fucking. The fucking continued intensely until she took it.

Angie Hala made Khaled fuck her in front of her husband while Wael was fucking Khaled's wife Doaa in front of her husband as well, and it started from chaos. Each of the two men could fuck whoever he wanted, so Wael had arrows after supplication, so arrows became open now and after Khaled tasted

Hala's pussy tasted the sweetness of fucking her ass with the help of Angie, who also made Wael fuck Doaa with her ass for the first time. Everyone fulfilled his desire several times, so everyone threw themselves on the floor. After an hour, everyone started to wake up, and it was a tragedy.

Hala is in Khaled’s arms, Siham is in Wael’s arms, and Doaa and Angie are in each other’s arms.

Siham: What a pleasure, what a pleasure

Everyone woke up to the cries of Siham, who had lost her virginity. Hala woke up and found herself in Khaled’s arms. Wael looked to find his wife in Khaled’s arms.

Wael: What did you do, Angie?

Angie: All I did was make you all enjoy sex

Siham: Why did you do this to me? Ok, they are married. Why did you do this and expose me?

Angie: Don’t be afraid, Khaled will propose to you and marry you, and they will get along well because he is very rich, or what, Khaled?

Khaled: Of course, no problem

Angie: Do you mind, Doaa?

Doaa: No, of course. This is the first time I have really enjoyed it, and I wish we could do this again while we are conscious.

Hala: How can I look at Wael’s face again, or how can he look at something else?

Angie: It's okay, Halloula, we're all one now, and I think Wael Amkha is older than that or what?

Wael: I don’t know why you did this to us

Angie: Oh, Wael Hanaida, be as gentlemanly and free as you want. You have the right to fuck women. Your wife has the right too... Be happy, there are no big words, because it is just your psychological state in the beginning, and then you have three women other than your wife, enjoy them and have fun with them, and we can still have four, five or more. Also, be free from everything and let the pleasure be what is in front of you.

Everyone went to their homes after what happened in Anji’s house. Some of them were happy and some of them were sad. The happy ones about what happened was Anji, of course, and Khaled and his wife Doaa. As for Hala and her husband Wael, they were dissatisfied with what happened. As for Siham, the biggest disaster was because she lost the most precious thing she had, her virginity.

Hala could not bear what happened, so she went to her family under the pretext that her husband Wael would travel for several days because she could not bear to see Wael after what happened, which was that he saw her having sex with Khaled, Doaa’s husband, and he did not move or try to prevent what happened, as for Wael, even though he wanted to change his life. However, he did not expect what happened and that Angie would make a plan to make his wife Hala have sex with someone else. He was unaware of what had happened and did not know how to cope with the situation, so he let his wife Hala go to her family. As for Siham, she did not go to university for two consecutive days and was completely collapsed, and her family tried to find out. What happened, but she was answering that she had a quarrel with one of her colleagues in college, and days passed..............

A week passed and Siham went to college to be surprised by Angie

Angie: How are you, Siham? I've been talking to you for a week, and your phone is off

Siham: What do you want, Angie? What I am in is not enough because of you

Angie: And I'm here to tell you what you're in

Siham: I should believe it

Angie: I didn't tell you that Khaled would marry you

Siham: Why will he marry me? What will force him to do this? What do you say, Angie? What you have done is enough.

Angie: Ok, come with me and try it, you won't lose anything

Siham: Where can I come with you?

Angie: We will go to Khaled’s company and you will hear that I love you. You will not lose anything more than what you lost, right?

Siham thought for a few seconds and decided to go with Angie and that she would not lose anything more than what she lost, and they actually arrived at the headquarters of Khaled Company.

Angie: Good morning

Secretary: Good morning

Angie: Can we meet Mr. Khaled?

Secretary: There is an earlier appointment

Angie: The truth is, no, but tell Mr. Khaled that Madam Angie and Miss Siham are asking to meet you.

Secretary: Ok, please take a few seconds and I will come to you

The secretary entered Khaled's room and returned moments later

Secretary: Mr. Khaled will meet you after he finishes his clients. Get something to drink

Angie: No thanks

A quarter of an hour passed and the agents left Khaled, who called the secretary

Secretary: Please, Mr. Khaled, waiting for you

Angie and Siham went inside and closed the door behind them

Khaled: Hello, welcome, how are you, Angie, how are you, Siham?

Angie and Siham: Hello Khaled

Khaled kissed Angie and Siham on the cheeks and they sat on a sofa inside his room

Khaled: Why are you hiding?

Angie: No, not at all, but Siham was depressed and hung up her phone, and finally I knew to see her today, and she couldn’t believe what I told her.

Khaled: Look, Siham, I am blocked from the end. I will marry you from tomorrow, not from today. Also, if you like, but I have a condition.

Siham: Condition??? I wonder what the condition is?

Khaled: Honestly, I am a man who likes to be happy, meaning I like to attend sex parties and exchange eyes for anything related to sex that I love, so you will remain ok and do as my wife prays and be a spoof and have no other opinion.

Siham: I mean, this is your condition only

Khaled: Yes, that's it

Siham: By the way, you opened me up at Angie’s apartment and we were at a party. I mean, I really love sex, and I’ll be with you for anything, but you can get me out of this predicament. I have a possible request.

Khaled: Consult Madam to do what I want

Siham: Don't worry about everything, but I want to continue my studies

Khaled: As long as you continue your studies, there is no problem

Siham: We agree, but regarding my family’s requests

Khaled: There is no problem at all. What they will ask for will be more and more

Angie: That's why we say congratulations

Finally, Siham smiled and gave Khaled the address and her father’s phone number. Indeed, Khaled agreed with Siham’s father on something, and the joy came after four days. Here, Angie called Hala to invite her, and Hala was very happy for Siham and promised her to come. Angie also invited Wael, who promised to come as well......

Today, Siham and Khaled were happy in one of the big hotels, and it was a very big joy. Siham’s family knew that Khaled was married to a woman called Doaa, and he told them that Doaa knew and agreed, but they had not seen her before. Indeed, Doaa was in the hall and introduced herself to them, and Siham’s family could not believe what she was doing. Doaa as if she was a relative of the groom and not his wife, so she was very happy with her husband’s marriage. Angie came and was standing with Doaa. Then Hala came and stood with them as well. Then Wael came and it was clear that there was still a dispute between Hala and Wael. Here Angie made attempts and Doaa as well, and during that, the groom and the bride, Khaled, came. And Siham, and the drums and flutes and the joy ceremony began, and Doaa and Angie started dancing with Khaled and Siham, and Siham’s family still did not believe that this was the groom’s wife, and Hala and Wael, the groom and the bride, also participated in the dance. Hours passed and the joy ended.

Khaled: My rank prayer that we agreed upon

Doaa: I mean, Hala and Wael still don't know each other

Khaled: Okay, you are my officer. Siham and I will go to the villa, and of course its people will be with us as soon as they walk away.

Doaa: Okay

Khaled and Siham went to the car party, followed by Siham’s family, and Angie, Doaa, Wael, and Hala remained in the hall.

Doaa: What, Hala, you and Wael? I mean, I let my husband get married so we could solve Siham’s issue, and you won’t be able to resolve your issue or what.

Hala: You have a rigid heart, Doaa

Angie: What is a rigid heart and what are you doing? You are the one who is making the topic big. You are having another party.

Wael: No, Angie, keep us away from your parties

Doaa: I mean, you don’t want to attend Siham and Khaled’s wedding party

Hala: Siham and Khaled’s party, what does that mean?

Doaa: Anji and I will now go to Khaled and Siham’s and share the wedding night with them

Hala: You are crazy, you cannot be sane

Angie: Relax your mind, Hala. Too much thinking brings illness, worry, and disability

Hala: He is the one who says a normal prayer that we are supposed to do like this all the time

Doaa: Yes, it is normal because we want it to be normal. Do you love each other or not?

Hala looked at Wael, who was looking at her

Wael: Of course I love her

Doaa: It's okay, you love each other, and anything that happens is just for fun

Hala: Because I love him or he loves me, I have sex with someone else. This is normal. No, of course love dies like this.

Angie: What does love have to do with enjoyment? This is something and this is something. For example, if you do this behind his back, it is still a betrayal and you do not love him, but if they are together, what is the problem?

Wael: What you are saying is stupid

Hala: That's right, this is stupid

Angie: Finally, a question and I want an answer. You, Hala, and you, Wael, are on your behalf. Did you not enjoy the day you were with me? Did you feel free and relaxed or not?

Hala: Regardless...

Angie: No matter whether it was fun or not, answer me

Hala: There was, but we were under the influence of hallucinogenic pills and stimulants

Angie: And you, Wael?

Wael: There was, but as Hala said

Angie: That's it, the goal is fun, and after that, live your life normally, whether you're dreaming or imagining, but there remains an agreement between you that this happens with the consent of both of you, and not each one of you is alone.

Wael and Hala's minds began to soften somewhat, even though Angie and Doaa's words were somewhat unconvincing and that not every couple could accept that, but in the end Angie and Doaa were able to influence Wael and Hala, as they asked to experience the day with them while they were fully conscious, even if they could not. Adapting to the situation, they leave and will not be asked to do so again