

- Okay, I am Rami and this is my wife Ola

- How long have you been married?

- That is, approximately two months ago

- Hey, what was the engagement like?

- About two years

- I can know the problem, without any shame

The issue is simply that we have a problem in our private relationship

-From the beginning of the passport?

- No, after we returned from the trip (honeymoon)

- This means that the relationship was good during the trip, and after returning, the problem occurred

- Exactly

-What is the problem?

- We don't know

- Ha-ha-ha, we didn't say there is no eclipse

-I will tell you everything exactly

- I wish, I wish too, in detail and without you

- Yes, the story is that while traveling we stayed up one day at a casino and got very, very drunk. We don’t drink at all.

-And then?

- It happened that we did not improve ourselves, or you can say that we remained absent, and it happened.....

- What happened? Don't be shy