

My name is Wael, 35 years old. I have been married for 10 years. Two years after my marriage, boredom began to creep into the lives of me and my wife, Hala, who is now 33 years old. During the marriage period, I did not follow anything sexual, no movies, pictures, stories, or forums, even though before marriage.

I was a good follower, but after marriage I decided to end my relationship with everything externally sexual and focus on my wife only, so I returned again to websites and forums to escape that boredom, and I found that what I was in is called the marital routine, and it is widespread among couples, so I started.

I follow topics about this and how to renew your sexual life. Sexual fantasies were very common among couples, even though Hala and I were in the engagement stage. We went through sexual steps such as hugs and kisses like most engaged couples, but the relationship between us developed over a period of time.

She is short, and I watched her naked several times, and I rubbed my dick on her pussy from the outside, and she played with my dick, and my lust came on her boobs several times, but we did not engage in full sexual intercourse until after marriage. Despite that, I cannot open up this topic of fantasies with her.

Several days ago, I read a topic written in one of the famous forums, which was a buzz about the experience of one of the members, and it contained ideas on how to communicate what I wanted to my wife, Hala, and I actually started implementing it, and the first step was to find out whether my wife felt what I felt.

Bored or bored with marital routine?????????

Wael: Hala, I want to talk to you about a topic

Hala: Okay, my love, I will talk

Wael: What do you think of our lives?

Hala: What's wrong with our life???

Wael: I mean, happy

Hala: Of course, I am happy as long as I am with you

Wael: Thank you, my love. I am also happy that you are with me, but I mean, I don’t feel that our life is a bit routine.

Hala: Routine, I don’t understand??? What is it, Wael?

Wael: No, nothing, but I mean, I don’t want to change our way of life a little

Hala: Although I do not understand anything, change is needed, but it will be for the better

Wael: Of course, for the better

Hala: As long as we change for the better, what do you want to change?

Wael: We change our lifestyle as a whole

Hala: I have no problem changing this from your hand to yours, but understand me, how can we change while I am with you?

This was the first step for Hala to be ready to change our lifestyle. Thus, we move to the second point, which is more difficult than the previous point, and each step will be more difficult than the one before it. The next point is frankness between me and my wife, and of course this is a very difficult step.

Because at this point, there must be no secrets between the husband and wife, even if they were before marriage. Otherwise, there must also be tolerance between the spouses for what is said, and frankly, I took time to be encouraged and expose the aura of someone who does not know how to accept what is said.

I also don't know if Hala will be able to be as frank with me as I am with her or not.

Two days after Hala and I talked

Hala: What, Wael? You were saying we should change our lifestyle, and then you suddenly fell silent. What’s the matter?

Wael: Indeed, Hala, we must make a revolution in our lives

Hala: It's a one-time revolution. Don't let it be a major revolution because I'm the government, haha.

Wael: Hahaha, no, it's not on you, and the revolution is not on our lives. We must enjoy every moment of it.

Hala: Mmmm, very nice words. I am with you

Wael: Let's play a game

Hala: Game???? This is the revolution

Wael: Look, this game is the beginning of the revolution

Hala: What does that mean?

Wael: This is an internal revolution between each person and himself

Hala: Wael, I'm starting to get afraid. I hope you speak frankly

Wael: This is what is required, frankness

Hala: To be honest, I don't understand

Wael: What do you think? You and I talk frankly, but on the condition that what is said does not affect our relationship, on the contrary, it strengthens our relationship.

Hala: What kind of honesty can affect our relationship?

Wael: There is nothing to be affected by it. On the contrary, I want to strengthen it

Hala: Ok, I am with you one by one and all of them

Wael: What do you think? You and I talk frankly, but on the condition that what is said does not affect our relationship, on the contrary, it strengthens our relationship.

Hala: What kind of honesty can affect our relationship?

Wael: There is nothing to be affected by it. On the contrary, I want to strengthen it

Hala: Ok, I am with you one by one and all of them

Wael: Look, my lady, I ask a question and you answer frankly, no matter what, and you ask and I answer no matter what, but as I said, the answer will not affect our relationship.

Hala: Okay, I agree with you until I know what you mean. Let's start

Wael: I'm starting to understand the game

Hala: Okay, let's ask