

They put on their clothes, and Ola put on blatant makeup, which made her and her naked dress very sexy, and they went to the club.

They got up to dance, and not a few minutes passed until yesterday's scene was repeated, and many of the attendees began targeting Ola with her shiny white body.

She started moving from one embrace to another, hands playing with her flesh as she looked at Rami with lust and bit her lip with extreme distress.

They returned to their table and Ola sighed and whispered in Rami's ear

- Rami, what is happening?

- Yes, what happened?

- You don't see what is being done to me, every time someone grabs me and jumps on my body

- Where exactly do they stop?

- All of it, Rami, my tits and asshole, when my body is finished

- And you will let them stop with you, you slut

- It's not you who brought me food for them, you bastard. How do I want them to leave me?

- Let them be a little happy with themselves

- I want to get stronger, Rami