

AFTER TEN YEARS As the teachers predicted Lucifer became the first ranker of the school this year also . He alo found himself a fullfilling job with a handsome sallary , half of which he donate to the orphanage in which he grew up. Everything is going well in his life as Allen also dropped the school due to fall of his father's business. No one knows where Allen was .But - BANG!! "ALL OF YOU HANDS UP!" there he met the bully from his school whose name is Allen. Allen was disowned son of fallen businessman . And he died by his hands but that was not the end of his journey. His soul travelled through space and reached the another world where unknowingly he shocked the supreme goddess of that world and caught her interest for better or worst , no one knows....... Lucifer who was born as the prince, had his everything snatched away from him even his parents. He couldn't even awaken which made his school life hell. So let's see how Lucifer will survive in this new MAGICAL world . ----------------------- Read EPISODE 0 in volume 0 or Auxiliary volume

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


" Lucifer , its morning lets get ready to not get late "

Lucifer who heard his sister nodded in reply and got up from the soft body of his sister which he used as his night pillow .

But then he stopped and moved his cheeks toward Elda which confused her .

Lucifer who saw his sister's confused face rolled his eyes and said

" Sis you again forget "

" What!!" Elda exclaimed as she saw his expression

" My morning kiss , give me " Lucifer replied

" Why are still this childish !?" Elda said in complaint but still kissed him on his cheeks which made him giggle .

" Hehehe!"

Then they both got up and got ready for breakfast.

After having breakfast , Elda went to drop Lucifer to his school as always which attracted the eyes toward them as Elda was well known in Maple city as she was savior of the city.

After dropping Lucifer, Elda went back to their home and met Anna to tell her about all needs of Lucifer so that she can take care of him in her absence.

After making sure that there would be no discomfort to Lucifer in absence , she departed from the city in her disguise . When she was some distance away from city and making sure there was no one near her ,she removed her disguise and moved toward the main city of Elf empire .

Although there was a great distance between both cities as Maple city was near the border and main city in the centre of Empire , but with her top speed Elda can cover that distance in very less time as due to her level which made her faster than even fighter planes of earth .


Lucifer after being dropped at school by his sister , was going toward his class but then he saw someone who he definitely didn't expect to see....