

AFTER TEN YEARS As the teachers predicted Lucifer became the first ranker of the school this year also . He alo found himself a fullfilling job with a handsome sallary , half of which he donate to the orphanage in which he grew up. Everything is going well in his life as Allen also dropped the school due to fall of his father's business. No one knows where Allen was .But - BANG!! "ALL OF YOU HANDS UP!" there he met the bully from his school whose name is Allen. Allen was disowned son of fallen businessman . And he died by his hands but that was not the end of his journey. His soul travelled through space and reached the another world where unknowingly he shocked the supreme goddess of that world and caught her interest for better or worst , no one knows....... Lucifer who was born as the prince, had his everything snatched away from him even his parents. He couldn't even awaken which made his school life hell. So let's see how Lucifer will survive in this new MAGICAL world . ----------------------- Read EPISODE 0 in volume 0 or Auxiliary volume

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


The Elf Quuen was worried as she knew if she heared the sound then the powerful beasts would have also as the river was located in the centre of forest.

And shd was right as one of the powerful beast which have its territory near the river had heared the sound of the crying Lucifer .

The magical beast looked like a oversized bear with its dark fur blending him with its dark surroundings , it ran with a very fast speed which should have been impossible due to its huge size.

The dark bear was resting near the river in its territory but then it heard the strange sound from the direction of river .

Its wild instincts of predators were telling him that this is the sound of its prey so it started running toward his prey at his top speed in order to secure his food .

Suddenly the sound , it was hearing from some time stopped but it could see the casket at some distance from him which had Lucifer in it and was floating above the river water .

It was just started the chasing the casket of Lucifer as he felt powerful presence entering in the range of his senses which Elda who was searching the baby.

Elda who was running also sensed the presence of dark bear so she ran towards its location as she knew that this beast doesn't just roam in the forest without any prey in its sights .

Just as Elda reached near its location,she saw that the dark bear was just few steps away from the casket in which she picked up the presence of a child .

In order to reach there before the dark bear to save the life of child , she used her used her Nature element which raised her speed by several folds .

The dark bear who was just few steps away from his prey , suddenly saw a blurry image of something coming towards its face from the corner of its eye

But before he could do something



First he felt a heavy wind on its face and then kick landed on its face which injured and pushed him several meters away from Lucifer .

Elda who had kicked him , was standing in front of him and beside the casket .

The dark bear who just came out of his disorientation due to Elda's heavy kick , was angry as his prey was stolen from him when he was just few steps away from it .

But he knew that the newcomer was strong as it was more intelligent and powerful than the purple horned lion .

But it also wanted its prey back as it was also the matter of its pride .

Just as it was about to face the Elda to take back its food and prey , it felt the aura of Elda who released it when saw that the beast was still thinking about the baby under protection.

The dark bear who felt the aura of Elda knew that he was not the match of Elda and retreated but not before trying something to take its revenge from the pety human who had taken its prey...