

AFTER TEN YEARS As the teachers predicted Lucifer became the first ranker of the school this year also . He alo found himself a fullfilling job with a handsome sallary , half of which he donate to the orphanage in which he grew up. Everything is going well in his life as Allen also dropped the school due to fall of his father's business. No one knows where Allen was .But - BANG!! "ALL OF YOU HANDS UP!" there he met the bully from his school whose name is Allen. Allen was disowned son of fallen businessman . And he died by his hands but that was not the end of his journey. His soul travelled through space and reached the another world where unknowingly he shocked the supreme goddess of that world and caught her interest for better or worst , no one knows....... Lucifer who was born as the prince, had his everything snatched away from him even his parents. He couldn't even awaken which made his school life hell. So let's see how Lucifer will survive in this new MAGICAL world . ----------------------- Read EPISODE 0 in volume 0 or Auxiliary volume

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


" Stephen You Snake , I know you are here , come out here now.!!"

Hearing the shout of enraged Samuel , Stephen who was waiting for his arrival, got ready for the battle .

He had prepared himself with battling artefacts as he knew that his opponent was very powerful and experienced with his rare dual elements.

So he had also prepared traps for Samuel to win against him and to kill him.

When Stephen appeared in front of him, Samuel could not help but ask him

"Why did you do this to me , your own brother?!!"

" Why?! , You are asking me the reason when you had done the same thing to me by stealing my throne ."

" Like you , I also stole thing dear to you, your family, and now I will kill you to take back what is mine."

" You are insane Stephen . Your lust for that throne had twisted your mind .

Your death is necessary for survival of this empire."

" Lets see who will kill whom?!" Saying this , they both clashed with each other, and


The result of their clash resulted in the destruction of their surroundings.

They both got ready with their weapons and started their close combat.

They both were top powerhouses and had completely mastered their weapons.

Stephen who was using his spear skillfully , had to admit it that Samuel was very powerful. He knew that he was not match for Samuel with his raw power , thats why he used artefacts to gain upper hand but he was still pushed back by the attacks of Samual's long sword.

They knew that none of them can win just with their physical strength.

So they started using their elemental powers .

Stephen who had darkness element used darkness arts with his spear to attack Samuel .

Samuel also used his dark lightening to increase his speed and attack powers. He also had darkness element so he knew about the powers of this element. He used his knowledge of darkness element to nullify the attacks of Stephen .

Stephen who felt himself getting overwhelmed by Samuel , felt that it was right time to use his trumph card and decided to use it then and there .