

The phone rang three times before a groggy Jared answered. He had clearly still been asleep. Jared groaned like he was in pain.

"Cora why are you calling so early? Are you okay?" Jared's voice was thick with sleep.

"Honey, it's two in the afternoon. Are you okay?" Cora clarified concerned.

"Too much alcohol. Everything is pain." Jared whined.

"I need to figure something out because I am sort of confused. We kissed and then what happened?" Cora asked.

"Nothing happened sweety, Margo Atlas drug you off to work at three in the morning and I came home and kept drinking." Jared was more alert after the question. Cora had been drunk but not blackout drunk.

"I don't remember coming home and I… I'm too embarrassed to say." She stammered.

Jared sat up rubbing a hand over his face. "Cora, you need to tell me what this and is about, it's important."