
Forbidden Love

Li Na died a tragic death her grievance was so strong that before her last breath was taken she called out in prayer to heaven and earth for retribution. The gods must have heard her plea as her prayers were answered and she was reincarnated into a 21 year old socialite whose name was Liu Wei. As Li Na she was a nobody who was shy and was easily bullied. As Liu Wei she is the social butterfly whose elegance exceeds even that of the richest daughters of Mainland China. Just before her death, she was given the excruciating knowledge of the demise of her entire immediate family. Her mother, father and baby brother were all killed by her husband. In order to move up and become CEO of Sheng Group, her husband killed anyone who stood in his way. Li Na's bloody battle will test her reserve, can she survive? Or will she perish before she even begins. After all the road to revenge is a lonely one.

MC_Love · Urban
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Who is this girl?

Su Kai was currently in a daze… he had heard the gun fire but it was already after he was down on the ground and Liu Wei was firmly on top of him protecting him. She was protecting him… he let that sink in for a bit… it made him feel so warm inside. No one wanted to protect him, not genuinely anyway… she was surprising him left and right.

He knew that there were a lot of people that wanted him dead because of how powerful he had become, that was why he had bodyguards around him at all times but he never realized that the one who would have saved him from a bullet today was non-other than Liu Wei. His own woman, was now currently on top of him shielding him from incoming danger.

Any grown man would feel insecure, but no not him. He was proud to have such a smart and capable woman by his side.

"I'm okay, are you? How did you…" he wanted to say, how did you move so fast? But he swallowed that question for later.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he continued to ask

"I'm fine silly man, you are a little too popular today. You have marriage proposals one minute and someone trying to kill you the next. Both are making me unhappy, I don't want to lose you either way." She pouted.

Su Kai looked at her and a smile started to bloom on his face and then a little chuckle came out. Leave it to this girl to joke around when they both just had a brush with death only moments ago.

He pulls her close to him and gives her a long hug. "Thank you for saving me, but don't do that again! You could have been hurt."

She saw the worry in his eyes and nodded her head in agreement. At this point she knew that he was just worried about her and perhaps even scared for their lives.

Who would try to kill Liu Wei? And who knew that he was at this restaurant during this time? She will definitely figure this out as soon as she gets home, but right now she needed to deal with this pesky sniper.

The shooter only fired one shot… so they thought he must have ran away after the failed attempt. Everyone thought this except for Liu Wei, she was still down on the ground on top of Su Kai and was not planning on moving anytime soon.

"This must be your doing!" shrieked Mrs. Tang "We were perfectly happy eating dinner and she brought this killer here!"

She was shaken and scared and wanted to blame someone. The easiest person to blame was non other than Liu Wei.

Liu Wei on the other hand ignored her rantings and concentrated on the opposite building. She saw movement and knew that he would be making his move any second now.

"Get down everyone!" She warned.

Liu Wei's hearing had become 10x better than before and was able to hear the gun being triggered at that distance. She was able to discern this only when she put all her concentration on that specific direction.

The bodyguards instinctively went down on the floor and took down the people they were protecting. Even the Tangs were being protected by a bodyguard, Su Kai could not afford to have anyone die today. These bodyguards were trained well and understood their boss even better.

Unfortunately, the waiter was not fast enough and he got shot on the shoulder. He screamed from the pain and put his hand on the wound as he cried from fear and anxiety.

"Apply pressure to your wound" Liu Wei told him. Even though the waiter was scared he still listened to her.

The waiter was only a couple of feet away from Su Kai which proved beyond a doubt that Su Kai is the main target. Liu Wei had a feeling that if this sniper isn't taken care of, he won't leave until everyone was dead.

She needed a weapon… and just her luck the bodyguard next to them was holding a gun.

"Darling, would you please let me borrow your bodyguards gun?" She sweetly says as she smiles down at him.

Su Kai looked at her with mixed emotions, he was hesitant but decided to trust her. "Give her your gun"

"Yes sir" the bodyguard says without question.

Even though Liu Wei had never in her life held a gun or shot a gun she was very comfortable holding it.

She then looked at the location of the shooter, and calculated the best angle to shoot from. It only took her 20 seconds to analyze the situation and the best vantage point before she took swift action.

She rolled away from Su Kai and aimed her gun directly at the shooter. The bullet hit it's target squarely in the head. Even though the distance was far, no normal person would have been able to pull that shot off and hit their target the way she did. It was crazy accurate and if anyone looked closely, she didn't create another bullet hole on the window as that would slow down the trajectory of the bullet. What she did was, shot through the bullet hole that the sniper already made during his first shot.

Amazing!! Only a great marksman could do that.

Her eye sight was 10x better as well, which was why she was able to hit her target right on.

"He's dead" She says nonchalantly.

"What the hell? You just killed someone?!! You're a killer!!" Tang Ning yelled

"Well… it was either I kill him or were you hoping that he would kill all of us? Maybe you wanted to die first?"

Tang Ning started shaking from fear… those were close calls. She almost died today. She hated Liu Wei but she didn't want to die therefore she kept her mouth shut.

Just then a bunch of uniformed footsteps could be heard coming their way. She could tell that there were at least 4 or 5 of them.

These people were relentless.

She looked down at her gun and pondered… I only shot 1 bullet so I have plenty of bullets left for each of these unwelcomed guests.

"Everyone move to the corner, NOW" She told the bodyguards to topple the dinning table so that they could use it as a shield.

"Do as she says" Su Kai ordered.

"Just as they got down behind the table, the doors were kicked open and 5 armed men walked in.

They were dressed in all black, their faces were covered and you could only see their mouths and eyes. The way they moved looked like they were trained military or perhaps mercenaries. Either way they knew what they were doing.

Liu Wei was not scared at all, she was listening to their movements to determine their locations.

"Where is Su Kai, we only want him and we will all let you go."

Ha! what a liar, these men were killers, they would not let anyone go.

"But… my darling hasn't taken me out to go shopping yet~!!" She whined

Who the hell was this girl?! talking about shopping at a time like this? Everyone had the same thought except Su Kai. He was about to laugh at her joke but held himself back… this woman… he shook his head from the audacity of this girl… this was not the time for jokes!!..

She definitely made his life so much more interesting.

Before they could respond, Liu Wei took this opportunity to take action. She casually walked out from the protection of the table and shot each person on the hand that was holding a gun. She then went up to them and hit each acupoint near the neck area to knock them out.

All this happened so quickly and in the span of seconds. It was fast for everyone else but to Liu Wei it was a breeze. She literally felt like it was child's play, they would never have been able to get anywhere near her at the speed she was moving.