
Forbidden Love: When Two Worlds Collide

Take a seat for this roller coaster ride is about to start. Carson Antoni, the heir to the Antoni Crime Family, has been designed to break any woman’s heart. His body is carved to perfection. His biceps clench and flex, and his abs tighten with his every movement. He is powerful and elegant. Drawn to danger and a determination to conquer. Tasnim Devereaux is strong and wilful. She is mysterious but the girl that every man desires. She presents all the things that Carson cannot have, and this is the very thing that draws him to her. Their love is forbidden from the start, but neither is willing to let go of the other. Secrets and lies threaten to tear them apart Carson goes against what seems to be right and goes up again his father and the Mafia world. He will seek revenge against the very person who has wrong him and will start a Mafia War. Will Tasnim and Carson survive?

Tatum_Whispers · Urban
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98 Chs

Moments Of Pleasure

Bearing your heart is never easy; for me, it has never been done before. If it is bearing which you want to call it, for me, it sounds a lot more like begging. But if that is what it takes for me to get what I desire, then that is what I shall do.

In front of me is the only woman I know I will ever desire so much. To say she is beautiful does not do her justice at all; she is far beyond what is exquisite to the eye. She is my princess, and I know I cannot leave here today if she is not mine once again.

I just wish that she will say yes, for this big grown-ass man is about to cry.


"Dammit, Carson, let me speak!"

"I just..."

"You just need to keep quiet and listen to me."

I go to take a seat next to her; I try to reach for her hand, but she pulls away. I know that is maybe a bit too much to ask for now. I wish she can see that it is hard for me, for one, I am not a man that does feelings, and two, I cannot see myself being alone.

"Tasnim, before you..."

"Carson, I get what you say because I feel exactly the same."

"But princess..."

I know I sound like a blabbering idiot; I just wish she would listen to me...but...

"Did you just said you feel the same?"

"If you keep that smooth mouth just shut for a moment, then you would hear me say yes."

"Princess...aaahh screw this."

I fold my arms around her in an instant and pull her a fraction closer until she is on my lap."

"Carson! You can't...who am I fooling, just go ahead and break the rules."

I take her face between my hands and look beyond her brown eyes; what lies there is what I am feeling deep in my heart. This is not going to be easy for us, but together we can see it through. I have never been so certain about anything in my life before.

"Please don't ever leave me."

"Please do not ever lie to me again."

"But I did not..."

"I know, just don't keep things from me, please."

"I promise you, princess, I will never."

...Tasnim POV...

This man in front of me will be my death, but it shall be a death I will happily die if it means that I can have him by my side. I know that he would not have lied to me about something so big, yes, his Carson Antoni, but I know he feels differently about me than he has most probably felt about a woman yet. And I am standing here, with every fiber in my body, and telling him yes.

We sit all but frozen for a moment in time, both from fear and excitement of what is next to come. He leans in until his forehead rests against mine. I slowly close my eyes and listen as he speaks under his short, shaky breaths.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not giving up on me."

He gently leans in and places his soft lips possessively against mine. Without any warning, he presses through the seams of my lips and delves inside. With fierce and passionate strokes, his tongue entwines with mine. My brain lights on fire, and a warmth spreads throughout my entire body. Even if I do not wish to admit it, I am addicted to this man. I cannot bear not to be with him, and I can barely breathe when he is around.

"Carson, I must..."

"Sorry you need to get to work."

No, I was going to ask if you can take me home."

He looks at me in complete surprise; for a second, he thought I was going to chase him away. I just do not feel like one drunk man after the other to try to pick me up tonight.

"Anything, princess. Do you want to come over to my place?"

"What about your father? I mean, I am supposed to be his rival or whatever you may call it."

"Don't worry your pretty head; my father knows his place."

"Hahaha. Don't tell me you told your dad where to get off?"

"Hahaha. Maybe not so rudely, but yes, I did."

"This evening might just get interesting after all."

"Princess, I have had enough excitement for a week. You sure make a man work for it."

"Never said it was going to be easy, Mr. Antoni. Now get out here so I can change."

"But I have seen it all before anyway."

"Does not mean you can see it all the time."

...Carson POV...

Relief is a word I cannot help but repeat over and over again. She might never realize it, but she gave me the biggest gift that anyone can give...hope...Hope for a future with a woman I know I will dearly love. Yes, our road ahead is going to be very bumpy, but alongside it can be overcome. But there is the burning question, which I will discuss with her later; for now, I just want to spend every minute I can with her locked in my arms where she belongs.

What use to be uncomfortable silences has now grown into moments of pleasure? It is like a breath of fresh air has blown through our lives. We are finding each other in so many other ways; I do still very much want to finish what I have started on so many occasions. But something just tells me to back off for a moment until she finds her feet again.

As we get closer to my house, I can see her become much quieter again. I now know more than ever it is time to leave here and find a place of my own where we need not worry about anybody but ourselves

"Princess, we won't see him. I will take you straight to my room."

"Thank you. I just don't know what I shall say to your father. Not that I will be rude, but I am sure he sees me as the enemy."

When we get to the house, I whisk her in the front door and straight to my room. I chuckle as she giggles all the way there. I am unsure if she is happy or just shit scared that she might bump into my father. The moment I shut the door, I turn to lock it. Not that it is needed, but it does make her feel safe.

But then she surprises me as she spins me around and even goes as far as pinning me to the door.

"Princess, what are you doing?"

"I want to see what this fuss is about. Why you so like pinning me to things."

"Hahaha. Do you think you can keep me here?"

"Unless if you don't want to know what I am going to do, then I am pretty sure you are not going to move."

She stands on her tiptoes and reaches for my lips; she only but gives me a peck. Her eager fingers move to my shirt, loosen each button painfully slow. She tips her fingers on my chest and starts running them over every toned muscle, drawing a line through every crevice. She draws my groin into her hips and starts laying tiny butterfly kisses on my skin. She slides my shirt off and drops it to the floor. As I reach to take off her dress, she stops me and moves away.

"No touching, Mr. Antoni."

"But princess..."

She places her finger on my lips; as her hands go to the seams of my pants, she moves quickly to unzip me. She grabs onto my ass and digs her nails in while slipping my pants over and to the floor.

"Carson, why don't you have underwear on?"

"I think it must have slipped my mind."

"Do you want to know what else is going to slip, Mr. Antoni?"

"Not sure, princess, but I bet you are going to show me."

She kisses me softly over my rippled abs; my burning erection even grows more firm. I don't know how long I can play this game, for I am going to burst if I don't get to have her soon. But, I continue to watch her as she is teasing me. She is so painfully close to where I want her to be. If she can just move one inch down...

"Oh my god, princess!"

She grabs the base of my erection, and I swear I nearly die. As she slips the rest of it into her mouth, a loud roar escapes my lips. I brace myself against the door and lean my head back with my eyes closed. She takes her tongue and, agonizing slowly, trace it from the base to the tip. Her tongue swirls around my tip, over and over again.

My fingers tangle in her hair as she moves in sensual strokes up and down my length. I hear her moan, and she gently sucks, taking me in deeper and deeper with every head nod. I feel the warmth building up in my groin; I am so close to losing control.

"Princess, you better stop, or I am going to lose control."

She continues to work her mouth and lips up and down my shaft. As the tip of my head hits the back of her throat, she starts to speed up. I grab hold of her head and start to moan. My legs grow weak as I get near to explode.

"Oh, princess, I am going to cum."

In one last attempt to gain control, I throw my head back with a loud thud against the door. But I can no longer keep it in. With one thunderous roar, I let go.

She looks at me, shyly from underneath her lashes.

"So, Mr. Antoni, how did I do?

I smack her ass as she runs off to jump down onto the bed. I wait a few seconds for my legs to work and go make myself comfortable next to her.

"How are you feeling? You feeling better than this morning?"

"Yes, I definitely am. Thank you for coming to find me."

"No, thank you, princess, for letting me back in."

We sit in silence, reflecting the day on how much it would have been different if I never went to the club again. Then out of nowhere, she hits me with a question.

"Please, can I talk to your father?"

Thank you for reading.

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Much love


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