
Forbidden love life

Sara Ross a rich and innocent girl woke up one day without anything and was obligated to work for her university and to help her family out of jail! That's when she met Christian Danger a handsome and heartless business man and CEO of the most important enterprises in the country! As his assistant, she day after day discover his dark second life...

Rafca_Raad · Teen
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18 Chs

The meeting

Sara was standing in front of him, surprised, she suddenly remembered that night

She was so ashamed that she could not look at him anymore

She lowered her head so he won't see her turning red

Christian:" We are here to work miss Ross, please forget what happened that night and be a professional. I don't work with kids"

The shame turned all of sudden to rage as she heard him calling her a child

She looked up at him with a glare

Sara:" Don't you dare call me a kid, I'm studying medicine so I clearly have more neurons than you Mr Danger. Now if you will be kind enough to explain to me what my work consists of I would be very grateful"

Christian was surprised about the tone she spoke to him with but didn't make any reaction

Christian:" First of all you should learn how to speak to your boss miss Ross, I won't tolerate such insolence. Watch your tone!"

He said angrily and before she could even reply to him, he added:

" As for your daily tasks my secretary will let you now about all you have to do. Any questions? No? That's perfect you can go now."

Sara left the office and asked Sally to explain more about her job.

Sally:" I will tell you all you have to know, but how about I show you around and we can discuss everything while walking?!"

Sara:" That's a great idea I would love to let's go!"

Sally showed Sara the company and told her about her job as personal assistant from the smallest detail to the biggest

Sally:" You have to go first thing in the morning prepare his breakfast, and the schedule should be ready the day before. Mr Danger likes punctuality because he always says that the time is precious and the ones that don't respect it are failures! That's why you should never be late if you wanna keep your job! Sometimes he likes to go for lunch so he will ask you or me to reserve a table for him. What else umm.. oh he has a lot of meetings in his days and nights he will need you to be with him, sometimes, so you could make him a report about everything they said. That's all for now!"

Sara:" Can you please give me his address and the name of his favourite restaurant?"

Sally wrote everything on a paper and gave it to Sara with Mr Danger's schedule for tomorrow

Sally:" It was nice meeting you Sara, you can go for now and don't be Kate tomorrow! Mr Danger Wales up at 6, he goes for a jogging about an hour and he returns back home to take a bath and dress up. His breakfast should be ready by 7:30."

Sara:" It was nice meeting you too,don't worry I won't be late.see you tomorrow!"

Sara was a little preoccupied by her boss's temper but she had no choices

She needed the money for her studies and she was sure that she could handle him.

The next morning, Sara woke up at 5, took a bath and her breakfast dressed up and went to Danger's villa

Sara was a little princess since her childhood and didn't know how to prepare a breakfast, so she called the woman who worked for them and asked for her help

Sara:" Okay so I break the eggs and season them, then I mix them and put them in the frying pan? Okay it seems to be easy! What else should I do Mrs Collins? Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers? Okay, I did it! How do I prepare coffee? Yes yes I'm listening..."

Christian caught her talking to the phone. Juan, Julia's father, already told him Sara's story and he knew that she didn't have any experience with this job, but for some reason he still employed her...

Christian:" Who are you talking to? And why my breakfast isn't ready yet?"

Sara got so confused that she dropped the coffee and burned herself

Christian rushed to help her, he immediately wipe up the coffee from her body and put cold water on burns

(Sara POV): I couldn't take my eyes off of him, in that moment he was so caring and calm that I forgot my pain he takes care of me even though I haven't done my job. Could he be the opposite of what he wants to show? Could he be hiding a tender and sensitive heart under that cold proud aspect?

Then their eyes met

Christian:" What I am going to do with you miss Ross..."

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