
Forbidden love in Avalon

Proto Arthur x Proto Merlin Arthur a young boy who dream of becoming a knight met a very beautiful girl in a field of flowers. Captivated by her beautiful, Arthur tried to approach her but soon he heard his brother calling him and the girl disappeared. Many years later when he drew a sword stuck in a stone he found the same girl again, who became his teacher. Years pass by, Arthur was trained by her to be a King, during those years Arthur gradually falls in love with her but was never able to tell her so he decided to do what she wanted him to do, become, a king that protect his people and land. Arthur soon gather a strong force to fight again his uncle and took back what was rightfully his, the throne of Camelot.

Shrimp_of_chaos · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

ch-1 a pretty lady

(updates: when I am bored)

A young boy by the name Arthur Pendragon was on a walk with his favorite horse Etto. He had been walking for a few hours now and might have forgotten his way back, but he wasn't worried he knows Etto, would guide him back properly to their house. Arthur soon reach a field full of flowers stretch through out the horizon and in the middle of the field, Arthur notices a beautiful lady with white hair, wearing a white dress, her eyes were close and she seems to be sleeping.

Arthur stood still and watch the sleeping lady, he was captivated by her beauty, he doesn't how why his heart was beating so fast. Arthur was then interrupted by the voice of his brother Kay who was calling out for him.

Arthur quickly look towards the direction from where he heard the voice of his brother and was about to leave but he gave a last glance towards the lady who was still sleeping.

After looking towards the lady one last time, Arthur rush back with Etto, he was afraid of his brother after all. Kay might have been a good brother but he always argues with him and scolds him, though he could feel the concern of his brother in the harsh words he speaks with.

"Arthur! I told you not to walk far away from the house" Kay scolds Arthur, who looks down as he was scolding him

Seeing Arthur lowering his head, Kay sigh and pats him

"Don't walk too far way again, ok" Kay says

Arthur looks back at Kay and smiles "Ok, big brother, Kay"

Arthur and Kay were walking back to their house where they meet Ector standing outside the house in full armor. It's been a while since they saw him, he had been away from the house for quite the while. Seeing Ector, Arthur smiles brightly and ran towards him.

"Father, how have you been?" Arthur runs and hug Ector who in turn pat his hat and smiles

"I have been well, Arthur. What about you? Are you training everyday?"

"He had been, that little devil is even more skilled then me" Kay answers in Arthur's place while scratching the back of his head.

Ector knew what Kay said was ture. Arthur acted as Kay's attendant, carrying his weapons and provisions on outings, and he trained with both Kay and him in the ways of combat and the ways of being a knight and always bested both him and Kay in combat.

Ector who was smiling and patting Arthur, soon grow a little sad as he remembers the prophecy given by Merlin. He knew it was inevitable and he can't stop it no matter what. Even then Ector don't wanted Arthur to live a life full of battles, over the years he had grew to view Arthur as his own son. Ector shook his head and dismissed his thoughts.

All of them went inside the house where Ector's wife serve them food

"Arthur, you are already 7, so you are going to be Kay's squire" Ector says as he watch Arthur who was devouring his meal

Ector sighs as his wife came and serve Arthur another portion

"What do you mean by already 7? He is just 7, I know you knights take 7 year old boys as your squire but have some patience, even the priest took patience while luring young boys" Ector's wife said which cause both Ector and Kay to choke on their food.

"Mother, Arthur is here with us" Kay says

"Hmm?" Arthur with a mouth full of food look towards Kay with a confuse face as he heard him calling his name

"My little Arthur doesn't have ears for meaningless conversations so it's fine" his mother said as she starts eating her food

Ector coughs "Arthur from twommorrow onwards you and Kay will follow me, let it be the start of both you and Kay's journey to kinghtship"

Hearing their father's words both Kay and Arthur nods their head.

But now Ector has to deal with two new problems, one, Arthur's appetite and two, his wife who is looking at him as if she wants to murder him. Ector's sighs and he knew tonight he had to tell why they are leaving their house and he also knew pretty well that he is going to have to use their guest room tonight.


The next morning the three of them woke up early and ready their things. Arthur was the most excited as he knew today he was going to properly learn how to ride a horse and maybe, maybe he can visit the flower field again and find the pretty lady again, Arthur blush and quickly slap himself in the face with a determine look he went outside of his room.

Ector had already explain to his wife that he is going to take Arthur and Kay to village manor house where they will be trained. His wife had no choice but to agree their house was relatively far from the village manor house which is why Ector had to made a deal with his wife that he will come home once a day to take some food for Arthur. The village manor was located near a huge field of flowers, which noone visits, as their were rumors of a fairy staying their. They don't want to anger a fairy, do they? The age of God is already coming to an end but some places still have gate ways to reverse side of the world and some Phantasmal Species might roam that field.

Ector's wife looked at Arthur and Kay who were standing besides their own horse respectively but Arthur's horse was a small one and was being teased by Kay for their height differences. She smiles as she looks at her two sons. She might have not given birth to Arthur but she was the one who raised him, so she is his real mother. But her smile soon dissappear as she remembers the prophecy that her husband told her. Arthur's life will be full of hardship and she doesn't want that, no mother wants her child to way a road made of torns.

"Arthur, Kay, mother will visit you two every Sunday when she comes to the church, Ok, So trained hard, become strong and remember that mother will always love you two" She went closer to both of them and give them a warm loving hug which both Kay and Arthur return by giving her the same warm hug

She looks at the back of her sons and husband who were riding their horse towards the village manor where they were going to stay from now on. She looks back one last time at them and went back inside her house

"Father, will you teach me how to ride a horse properly now?" Arthur asked looked at his horse which was being guided by Ector, who was riding his own horse

"It's Sir Ector, from now on and yes I will teach you"

Hearing Ector's words Arthur smiles brightly while his brother Kay got annoyed

"You could have asked me if you want"

"But fa- Sir Ector is more experience then you, Sir Kay"

Arthur words pop a nerver in Kay's head who went near Arthur and smaked him lightly in the head.


"Don't fight, it's not knightly" Ector sighs at the behavior of his sons

After traveling for about 2 hour they reach the village manor where kinghts and their squire gather to trained themself. The training ground was big and different weapons were placed in their, people can be seen dueling each other or training with wooden dummies.

Arthur seeing the sight before him was full of joy, his eyes shine brightly as he looks at the people training their.

A man then approach them " Hey! Ector are they your sons? They both look pretty tough"

"Yes, Meliodas he is my youngest son Arthur" Kay introduced Arthur to Meliodas who nods his head while looking at him

"Well, young lad you better train hard cause this year their are many strong people, don't let their fame outrun yours" Arthur nods at Meliodas words

"I suppose, now it is time to start your training. Arthur go bring your wooden sword and trained with others and Kay watch over him while you trained" Ector then walks away as he receives a nod from his sons

Ector was walking towards the forest where he was greeted by a very beautiful lady who was sitting on one of the branch of the tree "Hello, Ector how is Arthur?"

Kay don't reply and kept staring at the women, he then finally close his eyes and sighs "he is doing good, Merlin, but isn't the burdens in his shoulders to big?"

"If you kept sighing you will grown older very soon, not that you are not old now" She didn't answer Ector's question and Ector also decided to not ask as he knew asking her these things are meaningless. She isn't even fully human how will she understand human feelings.

Ector continues his walk while Merlin just stare blankly at the place where Arthur was "I wish to meet you again, my king" she said as she dissappears into flower petals

It's only been 1 hour when Arthur began his training and was challenged by a young squire his age and Arthur beat him easily. Soon many squires began to challenge Arthur who were then one by one defeated by him until noone was left. Kay was laughing at the back as he watches his brother beat other squires, Kay lasted for more then half an hour when he fights with Arthur but the squires can't even last 5 minutes.

Kay stop laughing as he saw it was getting awkward for Arthur so he decided to intervene "Ok, Arthur it's time for you to learn how to ride a horse properly"

Kay took Arthur out of the training area and they went to horse stables where Kay took one of their horse out and started training Arthur how to ride a horse properly.

"You have already learn everything about riding a horse but you need to get experience now, so go around the village while riding the horse and come back soon ok" After 30 minutes of training Arthur in riding horse Kay let Arthur went out

Arthur nods at Kay's words and started riding his horse towards the village borders. After riding for a while, Arthur suddenly remembers the pretty lady again, so he decided to went back to the flower field.

Arthur didn't know why but he wanted to see the lady again, he decided rashly and was now already on his way so he just sighs and look for the flower field, the lady wouldn't stay in the same place for a second time will she. Arthur then finally reach the flower field and saw the same lady he saw back then sleeping in the same place with a smile on her face. Without a second thought Arthur quickly get down from his horse and walk silently towards the lady. He don't know why but he did that but the lady was sleeping so peacefully that Arthur himself felt sleepy, he woke up early today, it must have been the reason, Arthur thought and went to sleep besides the lady.

As soon as Arthur went to sleep, Merlin woke up and smiles while looking at Arthur's sleeping face "Oh my king, how long have I wish to meet you" Merlin said as she caress Arthur's cheeks and mutter some words and the whole area changes

Merlin then place Arthur's head on her lap "Rest as much as you want now, my king, time is a little different in my garden"

(A/N: I ship them but noone has every written a fanfic about them, so, Fine, I will do it myself)