
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Riverdale Forest

« At Riverdale Forest »

Dylan and his team were already scattered in the area around Riverdale Forest. There were a total of forty werewolves hiding in the forest while waiting for their prey to arrive.

The full moon was shining brightly in the sky. It was the primary source of light in that dark forest. It could be both a disadvantage and an advantage for the hunters.

This full moon considered an advantage since the moonlight would be able to give them a clearer view of the surrounding environment in the dark forest. Werewolves could not completely hide their presence from the hunters.

And at the same time, this was a great disadvantage to them since werewolves were several times stronger than their original strength during the full moon.

Samuel was tied in a big tree in the middle of the forest. Dylan and his fellow werewolves were just lurking around, hiding, and waiting for the right time. They were on their full alert tonight.

After several hours of waiting, they sensed movements in the southern part of the forest. Dylan who was the team leader for tonight's mission, dispatched ten werewolves to check the Southern part. They needed to check whether hunters just arrived in the area.

The ten werewolves immediately transformed into their wolf form and left their current post and went to check and monitor the location wherein they sensed some movements. Dylan expected one of them to report after 10 minutes. With their speed, they could scan that area in just 5 to 10 minutes.

However, 20 minutes had already passed but no one among them came back to report the situation in that area.

"What's wrong with them? Why they are taking this for so long." Dylan mumbled impatiently.

"Can someone here go and check the situation there?" Dylan asked the remaining werewolves who stayed behind with him.

"Let me do it." One werewolf stepped up from his hiding place and volunteered.

"Bring someone with you. And please be careful." Dylan warned him.

After saying that, another fellow werewolf volunteered to come. Soon, the two werewolves ran as fast as they could to the southern part of the Riverdale Forest.

Dylan waited for another more minutes. But to his disappointment, the two werewolves didn't come back. He started to have a bad feeling about this. Twelve fellow werewolves were dispatched in that area and no one among them returned. They just suddenly disappeared within the duration of 40 minutes.

"Are the hunters already here?" Dylan pondered to himself once again. A deep crease appeared on his face. He was already wearing his dark expression signifying that he was not in a good mood.

They planted traps around the area but how come until now no one was caught in those traps. Instead, their fellows suddenly went missing. Dylan was now thinking hard about what he should do next. There were only twenty eight werewolves left on their sides.

Alpha Jason together with another batch of werewolves fighter would arrive two hours from now. Dylan was aware that Alpha Jason was still busy with the mating session.

He couldn't believe that hunters could outsmart them. They made sure that hunters would either die in the traps or in their own hands.

So what was happening now? Did they miscalculate something? Did something go wrong with the preparation? Or Was there a traitor on their sides?

These were the questions running to Dylan's mind as of this moment. He had no idea that this happening was caused by his best friend Travis. Travis's team was the one who removed the traps. And now, they were also the intruders who were attacking Dylan's team in the southern part of the forest.

Compared to those werewolves who were dispatched by Dylan, Travis's Team was a much stronger fighter compared to them. They were also wise. But of course, they didn't kill anyone. They just lured them into their trap. They were using a strong dose of sedatives to make those werewolves fell to sleep.

For now, they already knocked twelve of them. They still had more remaining. Travis was waiting for what would be Dylan's next move. He was wondering if he would come personally to their location.

Their goal was to make Dylan leave his current post so that Diego and Alexa would be able to save the hunter. Travis knew that Dylan was the strongest among the werewolves here. Even if Diego and Alexa combined their strength they would not be able to defeat Dylan.

Furthermore, Dylan was not alone. They were still a lot of werewolves surrounding the hunter. They were just waiting for the hunters to arrive before they would launch their surprise attack.

Dylan's plan was smooth. Hunters who would try to rescue their fellow would become a cornered mouse in the werewolf's den. Once they appeared they would not be able to leave the Riverdale Forest alive. Only death was waiting for them.

Fortunately, Travis's team intervened, trying to rescue the poor hunter who was being held captive by the Blood Moon pack. They were acting like good samaritan here- saving a hunter who belonged to the people who were trying to exterminate their kind. 

They just only wanted to stop the bloodbath tonight. White Claw Pack wanted to stop this war and live in harmony together with humans. If they continued killing each other then this goal would just become wishful thinking in the end. They were afraid that more blood of werewolves and hunters would be spilled in this land.

They had to change it. They had to stop it from happening. They had to end this unending cycle of revenge between werewolves and hunters. White Claw Pack had that as their new mission so they would start with this- saving a hunter's life.

Meanwhile, Dylan finally made up his mind. He would go there in the southern part of the forest to see what happened to their fellow werewolves.

"Everyone, listen to me carefully. I need seven volunteers to come with me. I will go there to know what happened to our missing comrades. The remaining twenty should stay behind and guard this hunter. I think we have enemies in the shadows. We should be more careful. If you see anyone who tried to rescue this man, don't think twice… Kill them immediately. Give them a painful death." Dylan finally gave them his command.

"We understand, captain!" His comrades responded in unison.