
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter XXXXX

Almost everyone rejoiced after hearing the announcement. The majority of the student hunters were idolizing Athena. They looked up to her. For them, she was a role model, and it already a great privilege to be trained by a hunter like her.

The other trainers and mentors also felt happy that they would be able to work with Athena for two weeks in training the student hunters, except for one person. That person was none other than Ethan Spark.

'Damn! This lady again? She is following me, even here?' Ethan lamented inwardly.

'Strange. Why is he frowning right now? He should be smiling and rejoicing because his girlfriend would be staying here for two weeks.' Titania wondered to herself as she watched Ethan.

'Sh*t! I should start avoiding him. He has a girlfriend and he's kissing someone else. Athena might kill me once she learned about it. Tsk tsk tsk. Ethan Spark, What a Cheater!' Titania was still upset with Ethan.

The higher-up let Athena speak in front of the student hunters and her fellow mentors.

"I would like to thank the Hunters Association for letting me train these young blood, our soon-to-be protectors. I'm so excited to see your skills and at the same time, share my skills with you. Please, let us all work hard to protect humanity," She flashed her alluring smile after saying those words.

A loud round of applause followed after her short speech. Then Athena's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for someone. Her lips curled up upon seeing Ethan from the distance.

When the announcement was done, the higher-ups accompanied Athena to roam around the Training Ground. It's been a long time since the last time she visited the Academy.

Titania was amazed by the special treatment that the higher-ups of the Hunter Association were giving to Athena. She looked like a very influential personality. That's what Titania was aiming for entering the Hunters Association Academy.

She wanted to become an important and powerful person wherein she could influence the decision of the higher-ups of the Hunters Association. With that, she would be able to help her father and their pack to push the peace treaty between werewolves and humans.

Then Titania's brows wrinkled as she recalled something. She glanced in Ethan's direction once again.

'Ethan and Athena were both of the same levels, but I couldn't see Hunters Association gave special treatment to Ethan.'

After a few seconds, Titania gently knocked her head. 'Dang! Now, I remember the reason for the big difference in treatment between those two. Ethan is the rule breaker. Tsk Tsk Tsk.'

Titania just shook her head and facepalmed at that thought.

It did not take long when the afternoon classes and training sessions were resumed. The continuation of the afternoon classes lasted for two hours before the student hunters were dismissed by their designated mentors and trainers.

When Titania was about to reach her dormitory building, a large hand suddenly grabbed her elbow, thus stopping her. She gazed up only to see Ethan's handsome face.

A frown automatically formed on her forehead upon seeing his cheeky smile.

"What are you doing, SIR?" Titania emphasized the last word. She faced him with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Let go of my hand, Sir!" Titania added with her stern voice matched with her glaring eyes.

Ethan couldn't help letting out a husky laugh. "Are you still mad at me because of what happened in the Morning Class?"

When Ethan released her elbow, Titania put her hands on her waist while facing Ethan.

"That's not the only reason why I am mad at you… SIR. I know I owe you a favor. Because of your help, I was able to enter this academy. I would always be grateful for that. I would do my best to return that favor in the future. But I want to request something from you."

Ethan looked at her with confusion. "What is it?"

"Can you stay away from me? Don't talk to me if we are not in the class. Don't approach me just like this." Titania was really upset after knowing that he has a girlfriend that's why she was acting like this.

"No! Why should I do that? Are you trying to avoid me? But why?" Ethan blatantly rejected her request.

"Because I hate you!" Titania blurted out suddenly.

Ethan was taken aback after hearing her response. Complicated emotions flashed through his eyes.

After he recovered, he spoke up once again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your teammates. Please forgive me. I am just teasing you. I take my words back. You are not an amateur fighter."

Ethan apologized to Titania, thinking that was the reason why she's mad right now, causing her to request Ethan to stay away from her.

Titania was stunned for a moment when she saw Ethan's saddened, apologetic and regretful expression.

'Eh? Did I overdo it? Am I harsh for asking that? But why is he affected like this?' Titania pondered to herself.

"Oh, by the way, what do you mean that that's not the only reason you are mad at me? What are the other reasons?" Ethan asked her once again.

"Do you really want to know?" Titania asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Ethan bobbed his head like an obedient child. He wanted to know so that he would know what he should do to make it up for her.

Titania raised her fingers as she started enumerating the reason why she's mad at him.

"First, you stole my first kiss. Second, you ruined my fantasy about my first kiss. Third, you already have a girlfriend!"

Ethan: "..."

He was rendered speechless after hearing her reasons. It did not take long when a wolfish smile stretched out from the corners of his lips.

"Then can you forgive me after making it up to you?" Ethan started to move closer to her.

"Eh, what do you uhm-" The rest of her words were already swallowed up by Ethan's mouth.

He hooked his strong arms around her waist and at the back of her head, dragging her against his body as he kissed her once again. This time it was not a light kiss.

At first, Titania tried to struggle against his grasp. However, the moment Ethan deepened the kiss, Titania felt like she was drowning and she couldn't fight it any longer.

So instead of pushing him away, Titania clutched at him, dragging their bodies together. This time she responded passionately, returning his kiss eagerly.

'Damn? What's happening to me? This is so wrong. But I can't help it. I feel like I'm craving for this… craving for him to kiss me hard like this.'

Titania's heart was beating crazily inside her chest. She could feel both nervousness and excitement. 

As Ethan kissed her the way she had never imagined, she felt like she's a blossoming flower right now. Who would have thought that doing this with Ethan felt like she was opening up her soul to him?

It seemed that the two of them had no plan of breaking the kiss, not until someone called their attention, Ethan in particular, thus interrupting the two of them.

"Ethan? What are you doing? With a student hunter?"

Ethan and Titania were still catching their breath when they averted their gaze to the source of that voice. Titania froze on her spot when she recognized the owner of that voice.

"Hunter Athena?"

'Shit! His girlfriend just saw us kissing! She caught Ethan… and me! Damn! How would I explain this? Is this the end of my journey here as student hunter?'