
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 34

'D@mn! Is this how I'm gonna die tonight?' Jeston smiled bitterly at that thought.

But before the werewolf could reach Jeston's spot someone jumped in front of him, shielding him from the incoming attack of the werewolf.


The one who shielded Jeston from that attack was another werewolf. Its fur had a mixed color of black and grey. The werewolf jumped in front of Jeston and bumped into the werewolf who was trying to hurt Jeston. The opponent werewolf stumbled on the ground as he was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the werewolf.

The werewolf who fell on the ground stood up immediately. The two of them howled and snarled with each other, both were in their fighting stance, getting ready to launch another attack.

That was the moment Jeston opened his eyes. He was surprised to see the two werewolves before him. Ethan had the same surprised expression on his face. He didn't understand why the two werewolves were fighting. And he couldn't believe that one werewolf saved Jeston.

If not for that werewolf's intervention then Jeston would be dead by now in the hands of the other werewolf, breaking his neck with one savage bite and shake.

Ethan immediately ran towards Jeston. He was still holding his daggers. He was planning to protect him since Jeston was injured.

"Go, and take Samuel. Untie him. I will watch your back." Ethan instructed Jeston while giving him one of his daggers.

Jeston didn't waste any more time as he sprinted towards Samuel. They must grab this opportunity while the two werewolves were busy fighting each other.

Meanwhile, the werewolf that saved Jeston, was none other than but Alexa. She felt that her mate was in danger so she ran back to check on them. She was glad that she came on time. She crouched low, staring at her opponent and waiting for him to make a move. She was guarding Jeston and Ethan behind her. The werewolf spoke to her.

'Who are you? Why are you doing this? Why are you protecting these vicious hunters? Why are you betraying the werewolves, your own kind?' He was furious. He was looking at her with his murderous eyes.

Alexa didn't respond. She just kept observing her opponent. She had no choice. Jeston was her mate. Her wolf would not allow other werewolves to touch him. Werewolves were very protective of their mates. It was already given.

Her silence angered the werewolf more. He quickly launched himself at her, his claws aiming Alexa's throat. She reacted fast as she leaped on the other side, avoiding his attacks. The werewolf pounced on her once again. They rolled and scrambled on the ground, struggling with one another.

The werewolf was able to inflict a wound on Alexa's back. He ripped her skin and her legs mercilessly. But Alexa's retaliated by grabbing his tail in her jaws. Then she flipped him onto his back, her claw pressed against his belly.

'Stop fighting. I don't want to hurt you. I couldn't allow you to hurt him. He's my mate.' Alexa finally talked to him.

The werewolf was dumbfounded after hearing that. He stopped struggling under her. Alexa grabbed that opportunity to knock him off. She bumped his head into the ground, hard enough to make him lose his consciousness. Alexa heaved a sigh of relief after knocking the werewolf down.

Ethan was watching her in amusement. He was still in his fighting stance, getting ready to defend himself if ever the werewolf would try to attack him. He had no idea what's going on. He couldn't figure out why this werewolf helped them. But he didn't lower his guard against Alexa.

On the other hand, Jeston was able to untie Samuel in the tree. He was half-conscious.

"Samuel… It's me, Jeston. Could you hear me?" Jeston tried to tap his shoulder. Then he saw him nodded his head weakly. That meant Samuel could hear him.

"Don't worry, Ethan, and I will save you. We will get out of this forest alive." Jeston assured him.

"Ethan, Come! Help me carry him." Jeston yelled in Ethan's direction. He couldn't carry Samuel alone since his arm was also broken. They needed to hurry and leave. The other werewolves might be coming now after hearing the signal of their comrade.

Ethan dashed towards their direction. Jeston guided Samuel as Ethan carried him on his back.

"We should go now before other werewolves arrive here," Ethan said with urgency in his voice.

"Okay." Jeston simply stated. But before he left, he took one last glance at the werewolf who saved him. He was curious and at the same time thankful.

"Thank you for saving me." Jeston murmured before turning his back and followed Ethan behind.

Alexa watched Jeston retreating back until he vanished from her sight. "Take care, Jeston. Please be safe."

Alexa looked down on the unconscious werewolf. She already decided what she would do with him. She would bring him with her. She couldn't let him talk to Alpha Jason or else Blood Moon Pack would know that members of White Claw Pack sabotaged their plan tonight.

They couldn't afford to have another conflict with the Blood Moon Pack. They knew that what they had done tonight was very risky. But she didn't regret her action. No blood was spilled tonight. That's what matters most.

Soon, she decided to carry the werewolf and brought him to a hiding spot. She would wait for others at their meeting place. She left a signal, saying that the mission was complete. Hunters were able to save one of their comrades.

It did not take long when the other members of White Claw Pack were reunited in their meeting place. They were only waiting for Travis to arrive. They were surprised when they saw Alexa together with another werewolf.

"Who's that? Why did you bring him here? Are you planning to kidnap him?" Diego asked her exasperatedly.

"Yes, we have no choice but to do that or else Blood Moon Pack will know our involvement tonight. I fought him while I was on my wolf form." Alexa explained to Diego.

"What happened? Why did you do that?" Ashton asked her with intrigue.

"Yeah, that's too risky and reckless, our dear Delta," Rolly butted in.

"Hey, stop picking a fight with Alexa, or else you will go home crying," Kevin said, teasing Alexa and at the same time, giving his friends a warning.

Alexa just rolled her eyes before giving them an answer. "He tried to kill my mate."

Ashton: "What?!"

Rolly: " You found your mate?"

Kevin: " Your mate is here?"

The three men asked her almost at the same time. It was Diego who spoke on Alexa's behalf.

"Her mate is a hunter."

Ashton: "..."

Rolly: "???"

Kevin: "F*ck!"

They were in that baffled state when Travis finally arrived.

"Hey what's going on here? Why are you guys, looking like that? Did you just see a ghost?" Travis asked them, staring at them strangely.