

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT] * To you, my old and new readers, my hope is not that you finish this book, but that the book finishes you.” * Adara Langford woke up one morning to discover that she was to marry into one of the wealthiest families in the world. The Bancrofts. However, it is not her husband who pursues her, but his bastard brother. The unwanted son of the family. A man who has laid claim to her from the moment they met. He is dangerous and sinful, and whispers promises of immorality in her ears. She yearns for a man she cannot have. A forbidden desire brews between them, and she is terrified of falling into damnation with him. * * Note: Book cover is not mine. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOOK, YOU CAN FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @sspears OR FACEBOOK @Kourtneysspears

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
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141 Chs







"I can't believe this! What did you tell them?" The lady Iris barked at Dalton.

"They rejected our offer before I even arrived. They're backing him strongly and see no vision in me." He said sitting on the sofa amidst the broken glass on the floor. He could understand her anger, but everything happening now was quite her fault.

Back then Iris thought she was punishing Evren by making him work and give the glory to her son, but she had been wrong. No one trusts Dalton now, because the last time he was asked to handle the company for a week, the went through severe tribulation that only Evren could stop.

What investor would want to invest in a company that doesn't have a future?

A few maids rushed into the study room and started cleaning the broken glasses and wine on the floor. One of them being Agnes.