
FORBIDDEN: Fighting for the throne

This is a Fantasy Teen romance novel about a witch and three hot guys in the academy. Along with her friends, she vows to avenge her mother's death and kill her grandmother, Queen of witches. Will she succeed or end up like her mother?

Bay_Be3 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

What exactly is it time for?

Fast forwarding to the main fight of the day, Simone had gotten a bloody neck and had lost most of her hair in the battle but she had won, temporarily paralyzing Arjana's legs with her sword.

Damien and Hugo was next and after a series of blood baths and excruciating sword clash, Damien was announced victorious while Hugo was rushed off to the clinic.

During Emily's turn, she had sliced off one of Alora's finger but that didn't prevent Alora from fighting with all she had and she eventually won piercing Emily's sides with her sword which left blood gushing out as Emily was rushed to the clinic.

Eva stared in amaze at the field which had turned to a war zone. Blood stained grass and the tense filled air ....Eva didn't want to imagine what would happen after the last two's fight.

Miss Terra who looked unperturbed since her students had been rushed off to the clinic, came to stand between the two guys who were finally looking at each other with scary mocking smirks as if in a silent competition of who was much more handsome.

Eva noticed that people who had been chatting all these while had kept quiet. The front yard was a pin drop silent. No one wanted to miss out on this.....

"Miss Harris" Miss Terra suddenly called and for some reason Eva's heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach.

Students start looking back at her wondering why she was called just at the beginning session of a life time battle.

Eva stands up and headed for the trio in the field cautiously.

As she came forward, the two males look at her at the same time and she thought she would die from their gaze.

Take it easy on me guys. I can't be under the gaze of two handsome males...I might faint..She thought as she almost hid behind Miss Terra.

"What is she doing here" Davis said glaring at her while snorting.

It looked like he still wasn't happy about what happened earlier...

"Eva I'm going to have to ask you to use your powers...can you do that" Miss Terra whispered to her.

Eva stuttered but Miss Terra didn't let her say anything, she walks in between the handsome looking males who the female students were ogling at.

She looked at Davis

"And which sword have you chosen to battle with today"

With a smirk on his lips, he used one hand to fiddle with his sword swinging it up and down his hand making it look light.

"The Flaming sword"

Eva's mouth parted.

The Flaming sword wasn't just a plain sword.

It should only be used by people who could control their anger else, if in the wrong hands, can set itself in flames, scorching the hands of the owner.

"Pros. and Cons. "

"Pros. Sharp, long blade width and sharp edge. Cons. Erupts in flames at the slightest anger..."

Miss Terra suddenly said. "You sure you want to use that sword"

Davis shows an affirmative answer.

She turns to Jared who had been quiet.

"The Anaconda sword" He replied before Miss Terra could say anything. "Pros. Long, thin, sharp, light to hold, sharp pointed edge Cons. Blade is easily broken"

Miss Terra finally steps back to stand beside Eva who was still wondering why she was going to use her powers, what for and which spell exactly.

"You may begin"

Once she said that, Davis didn't even hesitate for a second, he sped towards Jared and slashed his sword against his.

Eva closed her eyes and looked away ready to hear the sound of a sword stabbing someone again but she hears the loud echoed noise of sword clashing against sword.

She looks up.

The two males were glaring at each other holding their swords against each other.

They shook as they forced their swords forward to their opponents face.

Finally they parted forcefully.

Davis smiled as he toyed with his sword with one hand.

"I'll go easy on you this time" Jared said mockingly but Davis only smiled evilly at him.

"Why? Are you afraid you'll break your hands"

The students start snickering

Jared just gritted his teeth as he positioned his sword to his face

"I'm going to cut that pretty mouth of yours"

Davis positioned his sword as well

" Are you jealous it's prettier than yours"

Jared lunged at him and sword clashing against sword echoed around the field again.

They kept slashing their swords against each other's angrily and quickly, very fast so that all people could see was only the dust that was thrown into the air with each loud slash their swords made.

Jared suddenly kicked Davis and he fell back, Jared flew up high ..into the air and tried to land with his sword on Davis's stomach but Davis was quick to roll over and Jared struck the ground with his sword.

Davis used that opportunity to slice his sword against Jared's back.

The students gasped as Jared winced and gritted his teeth in pain but he couldn't use his healing powers...it wasn't allowed

He turned to glare at Davis

"Sorry" Davis said forming an apologetic face. "I was aiming for your head"

Growling, he started slashing his sword much harder and quicker against Davis's. Davis who is usually composed when fighting was using two hands this time, slashing against the other sword with ferociouaity.

Jared swung himself, did a cartwheel in the air and brought his heel to Davis's forehead. As Davis fell back, he sliced his sword against Davis's stomach and Eva winced as she felt the sword go in.

Davis fell on one knee as he held his stomach which was bleeding uncontrollably.

He grits his teeth in seething pain and ...


Blood starts gushing down his mouth while Jared stands before him, raising his sword up to finish him off.

Eva held Miss Terra

"Shouldn't we stop them"

Miss Terra didn't move

"I'm afraid we can't. The only choice he has is to surrender.."

Eva almost scoffed

Someone as proud as Davis would never surrender to Jared....

Jared raised the sword about to land it on him when suddenly a flaming sword collides with his

Hissing like a snake from the heat of the sword, Jared steps back to inspect his charred wrists. He looks at Davis who was stooping a bit with the sword now flaming in his hands, though it was burning his hand up, he didn't look like he minded.

Everyone gasped watching as the fire scorched his arm, yet he came at Jared fiercely. Jared didn't fight back, he just kept avoiding the sword by stepping left or right or backwards.

Finally, Davis managed to slice the sword through his ankles and once Jared fell, he dropped his sword to the floor writhing in pain.

He had surrendered

Smiling In satisfaction, Davis let his flaming sword fall to the ground and the fire dissappeared like it was never there.

As the crowd cheered for him while Jared gnashed his teeth on the floor in anger and humiliation, Miss Terra finally held Eva.

"It's time".

Eva gulped. 'What exactly is it time for'