
Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

If you’re looking for something that’s basically porn with a plot, Forbidden Desires has you covered. This Game of Thrones fanfic doesn’t hold back when it comes to the steamy stuff—expect a lot of explicit scenes, wild passion, and moments that’ll definitely make you blush. The Targaryens are tangled up in all kinds of drama, both in and out of the bedroom, and the story leans into every forbidden romance and secret tryst that comes their way. But it’s not just about the heat (even though there’s a lot of that). There’s enough intrigue, betrayal, and backstabbing to keep the story moving, with just enough plot to give all those intimate moments some context. Think of it as a guilty pleasure read where the characters are as likely to scheme as they are to get into bed together. From secret affairs in King’s Landing to the wild coasts of Dragonstone, Forbidden Desires blends lust with a little bit of political maneuvering. But, honestly, if you’re here for the passionate encounters and the tangled emotions, you’ll find plenty to keep you turning pages. So, if you’re in the mood for a story that turns up the heat and doesn’t hold back, Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale is waiting for you. Just remember, once you dive into this world, it’s going to be hard to look away. Want to get early access to all the drama and passion? Join me on my Website or Patreon at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively for chapters before anyone else. Your support keeps the story going and gives you a front-row seat to every twist and turn.

Perseus_Blackfyre · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Chapter 38: Shadows of the Past

Rhaenys watched Arthur scowl at Jaime, the Kingslayer was being put in a jail wagon that would be his transportation till Kings Landing.


"If you keep staring I'm going to think you're in love with him." She joked. 


Arthur looked at her flatly. 


Rhae raised her hands in surrender. "You have to let it go, I have more reasons to hate that man than you, and here am not caring about his existence." 


"He's a turncloak, the city was sacked because he opened the gates to Tywin, he had the duty of protect Elia… but he didn't, and your mother died." Arthur said coldly.


Before Rhaenys could say anything, Ashara appeared at her side. "Elia knew about the risks… she knew about the risk of Rhaegar's plan of marring her and Lyanna and depose Aerys, she knew about the risk of the plans failures. And because of her awareness you and your brother are alive." 


The Queen bit the inside of cheek, feeling uncomfortable with the current subject. 


"And she got killed by the Mountain." Arthur said.


"That's what people think…" Ashara rubbed her hands.


Rhaenys knew her muña wasn't killed by the Mountain, her body may have been cut in two, by the Mountain, but Ashara had told her a long time ago that Elia was long dead by poison before the Lannister could reach her chambers.




"Regardless, Robert bragged about having her and the children dead, her name lowered to the mud." He spat.


Rhae breathed and held her wrist. "House Baratheon is basically gone Arthur, Stannis is gods knows where, if he shows up he will be dealt with, the Mountain will be soon dead and House Lannister will die too, Jaime and Tyrion will be dealt with. Myrcella will be marrying Trystane and getting the Martell name and he will rule the West from Casterly Rock." 


Ashara eyed her proudly. "Good. Now if you excuse me, I must talk with my brother, it seems our conversation about Jaime wasn't enough." Ash's face morphed into hard glare, it was funny seeing the feared sword of the morning gulping under her gaze.


Rhaenys watched as Arthur was dragged away, she let out giggle and walked to where her brother was, they were leaving Storm's End soon. Rhae found Aegon in the company of Margaery and Missandei, her brother was sitting on the steps of the carriage eating a fruit.


"Where were you?" He asked spiting the seed.


"Observing if Arthur's stare could actually kill." She lifted her brows.


"He's still on that?" He complained.


"Yes, but I don't think it will be for too long, by the look Ash gave him…" She hummed.


"Pardon, your grace, but why does Ser Arthur dislike Jaime Lannister so much?" Missandei asked.


"He was the Kingsguard for my grandfather, then betrayed him and opened the gates of the city for his father, my mother died, and Robert Baratheon became king." Rhae told her earning a 'oh'.


"My king!" Jaeren called. "A letter." He went to hand the letter to Aegon but Rhaenys snatched the paper from his hand. 


"Thank you, my lord." She smiled, the man bowed and left. 


"From whom?" Egg asked.


Rhaenys broke the seal and opened the envelope, her eyes trailed on the phrases, she frowned then her eyes went wide. "Wow…" She murmured.


"What?" Her husband asked.


"Daemon landed in North… he got himself a Direwolf… Ghost is its name, he met Stannis, and he poisoned him, Stannis Baratheon no longer lives." Rhaenys informed, her voice laced with pride. "He is also going to take Winterfell and retrieve Sansa Stark."






"Sansa Stark?!"


The three of them shouted at the same time, Rhaenys just shrugged and gave Aegon the letter, his eyes quickly trailed through the paper. "Well, there it goes a problem I guess…" He murmured.


"Prince Daemon does things as he pleases…" Margaery mumbled with a slight frown.


Rhaenys' eyes went to the Rose. "And you are implying?" She asked slowly, her gaze was dangerous.


"Uhm, nothing my Queen… I'm not implying anything, it was just an observation." Marge quickly said.


Rhae hummed. "I think with Stannis' death House Baratheon are officially extinct." Her lips raised. 


"Not quite My Queen, you said Prince Daemon killed Stannis, Stannis has a daughter, Shireen." Marge informed.


Rhaenys groaned. "Dae wouldn't kill a child, knowing him he will probably attack Stannis forces at some point at capture the girl."


Aegon nodded. 


"How did he get a Direwolf?" Missandei mused.


Not knowing how to answer, both Targaryens remained silent. For their surprise, Margaery answered. "Eddard Stark found Direwolf pups years ago, I presume your graces must have heard that each Stark child had one. Prince Daemon must had crossed path with one." 


"How'd you know that?" Aegon raised a brow.


Marge passed her tongue on her lip. "Sansa Stark was a friend while I was in Kingslanding, she was a naïve girl, I tried to help her in some sort of way. I think I did."


"Her Direwolf was there?" Rhae asked.


Margaery shook her head. "Sansa's Direwolf was killed, the beast attacked Joffrey while in Winterfell." 


"Hmm, let's just hope Dae can control… Ghost." Aegon murmured and read the beast's name. They stood in silence before the King exclaimed. "Shit!" His hands went to his pocket. "A raven from Dany arrived too." 


Rhaenys looked at him flatly. "Your brain is of the size of nut; did you know that?"


"What? I forgot…" He mumbled opening the letter. "She has duskendale… it's for us to be aware with 'scorpions' some sort of upgraded ballista's… she will face the rest of Cersei's army in a few days or a fortnight." Aegon read.


"Good, we are cutting her army piece by piece, the only one that remains is the one in Kings-Landing. She has nowhere to run." Rhaenys smirked.


"If I know Cersei, she must be furious…" Marge mumbled, her eyes locked on the ground and a small smile appearing of her face.


"Soon she well be defeated and we will be seating on the throne." Egg got up moving his chest forward and groaning. "It's time for us to leave, My ladies." He stepped aside pointed to the carriage, Marge and Missy entered and he looked at her. 


"I will ride with you." She closed the door.


He smiled and took her hand, pecking her lips they made way to their horses.



 Daemon dodged the point of the spear; he waved his sword trying to hit his opponent, but she jumped to the side. "Ouch!" He exclaimed when Nymeria smacked the butt of the spear on his wrist, he let the sword drop and Nym spined hitting the back of his knees. 


The prince let a grunt as his back hit the ground. "Yield dragon boy." She aimed her spear to his throat. 


"I yield." He mumbled.


"Hum." Nym said proudly and helped him up.


"Really shameful, my prince. Still can't beat her with a spear." Ty mocked from her spot, she was sitting on a barrel watching both of them spar.


"Go fuck yourself." He scowled. Daemon saw Sansa approaching with Brienne and Podrick, his arm was still on a bandage. 


"Lady Sansa, Lady Brienne, squire." He greeted them.


Ty giggled and jumped from the barrel walking to his side. "How's your arm?" She asked Podrick.


"Uhm, it's getting better, my lady." He gave her a tight smile.


"It's was never my intention to break your arm, just dislocate it." She smiled at him cocking her head. The boy blinked and nodded, quickly he excused himself.


"That was unnecessary." Brienne said through her teeth.


Tyene stared at the woman and shrugged nonchalantly. 


Seeing the tension between the women growing, Sansa intervened. "Some Northern houses will be arriving on the next few days… a raven arrived from House Cerwyn, they're a day from here." She informed.


He nodded. "You will be the one receiving them," 


She frowned. "Why?"


"I will leave for the wall tomorrow, at first light, in a week I will be back, but until my return, the daughter of Ned Stark will receive and manage the guests." Daemon told her putting his spare sword away.


Sansa gave him a surprised look but still nodded. "I-I will do my best, Daemon." 


The prince felt a little cold feeling on his nose, he brushed his finger on it and realized it was wet, he looked up and saw the small flakes of snow slowly falling. "I know you will." He said softly raising his hand and letting a snowflake fall and melt in it.


"It seems winter has arrived…" Sansa murmured eying the sky.


"Great, it will become colder." Tyene mumbled.


His cousin frowned a little then her eyes widened slightly in realisation, her cheeks grew red. "What?" He asked watching Ghost pass through the gates.


"I… I forgot, but in Winterfell we have hot springs." She said, embarrassed of how she had forgot about that.


"What?!" The heads spun quickly at her.


Sansa flinched in surprise. "Uhm, hot springs, they're underground, or in the Godswood, they are the reason of why the castle is warm. The hot springs…" 


Six eyes blinked at the same time. "You're taking me there. Right now." Daemon slowly. "You stay here." He pointed at Brienne.



The dragon and the two snakes stared in awe at the steam above the water, the air around them were hot. "This is perfect." Ty said.


"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Nymeria hissed at Sansa.


"I had a lot in my mind… and I was busy." Sansa apologized.


The hot springs walls were gigantic rocks, a few beams of light coming from the ceiling of it lighting up the place a little, they had brought torches with them, two for each person, the fire was brightening the place. It was well built too, a stream of water was dripping from a hole on a rock, the water traveled to the three pools full of hot water.


Daemon heard the noise of clothes hitting the floor and turned his head, he saw Ty butt naked walking to the nearest pool, Nymeria was halfway of being bare for them to see. Sansa was with her mouth agape and flushed watching both women not caring about her presence there and just ripping their clothes off.


"Oooh." Tyene moaned loudly as she entered on the water.


"I'm not leaving this place." Nymeria groaned entering the water. Daemon walked to the pool and crouched; he passed his hand through the water feeling the temperature. It was very hot, but not much hot, Ty and Nym could stay inside of it, it wasn't the type of hot that him and his family could take.


"Come on, get your pretty arse inside." Ty said closing her eyes and resting her head on the edge.


Nymeria looked at him sideways, a small smirk appeared on her lips and she cocked her head slightly, just enough for him to notice. Catching what she meant it, the prince stood up and began to undress, cloak, surcoat, and then his boots. 


At last he lowered his trousers, he suppressed a grin and spun around, Sansa's face was matching her hair, Daemon watched as her eyes trailed through his body, her eyes stopped on his hanging cock, thick, pink cockhead and big balls. He twitched making her blink and look away. 


"Care to join us Sansa?" He invited her with a smile.


His cousin stumbled on her words and then cleaned her throat. "I have things to do, get everything ready for the other Houses arrival. It's better if I get going…" She said quickly.


"Please." He scoffed. "You deserve a bit of rest, you've been running the household since I delegated you to it, please join us." Dae shot her a smile. "We won't look." Turning to both sisters who nodded and looked away from the Stark girl, he entered the water and did the same.


Daemon waited almost a minute before he heard the sound of water splashing. "You can turn now." Sansa called, the three of them turned their heads to her watching as her red wet hair cascaded on her back. Only her head and shoulders showed out of the water, Dae cursed.


"See? Nothing better than a hot bath." He said, Sansa smiled weakly at him. The prince frowned when his cousin's eyes widened slightly, he looked behind and rolled his eyes. Nym and Ty were hungrily kissing each other, he swam to his cousin's side. 


"Thi-this is sinful…" She whispered.


"This is hot." He murmured, Ty began to push Nym to the edge of the pool, Nymeria's back was pressed against the edge and her sister's hand creeped down her belly. 


"Did you ever lay with a woman Sansa?" He asked swimming backwards and resting his arms on the corners of the pool, his cousin looked at him and shyly went to his side, to his disappointment she was not close. 


"No, I never." She shook her head looking at the Sand Snakes, Dae could see she was embarrassed and didn't want to look, yet, her gaze didn't moved.


"You should…" He counselled, a small smirk appeared on his lips when Nym gasped, Tyene was definitely fingering her.


Sansa didn't say anything, she just stood there watching, she didn't speak to him, neither looked at him, the color on her cheeks indicated her embarrassment.


Minutes passed and Nymeria began to pant and curse while Tyene sucked and kissed her neck, observing his cousin one more time he caught her biting her lip. His lips raised slightly, she could try to hide, but he knew she was interested on him and both sisters, even more after Nym brag about what he could do with his tongue.


Feeling his cock get painfully hard the prince held back a groan, soon he would have the Stark girl.



After almost an hour on the hot springs, they stopped in front of Sansa's chambers and she slowly retrieved her arm from his. "Thank you, for the water springs." He smiled at her.


Sansa matched the smile. "The three of you seemed to need it." She said playfully, starting to feel freer around him. 


He hummed a laugh. "We did, I just hope you didn't get spooked or offended back there…"


Shaking her head, she pursed her lips. "Oh no… they are your paramours, it was a little awkward but I didn't mind." She looked down fidgeting her hands.


He nodded smiling brightly at her. The prince could feel it was the right time as silence fell between them, she stared at his face. He slowly moved forward, Sansa watched as he got closer and closer. Finally his lips touched hers, her lips were soft and brushed gently against his, Dae cupped her face and deepened the kiss.


Her hands held his arms and she let his tongue rub into hers, both cousins shared a kiss for a few seconds before they ran out of breath. 


"Daemon…" She whispered. "We can't…" 




"Why?" He murmured.


"You are married… and you have two lovers, we are family too." She said breathlessly. It seemed she didn't know her own family history.


"Hmm, our grandparents were cousins." He hummed. "My wife doesn't care… she's probably somewhere with a cock buried in her cunt as we speak," Daemon whispered gaining a shocked expression from her. "Ty and Nym…" He just laughed, the prince knew the two enough to know that they wanted to bed Sansa as much as he.


The redhead went to speak again but Dae was faster and put his finger on her lips. His eyes locked with hers, violet on blue. His hand went to the doorknob and opened. "Get in Sansa…" He murmured.


Blinking she did what he told her, he followed and closed the door locking it, turning around his eyes landed on her again, he walked slowly till her making sure to not scare her. Sansa walked backwards till her legs hit the table, walking and looking at her like she was his prey the prince stopped in front of her.


Once again he cupped her face while she just stared at him. "You are one of the most beautiful women I ever seen." He murmured passing his thumb on her lower lip, a little of color appeared on her cheekbones. Catching her by surprise he kissed her again, this time deep and slow, their tongues brushing gently making her let out a little whimper. Daemon let go of her lips after a while and kissed her cheeks and neck making her let a shaky breath and hold on the table.


He moved back and observed her, her eyes were dark, lips swollen and her chest going up and down. His hand went to the two pins of her dress, before he could take them she held his hand. "Daemon…" She breathed.


"Sansa… nothing will happen if you don't want, if you say no, I will leave you and never touch you again. You just need to say 'No'." He said softly, her eyes watched his face, Dae could see the gears on her head working. He made the right choice using the word 'never'.


The prince moved his hands again and this time she didn't stop him. Holding back a victorious smile the prince took the pins off, making the front of her dress open, he pulled each band to the side revealing her gown. Sansa let the dress fall then let him spin her around, Daemon undid the laces on the back of the gown and helped the material slid down her shoulders.


The prince wetted his lips looking at her pale skin. He turned her around giving a step back, he hummed, Sansa had a stunning body, medium perky breasts with bright pink nipples, shapely flat belly, a red bush above her cunt and long legs. Her pussy was also pink with her inner lips passing her outer lips just a little. He throbbed. Sansa tried to put her hands in front of her body but he held them.


He put them on her sides. "Gorgeous Sansa…" His eyes trailed on her pale skin. His cock was getting uncomfortable in his breeches.


"Do I please you?" She asked shyly.


He laughed making her frown, seeing her confusion the prince quickly acted. "Undo it." He told her motioning to his belt and laces. She took a breath and worked on his belt while he discarded his upper clothes. Sansa finished her task and observed his body again, Daemon pulled his trousers down showing her his hard cock, her eyes widened, the length, the girth and the thick vein popping above it.


"Give me your hand…" He said, and she did.


Daemon guided her hand to his cock and made her hold, he twitched on her hand earning a little gasp.


"What did you asked me, Sansa?" He asked cheekily.


"Uh, nothing." She mumbled still holding his cock, once again the prince kissed her, her hands went to his sides as they now kissed with passion. Daemon broke the kiss and went to her tits, she watched him with eager but also reluctant eyes.


Ugh. So close.


"May I?" He said cupping her breast gently, Sansa swallowed. 


"Yes…" She whispered. 


Sansa gasped when he captured her nipple, Dae moaned as he hallowed his cheeks sucking on her tit like a babe, swirling his tongue he felt the nub hardening on his mouth. His cousin's soft hands went shyly to his dump curls. Daemon captured her nipple between his teeth making her let a small whine, he pulled back gently making her curve her back.


Giving her right tit one last suck he turned and repeated on the left one, now licking and sucking harshly earning little moans from her. As he gave her breasts attention the prince moved back seeing the red spots that he left on her skin, from her nipple till the valley of her breasts. Deciding it was enough, Daemon looked up at her and grinned, surprising him Sansa shot him a shy smile. 


The prince now made her brows furrow, he moved her clothes and knelt on one knee at them. She blushed again; his face was literally on her cunt. 


'You should see what he can do with his tongue' Nymeria's voice echoed on her head. 


Is he putting his mouth on her cunt?


Sansa was pulled from her thoughts when Daemon buried his nose on her mound taking her scent, she stood with her mouth open watching him. Daemon held her leg and guided to his shoulder, she quickly supported herself on the table and gasped when his tongue made contact with her folds, Dae hummed tasting her sweet pussy.


"Ohh…" She whispered softly when his tongue went up and down on her clit, Daemon groaned holding her upper tight, moving his other hand to between her legs the prince brushed two fingers on her wet folds, gently he pushed them inside making her moan and eyes close.


He sucked her bundle of nerves while lapping his tongue on it, she bucked her hips and held tightly on the edge of the table, her other hand went to the back of his head. Daemon curled his fingers moving them inside her, Sansa trembled and threw her head back squeezing her eyes shut, she never felt this type of pleasure before.


Daemon didn't notice any barrier on her cunt, Ty and Nym had bet that Sansa was still a maiden, and he had bet that she wasn't, maybe he was right, because he also knew that some women lost their maidenhead while riding horses or some simply didn't have one. 


The prince was pulled from his thoughts when his hair was gripped tightly, the leg on his shoulder trembled and Sansa let a series of pitchy moans. Her walls clenched around his fingers and she came. Dae let his fingers inside her till her walls stopped convulsing around it, when it stopped and Sansa was breathless trying to regain her air, Daemon took her leg from his shoulder gently and pulled his fingers and stood up.


His cousin eyes were shut, her mouth open and chest rising and lowering. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "How it was?" He murmured passing his hand on her cheek.


"I- it felt nice… really good…" She panted.


"Hmm, I'm glad." He hummed. "Open your mouth." Daemon ordered.


Slowly she did and he put the fingers that were wet with her juices inside. "Suck…" He murmured eying her intensely. Shyly she wrapped her lips around and sucked. "You taste good, don't you?" 


Sansa's eyes widened, he gave her a lopsided grin and pulled back, Dae sucked his fingers too, then moaned softly. Moving forward their lips met again, both tasting her on their tongues. She moaned surprising him.


The Stark girl parted their lips making him raise a brow. "Are you going too…?" She nodded at his throbbing and painfully hard cock.


"Fuck you?" 


She bit her lip and nodded, he took her hand and put on his cock, he didn't needed to tell her to move her hand, Sansa started to stroke him awkwardly.

All of this got him close to his peak, so it wouldn't take long before he cum.


"No." He said. 


Sansa's mouth opened and closed. "Do I displease you?" Her voice in a sad tone.


"No…" He moaned. "I will leave in a few hours, I will fuck you Sansa." Her tongue passed on her lips.


"But I want to take my sweet… and precious time with you." Daemon could feel his orgasm approaching. She nodded. "I have a task for you…" 


Sansa waited for him to say, her grip on his cock weakened, groaning he slapped her hand away and caught her by surprise turning her around, Sansa gasped and held on the table, Dae pulled her hips back raising it and began to grind his sack on the crack of her arse.


"When I come back from the wall, most lords will be here," He mumbled, he spat on his hand and stroked his cock. "I will greet them… but you won't be there to welcome me." 


"Wha- why?" She murmured.


"When I come back… fuck… I will go to my chambers, and you better be there, naked… on my bed, with your legs open waiting for me- Ah! Shit!" He gasped, his cock twitched and six jets of thick cum flew on Sansa's back making her flinch. Daemon groaned and moaned as pleasure took his body, a minute passed, and his seed began to drip down her back. 


"Sansa?" He called weakly.


"Yes?" She swallowed, trying to turn around, he held her in place.


"While I'm away, try to get acquainted with Ty and Nym, if you need, they'll be there." Dae said, she nodded. 


"And don't forget what I expected when I come back." He smirked.

Want to get early access to all the drama and passion? Join me on my Website or Patreon at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively for chapters before anyone else. Your support keeps the story going and gives you a front-row seat to every twist and turn.

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