
Forbidden Desire.

In a story of love and longing, Miyah grapples with the echoes of a lost romance while navigating the challenges of her clinical training. Encountering an intriguing figure along the way, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the gentle rhythm of her heart.

Mikkie_Anderson · Urban
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13 Chs


Obfuscation—evasive, unclear, confusing.

Miyah Anderson's POV

The tranquility of my evening shattered with the shrill ring of the phone. Startled, I reluctantly answered, greeted by the voice of a delivery guy on the other end, informing me of an unexpected package meant for me.

I made my way downstairs to the lobby, the anticipation palpable with each step. What could this surprise delivery possibly be? Arriving at the reception, I found the delivery guy waiting with a sizable package in hand.

With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I accepted the package, the weight of it adding to the intrigue. As I tore open the wrapping, a bouquet of roses greeted me, their vibrant petals a stark contrast to the muted surroundings.

Nestled among the blooms was a note, bearing a message that read,

"Hey, my action toward you today was inexcusable. Allow me to make it up to you. Be ready by 8 PM ~ Dr. Avery. "

My breath caught in my throat as I read his words, a surge of conflicting emotions washing over me—surprise, confusion, and anxiety.

Tucking the note into my pocket, I thanked the delivery guy and made my way back to our shared room, the scent of roses trailing behind me.

My ever-curious roommates, Chelle and Joy, were lounging on their beds, engrossed in their own activities. "Hey, what's with the flowers?" Joy piped up, her eyes lighting up with curiosity.

"I, uh, got a delivery," I replied hesitantly, not wanting to reveal too much just yet.

Chelle's gaze flickered with interest. "From who? Is it a secret admirer?" she teased, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I giggled.

Despite their playful banter, I couldn't shake the confusion and hesitation gnawing at me. Dr. Avery sudden gesture left me questioning his intentions—was it a genuine apology, or was it something more? As I retreated into the privacy of my room, I mulled over the possibilities, unsure of how to proceed.

Alone in my space, I held the bouquet close, the petals soft against my fingertips. Dr. Avery's unexpected gesture left me reeling, unsure of how to proceed. Should I embrace his apology, or tread cautiously, guarding my heart against further hurt?

With a deep breath, I set the bouquet aside and turned to face the mirror, the reflection staring back at me a mosaic of emotions. As I prepared for the evening ahead, one thing became clear—whatever lay ahead, I would face it with courage and caution.

Dr. Steve Avery's POV

Standing in front of my mirror, I adjusted the collar of my crisp white shirt, trying to focus on the task at hand. The reflection staring back at me was calm and composed, but inside, I was anything but. Tonight's gesture was uncharacteristic, and the vulnerability it brought was unsettling.

I glanced at my watch, the minutes ticking away with agonizing slowness. "Will she even come?" I wondered aloud, my voice a soft echo in the still room. My actions earlier today had been unforgivable, a result of my own frustrations and the pressures of my position. I had lashed out at Ms. Anderson unfairly, and the regret gnawed at me, relentless and unforgiving.

The bouquet of roses and the note had been a spontaneous decision, a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm my harsh words had created. I hoped it conveyed the depth of my apology, but as I checked my watch again, the anxiety within me grew. This wasn't just about extending an olive branch; it was about seeking redemption.

"Hey, my action toward you today was inexcusable. Allow me to make it up to you. Be ready by 8 PM."

I sighed, the words echoing in my mind. Would she see past my earlier outburst and understand the sincerity behind my invitation? The possibility of her rejecting it made me uneasy, a sensation I wasn't used to feeling. I was accustomed to control and certainty, but tonight, those were luxuries I couldn't afford.

Grabbing my keys, I made my way to my car, a sleek, polished vehicle that mirrored my professional success. As I drove to Miyah's hostel, the usual confidence I felt behind the wheel was replaced by a gnawing apprehension. Parking outside, I leaned against my car, striving to appear nonchalant, though my mind was anything but calm.

The cool evening air did little to soothe my nerves. I checked my watch repeatedly, each passing second stretching into an eternity. The street was quiet, save for the distant hum of city life, and I found myself listening intently for any sign of her approach. I sent a her a message asking her to come downstairs.

Finally, at the stroke of 8 PM, movement at the hostel entrance caught my eye. Miyah emerged, looking stunning in a dress that accentuated her graceful figure. Her hair framed her face perfectly, and the sight of her took my breath away. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, and seeing her now, ready to meet me despite everything, stirred something deep within me.