
Forbidden Bloodline: The Ancient Curse

Blaze Draven, a formal special ops agent, was unjustly declared wanted by his country to conceal a political ploy. They hunted him around until death. However, he got transmigrated into the body of a ten-year-old kid on an unknown planet – Hadar, a planet of bloodline, magic, and empires. He planned to live the rest of his life, serenely and uneventfully. However, he was still an ant in front of fate! In Hadar, different bloodlines of ancient legendary and common beasts exist in the human body. Bloodline can improve your mana prowess. However, there is a class of bloodline that is shunned by the whole Hadar – the forbidden bloodline. Anybody with the forbidden bloodline is killed on site. Blaze happened to awaken the forbidden bloodline. He had no qualms about dying. But something happened along the way that made him change his mind. He had one mission to accomplish before dying — 'Burn the hegemonic Tower Empire to the ground!' However, an Empire that has survived for thousands of years is not a thing to be destroyed like a mud house, manor, or town.

Blackcape001 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

33. Duke Andrew Attack

"Do you have a thing for trouble?" Aphrodite asked with a wry smile.

While Yvonne replied enthusiastically, "Great, let me round up this section," and walked away.

"I have a plan," Blaze whispered to Aphrodite. "But she looks so interested in me." Blaze watched Yvonne.

"I thought you wouldn't notice. We will know from her goal future request," Aphrodite added.

Blaze looked around and spotted a group of chairs by the side, in a dark corner. It was some distance from the workbenches.

Walking up to the chairs, Blaze helped himself to one.

"Why don't you like potion-making? You awoke the water element, so it should be easier to be proficient in potion making," Aphrodite asked as she sat beside him.

"I have low intelligence in learning complex things. I bet this simple combination is going to escalate quickly to concocting complex potions," Blaze said calmly. "Just like how chemistry escalated," he muttered inaudibly at the end.

"But if you spend time—"

"Which I don't have," Blaze interjected, cutting off Aphrodite. "My intuition leads me to believe that my affinity for water is not suited for mere potion-making, but rather for genuine battles. The circumstances we find ourselves in, dictate the course of our lives. Passion, or whatever one may call it, only truly manifests when one's path is not hindered by rigid constraints."

Curiosity piqued, Aphrodite inquired, "Where did you read all this philosophy of yours?" Blaze always talks like he has seen it all.

Blaze responded nonchalantly, revealing a glimpse of his experiences, "If you meet different people while being chased for seven years, different philosophy is going to fill your head, as that's what you will think to keep yourself sane. Recollecting your past and thinking about life are going to be your daily thoughts."

"Which side job are you going to focus on?" Aphrodite asked, forgetting the issue. She knew fully well that Blaze only touched the surface of his past, not wanting to delve deeper into it.

"Array sounds interesting. Either array or blacksmithing," Blaze said as he touched his jaw in contemplation.

Aphrodite nodded before asking, "If I remember correctly, you said you have low intelligence. How are you dumb? The Professor in the academy sees you as one of the smartest students." But she quickly added, "Except the pride and madness part."

"You're confusing experience with intelligence," Blaze slurred as he focused on the next potion Yvonne was about to make. The dark corner veiled his face, which made the conversation between him and Aphrodite run smoothly. Otherwise, everybody will think he's a lunatic.

"Maybe you're now intelligent, but you never tried to think," Aphrodite said as she turned to Yvonne.

"Who knows?" Blaze replied rhetorically without taking his eyes off Yvonne, who turned and smiled at him.

"You have a memory that haunts you about something concerning your intelligence?" Aphrodite probed but Blaze just kept staring at Yvonne without replying.

Just as Blaze had predicted, the next potion they were working on began to escalate into a complex chemical compound. The ingredients being mixed were a combination that Blaze preferred not to dwell upon. These particular ingredients were used in the creation of an antidote for various poisons. Yvonne mentioned that they might require the antidote for their assignment the following day, implying that it was a necessary component for their task.

Yvonne calmly addressed the class,

"Okay, since thirty percent has been completed, we will proceed to the next stage. If you find yourself needing to recall the constituents of the D-rank general antidote, you can visit the library during lecture-free hours to update your knowledge."

Her tone turned stern as if someone had offended her, as she continued, "Now, I want to make it clear that anyone who is not genuinely interested in making potions has the option to drop the course. Remember, you are required to offer at least one selective course in addition to your two compulsory courses: Battle Magic and General Mana Control."

Yvonne concluded at last, "The minimum passing score is 50 points. However, if you score between 40 and 49, you will be required to repeat the course. Any score below 40 will result in expulsion from the class. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Principal," the students chorused. Blaze sat like a chairman, watching everything.

Suddenly, a young woman quickly walked into the lab and whispered something into Principal Yvonne's ear. Her eyes contracted as she sharply turned to Blaze.

"I guess he's here. Let the dice roll. Let the test begin," Blaze muttered as he leaned comfortably on the chair, his posture relaxed and devoid of fear.

A resplendently attired gentleman entered the room, donning an exquisite black suit adorned with intricate gold designs on the shoulder and lapel. He bore a striking resemblance to Liam, although he appeared taller and more mature, lacking the youthful aura that surrounded Liam. With his long black hair, brown eyes, and a chiseled jaw adorned with light beards, he possessed a handsome appearance. Blaze estimated his height to be around 1.83 meters, further adding to his commanding presence in the room.

Yvonne's voice rang out with authority, "Today's class is over. Those of you who possess water or light elements, please gather here after lunch. Remember to refill your core before coming."

The students swiftly exited the laboratory, leaving only Blaze, Liam, and Yvonne behind.

Yvonne's voice turned cold as she addressed the new person, "Andrew, I expect an explanation for your disruption during my class. It is against the rules to enter the classroom without permission."

"I am aware of the rules, but it is you who needs to provide a satisfactory explanation," Andrew responded calmly, his gaze shifting from Yvonne to Liam, assessing his son's condition from head to toe.

He continued, "My son was assaulted at school, and the perpetrator faced no consequences for their actions." Andrew's tone remained composed as he highlighted the incident that had occurred.

"The offender already had 4 marks deducted from his academic score," Yvonne said calmly, not being intimidated by Andrew.

"Just 4 marks?" Andrew asked coldly as he sharply turned to Yvonne.

Yvonne responded coldly, asserting her authority, "Don't push your luck. In this school, I am the one who makes the rules." However, she quickly followed up with a calm explanation, "But I have taken steps to address the issue and prevent anyone from exploiting the loophole."

Andrew nodded, knowing when to step back, after all, they were on the same level.

In a sudden surge of audacity, Blaze rose from his seat and strode past Andrew, his presence causing Yvonne's visage to contort with anger. Just when the situation seemed to be within manageable bounds, Blaze chose to interject himself.

"Hold on," Andrew called out to Blaze, who had already reached the doorway.

"Yes?" Blaze turned calmly, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets.

"You're Blaze?" Andrew questioned, a single eyebrow arching inquisitively.

"And if I am?" Blaze countered, mirroring Andrew's raised eyebrow.

"Die!" Andrew bellowed, his voice laced with authority and anger.

In an instant, an unseen force crashed into Blaze, propelling him through the air with great force. Blaze crashed into the wall behind him, before falling to the ground.

"Andrew! One more assault and you shall never set foot in this academy again," Yvonne's voice thundered with an icy chill, her hair billowing in a mesmerizing dance as the potent energy of mana swirled around her, casting an aura of awe and power.

Ignoring her warning, Andrew lunged at Blaze, his movements so swift they appeared akin to teleportation, his hands closing around Blaze's throat in a vice-like grip.