
Forbidden ⚣ Ranci Ella [BL]

Park Jung Hyung, also known as Spade is a son of a mafia boss. He was sent to Japan to do some business, but the moment he stepped foot in the Japanese soil, he was welcomed by Himamura clan, A group of Yakuza who had been ruling Japan for years. At first he thought they wanted to start a war but their clan leader, Him, just wanted to welcome him with his "welcome present" in hopes of Japan's peace. When Spade visited the Himamura residence to give his "thank you" gift, he was greeted by Him's son, Natsuo. Spade instantly fell in love with Natsuo but people like Natsuo is hard please. Natsuo despised bad and cruel people though he in the past had been something a lot worse than Spade. Spade was enraged knowing he couldn't own the mysterious masked beauty. So, every night, Spade had been killing people in order to get Natsuo's attention. Spade wanted to guilt trip Natsuo into submitting to him in hopes for the safety of the people of Japan. Kim Seok Jun is a righteous person, he had a mysterious past that made him for who he is today. He and his bestfriend, Song Yibo, liked to solve cases despite their young age. They had been going around their university to solve the crimes made by a certain section. Due to a month worth of mysterious absence, Seok Jun was punished and had to transfer in the section he and Yibo had been investigating. Too eager to put the criminal students behind bars and no options to choose from, he transferred—departing from his best friend, Yibo, for two months. What if Park Jung Hyung and Kim Seok Jun crossed paths in that section? Will Seok Jun just look at Jung Hyung as a mentally ill student he can fix or he will put him behind bars after he discovers what he really is? Will their feelings get in the way? What about Natsuo? Who exactly is Natsuo? "Love is a crime." "If I get caught, I get locked." "Caught up in love and get locked in those beautiful orbs of yours." Forbidden © 2020 RanciElla

RanciElla · LGBT+
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8 Chs


⚠︎ —  language, gore ✔

Spade's Point of View.

"Sir, we have an intruder."

I turned my attention to the guy dressed in black when I heard myself getting called.

"Let the intruder in." I said. With a cigarette on my hand, I blew a puff of smoke.

It has been three days when I arrived here in Japan. The first time I stepped foot on the Japanese soil, I already knew the yakuzas are going to come for me. But attacking me this early? They must be having some kind of death wish. I chuckled.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill you!"

I heard a man's voice coming from outside the room. The door swang open and I was greeted by beaten man in his mid-twenties—trapped in the arms of two other men dressed in black.

A hint of disappointment got into me. I expected the yakuzas to come for me in groups, is this yakuza a sacrificial lamb?

"Let him go." I said to the men in black. They quickly let go of the beaten man, making him scrunch his face in pain as he felt the impact of his body falling to the ground.

"Leave." I told my men and they obligely left the room without hesitations.

"What do you want?" I asked, embracing the smell of cigarette lingering in the room.

"I was sent to give you this." The beaten man with slightly torned clothes pulled something out of his pocket.

A letter.

"Zachary, get it for me."

A pale man in a silky suit came out of nowhere and made his way to the poor yakuza as I called. He grabbed the letter out of the yakuza's grip.

"It's not poisoned" The pale guy said before handling me the unknown letter.

"He's sent with my orders to welcome you with present, a gift, I've always never got to give. No time to use, I'm busy for my clan.

Him, yakuza leader."

I looked at the beaten man who was struggling a few minutes ago, who is now pointing his katana at my throat.

"You're waiting for the present, right?" The man smirked wickedly.


I am very sorry you had to meet such fate. I caressed the yakuza's pale cheeks as I watch him bathing his own blood.

A few moments ago...

"You're waiting for the present, right?" The beaten-up man smirked wickedly.

"Yes. Tell your leader, thank you." I gave him the most genuine smile I can give.

"Are those your last words before you face death?" He raised an eyebrow, implying that I should be scared of the katana that's pointed at my throat.

"Pardon?" I asked innocently.

"Killing you is the present, dumbass." Before his katana finally meet my throat, I took one of my poisonous daggers out and threw it directly to his chest.

The yakuza let go of his katana and groaned in pain as he felt the unbearable sting of the poison; burning his skin and insides.

"I'm sorry for the misinformation," I made my way to his strunggling body.

"But, did you know? you are the present."

The strugling yakuza gave me an angry and confused look. He was about to grab his katana, but I predicted such action; I pulled the dagger out of his chest and stabbed his wrist deeply—making him shout in pain.

"You like that?" I took another dagger out of my pocket and stabbed his left eye.

Killing has always been an art. The way crimson liquid oozes from a gutted human body, pleasures me. Their shouts and pleas—asking me to spare their life, turns me on! I just want more of it...

More...more...and more...

I was enjoying stabbing the yakuza's lifeless body until I heard Zachary calling my name.

"Spade, your towel." He wiped the disgusting blood of the yakuza off my face and gave me a spare suit to change.

"What's his name?" I asked Zachary while taking off my Dior suit that's covered in blood.

"Himamura Takato."


Him is such an interesting leader. It's my first time to encounter such person who's ready to let his people die in the hands of his enemy. He even gave this poor yakuza's life as a gift!

I scrunched the letter and threw it on the lifeless body of the yakuza in front of me, when a wicked idea came to this sinful mind of mine.



What do you think is in Him's letter that made Spade realize that the yakuza's life was his present and not his death?