
For You With Love

To find the 'Gifted' person that would lead him to the man who killed his mother, Noah had entered the manor of Duke Haeyet disguised as a servant, but he couldn't imagine in his wildest dreams to be caught by Princess Aria; the air headed and clumsy eldest daughter of the Duke with a fairly poor reputation. ....... She shook her head. "As if a mysterious person on some secret mission would give away his real name so easily." "Hmm~ Is that a hunch or a calculated guess?" She shrugged. "Must be a hunch. After all, I'm known for my stupidity in the high society. Did you not know?" He did. She was the childish and naive princess whom other noblewomen loathed for her beauty and wealth that had bewitched all the young men of the kingdom. But beauty and wealth were not enough to gain their sincerity and love, so Aria could only watch helplessly as many of her engagements got broken off time and again. 'I wonder who really were the stupid ones...' "What is it? Your name." "I can not tell you that, my lady." "Afraid that I will snitch on you?" "Afraid? My bunny, I can easily kidnap you and lock you away if you wish to threaten me. If-" "Alright! Alright! No need for such scary words! I was just joking!" .......... An undercover grandson of a countess and an outcast princess. A full-blown romance. *Art credit to the original owners.

prettyWriter12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Catch Me If You Can!

He sat on the vacant rooftop.

His upper half hidden by the shadow of the stone chimney that he leaned against. He was whistling a familiar tune, his golden brown eyes having a mischievous glint in them. Dressed up in a white shirt and brown pair of trousers, he looked like the waiter of the restaurant upon whose rooftop he sat leisurely.

The only incorrect thing being that he wasn't a waiter.

His black hair had been neatly brushed back, and in his right ear, he wore a sapphire earring.

It swirled a little when Noah leaned to his side. He unfolded the white cloth that laid beside him.

It was a shotgun.

He hummed as he picked it up in his hands. He pointed it forward, index finger resting on the trigger.

His target sat in the building opposite to him, behind glass windows, and expensive curtains.

His sapphire stone glowed, and his golden eyes began to shine. An excitement burning up in them.






The curtains were stained red, a bloody art on full display.

"Rest in hell!"

Noah tilted his head back, and laughed out loud.


He sighed loudly, and lifted his gun up in the sky.

"One more bastard gone!"

The earring glowed once again.

"50 seconds till his knights come out on the balcony."

He put the gun down on the cloth, and wrapped it up. He got up, and stretched his body.

30 seconds.

He leaned down, and put his ear to the mouth of the chimney.

No sound.

20 seconds.

He lifted the clothed gun, and dropped it inside the chimney's mouth.

A soft thud followed a second later.

10 seconds.

He ran towards the edge of the rooftop, and jumped.


He landed on a pile of cardboards in the alley beside the building. He had set that up earlier in the morning.

He got up from the crushed cardboards, his hair a mess.

"There! The bullet was fired from there! Search that restaurant!"

He leaned against the wall, and pulled out a cigarette. He put it in between his teeth.

Heavy footsteps of knights rushed past that dark alley.

The earring began to shine, and the tip of his mouth lifted in a perfect smirk.

"Time to set the things to fire!"

He went around the building, and in through the kitchen's backdoor.

"Oh, Ben!"

The chef said to him, a worry and anxiety etched on her face.

"There you are! Took you long enough to finish a cigarette!"

He shut the door behind him.

"Why? What's all the commotion?"

He said, a cunningly genuine look of worry on his handsome face.

"I don't know! Come outside! The knights are lining up all the staff!"

With that the elder woman rushed out of the kitchen, following behind the equally nervous maids and waiters.

He followed them. Down the hallway, they went. Just as they disappeared around the corner, he halted, and turned towards the door to his left.

Room 6, it said.

He turned the knob, and stepped inside. Empty. Just as he had seen in the future.

His footsteps were muffled by the expensive rug underneath. The window in the wall opposite to the door had been left opened, and in came the breeze, fluttering the maroon curtains.

He turned, and crouched down in front of the fireplace.

The cloth laid there, its white color tainted by the soot.

He picked it up, and took out the gun. Tucking it inside his belt, he crumpled up the piece of fabric.

He walked towards the window, and looked outside at the knights standing at the end of the alley.

The sapphire began to glow.

He sat down, leaning against the wall.

30 seconds. He needed to wait for the knights to be called away.

There were footsteps outside the door, and he perked his ears up.

'Shit! I haven't seen that!'

One future at a time. That was the limit.

He sprang to his feet. The footsteps stopped right in front of the door.

Outside, the knights were still in their spots. He licked his dry lips, eyes wide.

10 seconds.

The knob turned.

'What the heck!'

He jumped out of the window, and into the alley.

"Hey! You! Stop right there!"

As if he would!

He ran towards the other end, knights getting closer to him.

A dead end. He glanced around, and found a block of concrete laying beside the wooden fence that blocked his escape.

He jumped. One foot on the block, he reached out for the top of the fence, and grabbed it.

He jumped, and pressed his foot against the fence to propel himself up.

He went flying over the fence.


He landed on his knee, and one foot, his right hand keeping him up.

Wasting not a single breath, he rushed towards the main road.

The world was lively out on the market street. A carriage went past him, lords and ladies walking down the sidewalks on either sides of the wide road.

"Where did he go? You go that way!"

"Shit! How annoying!"

He muttered under his breath, and entered the first shop that he could find.

A bookstore.

He hurried across the small lobby, the seat behind the reception fortunately left vacant.

Ascending the narrow staircase, he tugged at his hair.

The wig came off.

His rich blonde hair fell over his eyes, and he pushed them back. Rooms lined either side of the hallway. A young noble girl came out of one of the rooms, and he hid the wig behind his back.

He bowed to the lady, and her cheeks turned red.

He smirked.

She went down the stairs, but not without looking back at him once. He caught her, and she looked away, the tips of her ears turning red.

There was a window to the left of the staircase, and Noah dropped the wig out of it.

He walked away.

"You are the worse bastard I have ever seen!"

A yelling voice from behind the door made him stop in his tracks.


For a lady to shout such words.

"What? Aria! Do you know who I am? I'm your fiance!"

"A bastard! That's what you are! Must I repeat myself, you cheater!"

Noah couldn't help the laugh that left his lips.

"Princess Aria Haeyet, huh? How interesting!"

He smirked.