

Divyanshu_Mishra_5394 · Urban
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At the Police Headquarters in Osaka, Japan, in an interrogation room, a man with a burly body, currently handcuffed, is held in custody.

OFFICER YUTA : Your case and your history are very sad (in monotone, moving to and fro). Both your daughter and wife committed suicide. Your daughter is still in critical condition, but unfortunately, your wife is no longer with us. The situation is very sad. Your loss is immense, and I deeply regret having to keep you here but (a deep pause) there are murders occurring, and all the victims have some connection to your family, especially your daughter, Mr. Aditya Mishra.

(The light from the lamp focuses on a man with brown skin tone speaking in a coarse tone)

ADITYA: Officer, your tone does not sound like someone who regrets holding a man whose daughter is fighting for her life on the brink of death, but rather like someone who is holding an innocent person accountable for a crime with which he has no connection.

OFFICER YUTA: It will be up to us, the police, to decide whether you are truly innocent as you claim to be. For now, you may go.

Aditya gets up and quietly leaves the room. He exits the building, his phone rings, he picks up the call, and he rushes to take a cab.


ADITYA: To the hospital.

Rain pouring heavily, a girl looking outside the window with dead eyes and a door knock, Aditya, enters the room only to find his daughter looking at him like a stranger with an eye of Corspe.

Doctor: ADI-san It is a case of severe bullying and both physical and sexual assault. We have tried our best, but the trauma caused to her is huge, which results in her being a Corspe.

You have to be there for her patiently. The scars on her body will heal, but the scars on her soul will take time.

After saying these, the doctor took his leave. (He goes close to the bed and sits down silently; his daughter speaks up.) 

AKARI: I should die (with a blank expression).

Adi was shocked and began trembling from her statement.

ADI: Why… Why are you saying something so terrible?

AKARI: Nurses said I am as good as dead, an emotionless monstor who ate her family's happiness and her mother. She died because of 

(interrupting her to not let her complete the sentence)

ADI: That is not true. You are not responsible for anything, dear.

AKARI: Let me die. Please, how long will you be there for me? How long will you wait for? (She tries to get up from her bed but stumbles on her father's embrace.) Just how long?

ADI: You are being selfish, Akari. How will this father of yours will survive without you? Don't be like this.

(The nurses give Akari medicine to sleep.)

ADI: Sleep well. I will be with... I will always be there for you until I die.

(Akari slowly closes her eyes.)

The scene changes to an abandoned factory.

The police car's sirens are echoing, and a forensic team is circling a dead body. An officer slowly walks towards the body while smoking a cigar.

YUTA: This is the third time this month that a victim has been brutally killed. officer any chance of sexual assault.

Female officer: No, sir, no sign of sexual assault.

YUTA: cause of death.

Officer: Sir Juding, from the body and scene, first she was tortured somewhere else, then the culprit brought her here and killed her here.

YUTA: hmmm

Officer: Her body contained burn marks just like the previous two victims, but this was more brutal; her nails were plucked out, her mouth and eyes were stitched, and the killer performed these horrible acts while she was alive. How agonising someone can be.

YUTA: It makes it clear that either the killer is a psychopath or someone with a motive for revenge.

Yuta: We'll catch the killer before he finds his next victim.

In a dark room, a man in a black hoodie was cleaning his tool while looking at pictures of group girls. The man opens the curtain, and the room lights up.

ADI: You will be next.