
For You; Park Seonghwa

'I did it all for you' 'For me?' Prince Seonghwa is about to become King and has to choose his Queen. But alas he is in love with his childhood best friend. He wants to get married with her as soon as possible, but made a promise, that he will not rest until he finds out who tried to ruin her life. He believes that she is still in the darkness and is not rushing her to be with him. That is until he finds out she found someone. Now he will do anything to please her. And it's all for her. 'I'm doing it all For You' -Park Seonghwa

Jins_kimchi08 · Celebrities
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21 Chs

For You


Seonghwa slowly walked in. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I um." I couldn't find the right words.

We walked up to me.

I held up the letter. He deeply sighed.

"Now you know?"

I kept silent

"Now you know?" He asked again.

Again silent

"NOW YOU KNOW?!" He yelled as he grabbed my shoulders.

"Whatever I did, was to protect you. And you doubted me. It broke my heart seeing him with you. It broke my heart when I saw you both hand in hand. It broke my hand seeing you both dancing. I always imagined it would be us both hand in hand, and dancing with each other. I hated him. When I realized that he was Daesung's son, I hated him even more. I wanted to kill him. But I knew it would break your heart. I made a promise to your father to protect you. But you doubted me. Said you hate me-" He stopped talking. And looked at me with shock.

I interrupted him. With a kiss. He kissed me back. I slowly cried. He wiped my tears.

"You know, when he confessed to me, I didn't feel right. When I found out about that ball, my heart hurted. But, I fell into Yeosang's trap. I thought I loved him." I said.

He rested his forehead on mine and held my hands.

"I promise, I'll protect you from him. And make you mine." He smirked.

"But you promise me, that you won't doubt me again." He said.

"I promise. Only for you." I smiled.

"Don't steal my lines." He laughed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "Don't say sorry." He whispered back. "But I was wrong." I said. "We all make mistakes. We all regret them. But I don't think you have to regret this mistake." He smirked.

"And why is that?" I asked. "Because, you got me from it, and I got you." He said and kissed my cheek.

We stared at each other. His gaze went to my lips.

He slowly leaned in to kiss me. We were about to kiss until the door opened and we heard a voice.

"Y/N?! What do you think you're doing?"
