
For you all

Upon being reborn as a lone wolf in a vast forest, this young woman found herself stripped of her identity and without any allies. In this unfamiliar realm, the concept of fate and mate was considered an undeniable truth. The moment she turned 18, she finally met her mate but was taken aback to find not one, but three potential mates. She was left wondering whether they would accept and cherish her or reject her. Undeterred, she ventured to the kingdom of Wear Wolf and joined the academy. Despite facing numerous challenges, she tackled them head-on and emerged stronger than ever, gaining powerful abilities along the way. She refused to let any obstacle stand in her way.

Beom_Yaoi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

18th birthday


It's been 8 years since I began to live in this forest.

Now I have adopted the life of a wild girl already.

The dogs have been by my side since the beginning of my life in this world. The number of dogs has become quite a lot. Now there are 26 numbers of dogs.

It's 30, but 4 of the dogs left for their journey.

Others stay with me though.

I asked them why don't they live their own life without me but they just jump around licking my face. They understood me and I can understand them. Living with them for 8 years they became my family.

I'm thankful for that.

It's my 18th birthday today. Now I'm an adult.

I don't feel too well Today.


Let's go get some air. I said looking at dogs. They all start to jump excitedly.

We began to walk toward the side of the sea and when I tried to wash my face I saw bloody water.


What the heck?

All the dogs gather together with me growling.


Then I follow the blood and see a group of people.

What will we do, sire?

We should depart for the capital.

But we don't have enough time and I don't think we have medicine to apply.

Yeah, so it's best what can we do it immediately and stop the bleeding.

I saw 8 people who seemed pretty high-ranked.

Then one of the bulk guys points the sword and asks whose there?


(I haven't spoken to others in these 8 years. Aahh... I sound like a caveman )

I became visible and stood in front of all.

I - medicine have.


I think he means he has medicine. Said one guy with narrow eyes.

Then the guy who points the sword pulls off and asks who are you?

And why are you here?


He pointed his finger towards the dogs and asked are you some shot of bad guy?

N-nono they are my friends. I said

Then I ask sit then all the dogs sit.

No harm. I said

You immediately medicine.

Oh, yeah medicine.

Then I inserted my hand inside the pocket I made in the upper shirt I made.

Then I put leaves in the big stone and press it with stone.

Then I pressed the leaves in the injury of the guy.

Thank you so much I don't what would have happened if we didn't have immediate treatment.

Now we can return to capital and give full treatment.

No, I have plenty. I said

You do? Said another guy with green eyes.

Ah- yeah, I have.

You can rest in my home tonight. I said

You live here?

I nodded.

I can provide treatment so that it will not open.

Yeah, that will be best. Said another guy with green eyes.

Then can you lead us on the way?


Then I lead the way with my dogs while they follow me with the injured guy in the back of one guy.

They didn't say anything while walking.

I pull the barrier (wooden) gate.

Welcome to my little home.

Then all of them enter the gate.

Wow! Is this some kind of fairy house?

Then he put the injured guy in the bed.

I pull out one hole and bring some medicine.

There you go.

They all look at me.

With an awkward experience, they all said thank you.

Then I will bring some water. I said leaving them there.

(Unknown POV)

We have entered the forbidden forest.

It's the tradition of our family to enter the dungeon or forest to be successful in adulthood.

I have 3 sons. All are quite cold- nature.

Maybe they will change after they meet their mates like me.

They are triplets. They all are 20 years old.

One of the swords breaks and starts to produce dark smoke and some unknown creature Starts to attack us. While we are dealing with it. One of our guards got hit in his arm and it started to spread all over.

Liam immediately put his handkerchief in it to stop the spreading.

Then Luis stabs the sword in the air and the ghosty sound stops and all the smoke disappears.

Then Laim starts to wash the blood and

Apply the medicine but the medicine doesn't have any effect.


While we are focused on Robort wound.

Who are you?

Show yourself.

We all turn to Grey.

One fairy-like man stands before us. With pink hair and two different eyes.

Is he a man or a woman?

The medicine I have. She said.

Is he a witch or a fairy?

We saw wolves, not the simple ones but all were antlered ones.

Is this some kind of joke? So we are going to die in this way?

Companion. Sit

All follow the instructions of the man.

Then she made medicine in the stone and apply on the wounds.

She asks for rest. I was going to say no but my eldest son said sure.

I was quite shocked. Then I saw all my three sons smiling weirdly.

Is this...

No, that will never happen.