
For What We Stand

In a world full of despair and hurt, what does one put their faith in? Family, riches, or just their own survival? This is what our main character must face as he adventures through the dark land rule by the holy empire.

Koa56 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 38- The Mechanical Beast

(A Few minutes before)...

"Pick up the pace! We don't have much time!"

The chief researcher was unsatisfied with the progression of his experiment. Currently, the chief was roaming through the lab full of bustling researchers. Lab equipment was sprawled across the various tables. The WDD was overflowing with water. Researchers were constantly rushing over to strange metal pipes that were adorned with measurement devices. These pipes ran down from the surface and directly into the center of the room. All of them converged on one large power generator that was inactive. Peculiar bits of metal stuck out from underneath this generator, elevating it slightly. As the chief passed by, he methodically stroked the hulking piece of metal.

"I will make you the most glorious device in the empire, my precious."

Others that passed by this scene were deeply unsettled by the intimate tone in the chief's voice. He had his heart and soul focused on making his little project succeed. Or rather, the chief desired to earn a spot in the messenger's inner circle. Regardless of his intentions, he could not afford to fail at this stage, which is why he had decided to sacrifice the researchers under him. Once his experiment was a proven success, the chief researcher planned to book it to the rear exit of the facility before the flood submerged the entire base. He thought that the researchers under him would have no objections to this plan. After all, they would be serving their empire well by sacrificing themselves.

"Chief, sir! We're ready to proceed to phase three!"

The chief was yanked out of his daydream by one of the other researchers. He was deeply irritated by this action and was suddenly much eager to cast aside this worthless lot. The chief didn't bother to face his underling.

"What are you waiting for then? Do it!"

"But, sir...are you sure we should do it right now? We haven't set up the required safety precautions yet. Some of us could-"

"DO IT."

A deathly glare was present in the chief's eyes.

"...Yes, sir."

With stern confirmation, the researcher rushed off to inform his colleges.

"Proceed to phase three! To phase three!"

Upon hearing these words, most of the researchers scrambled away from the generator's area and into a sort of blast shelter. The four of them did not take shelter but rather continued their hectic preparation.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day here!!"

Motivated by fear, the researchers quickened their pace. As if their lives depended on it, they positioned ladders directly below the metal pipes and climbed up. The chief watched closely as they moved forward with phase three. He wondered if his gamble would pay off after all.

"Careful! We must be gentle in the coupling process!"

Adhering to the chief's advice, the men grabbed ahold of the metal pipes. After taking a moment to steel themselves, the researchers lowered the metal pipes onto large metal slots on top of the generator.


"Yes, perfect!"

The chief was delighted to witness his vision slowly come together. The pipes had successfully coupled with the generator, setting the stage for the final phase. Anxious to begin, the chief yelled at his subordinates with a harsh tone.

"You imbeciles! Get down from there already and operate the switches!"

"Y-yes, sir!"

The researchers clumsily climbed down the ladders. After touching down on the stone floor, they immediately sprinted across the lab. Exhausted at this point, the researchers had arrived in front of switches located next to each pipe. The only thing left to do was wait for their signal. With the knowledge that all the pieces were in place, the chief paused for a moment to appreciate this moment.

"This is what I've been waiting my whole life for..."

A wicked smile spread across his face.

"Begin phase three!!"

With the signal given, the researchers flipped the switches simultaneously.


With the switches flipped, a large surge of electricity poured into the pipes. The pipes violently rattled as they struggled to manage the collective power of the thunderstorm outside.


The chief frantically ran towards the shelter at the back of the lab. The other researchers followed his lead, desperate not to perish at the hands of lightning.


Lightning wildly shot throughout the entire lab. The lightning was too much for the wires inside the pipes to contain.



One of the random bolts of lighting obliterated a researcher. His burnt husk crumbled to the ground. The other researchers looked back in horror at the remains of their dead friend.



In an instant, the wild storm claimed another victim. Realizing the gravity of their situation, the last two researchers made a desperate scramble for the shelter. The chief had already made it inside the shelter, relieved to safe from the storm of electricity outside.


The wild force of nature continued to decimate the lab. The researchers inside the shelter watched on in terror at the sheer destruction before them. The chief, however, observed this lightning storm with utter satisfaction. With such a large quantity of electricity, he knew that his creation would be brought to life soon.


"LET US IN!!!"

The surviving researchers outside had finally made it to the shelter door. It was a miracle that they had survived in the lightning thus far. Hesitantly, one of the researchers grabbed the handle of the reinforced door.

"Don't open it."

The researcher flinched when he heard the words of the chief. He slowly turned his head to meet the chief's gaze.

"If you open the door now, then we'll all fall victim to nature's wrath."

"B-but we opened the door for you! Why can't we do it for them?!"

"That was different!!! It's too dangerous to open the shelter door now!"

The chief's words rang in the researcher's head. His entire body was trembling with fear as he gripped the door handle.



The people locked outside of the shelter desperately cried for help. Despite knowing these people as friends, did the researcher really want to die for them?

"Do you want to die with them?"

Before he knew it, the chief loomed over the researcher. He had asked the very same thing that the researcher asked himself.

"If not, let go. Bear witness to the creation of history."

Tears in his eyes, the researcher loosened his grip on the door handle and let go.




The researcher's screams of agony reverberated through the shelter. Everyone inside held back tears of despair as they listened to those screams.

"You made the right choice."

The chief patted the young researcher on the back. He showed no remorse for his fallen subordinates, quickly forgetting about them as he observed the wild spectacle outside.


The lightning's rampage slowly subsided, with most of the energy now being absorbed by the giant generator.


The sounds of this device's whirring drowned out the cracks of lightning. The hulking piece of machinery pulsated with crackling electricity. It was rhythmic, almost akin to breathing.


Unexpectedly, one last blast of lightning shot out of the generator, striking the doors to the lab.


The doors were blasted apart and sent flying into the hall outside. After this last hoorah, the utter chaos reaped by lightning had vanished. All that remained was the generator, thriving with its newly absorbed power.

"Ha...Hahahaha! I knew it would work!"

Absolutely ecstatic about this result, the chief rushed through the shelter door and towards his creation. He brazenly pushed aside the charred husks of his assistants in his eagerness. The other researchers were slow to exit the shelter, still dazed by the insane events of a few moments ago.

"Oh, you beauty!"

The chief marveled at the pulsating of the machine. He could clearly see the energy coursing through its wires and mechanical parts. The lightning he had harnessed had successfully breathed life into his creation. After a few seconds of marveling, the chief pulled himself together and called over to his underlings.

"You buffoons! What are you doing in the shelter still?! Hurry up and fetch me the control device!"

"R-right away, sir!"

One of the researchers stumbled out of the shelter. In his arms, he held a large metallic box in his hand. This box had two joysticks mounted on it, along with multiple buttons.

"H-here you are, sir."

The researcher presented the controller to the chief.

"Finally! At a few of you aren't incompetent."

The chief snatched the control from his subordinate's hands and turned back to the generator.

"It is finally time for the last step!"

He eagerly placed his finger on one of the buttons.


With those words, the chief pressed the button mounted on the controller.


The moment he did, the generator began to move from its mounted position in the ground.


The stone flooring broke apart, revealing four metallic limbs. This generator, wasn't a generator after all.


It was the skeleton of a four-legged mech. The mech rose from the ground and stood tall on its crab-like legs. The chief, was exhilarated.


The chief reveled in his success. Now he would finally be accepted into the inner circle.

"What the f*ck?!"

Taken out of the moment, he shifted his gaze over to the lab entrance.


To his surprise, the chief spotted none other than the injured Adrian in the lab entrance.

Hello there! Thank you all again for reading today's chapter. What's the deal with the mech, I wonder? if you want to find out, make sure to stay tuned for the next chapter, and have a wonderful day!

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