
For Vengeance, I Ascend Once More

[Warning: This novel can get brutal and has some some R18 scenes which you will be warned of at the beginnings of the chapters] ....... What is existence? It is divided into two Spaces. The Mortis, where one can find Worlds. The Immortis, where one can find Realms. Both divided by a boundary that keeps the two separate. However, as vast as this world is, only a single individual's story is relevant. A man who rose from the depths of a dark society in the Mortis and ended up being a symbol power, prosperity and fear in the Immortis. Revered and respect by experts of all realms of power. He was granted a title to acknowledge him as a powerful expert. A King. However, there’s a saying in the Immortis. ‘Like the Mobius of Birth, one’s life always comes back around with all the vile darkness one thinks they’ve left behind.’ The man who had become a King, lost everything to a cycle that came to bite him in the back. Betrayal. Everything that he built. The wife he loved. The children he raised. All of it was lost. He returned to square one. Back to the Mortis, where he began. Join him on his journey to ascend again. His fury is not abated. He wishes to tear down his enemies for they did. The traitors for their betrayal. Will he rise alone? Will he follow the same path as the last time? Will he overpower his enemies? Find out in the story of a dark King. The King of.... ......... "You are rage." As he said so, he slashed down with the sword, his arms not quite able to bring down the sword in a perfect slash. However, it was a slash nonetheless. It was clumsy, but it was fine. The young man raised his arms and grasped his sword above his head again. "You are pain," he said as he slashed down with a better steadiness that made his slash look a bit more elegant. The look in his eyes turned colder as the evening breeze brushed past him. Before him was not the sea or the moon or the stars. There was the face of his enemies as they dared to bring to ruin all that he had built. "You are fear," he said as he brought down his sword again, its rusting blade showing nothing of the magnificence a sword should bear. What was the True Way of the Sword? It was to cause bloodshed. It was to cause pain. It was to cause sorrow. It was to tear away families from their fathers, husbands, children, mothers. Every weapon was forged to cut down a life. Whether it was to protect or not. A life would be taken by the silver blade as it slashed down. The bulky man in the forge, hammering away at the heated metal would seek to make a sword stronger and sharpen it afterwards so it wouldn't fail to behead a foe. A sword's purpose and instinct was to kill. "You are torment!" The young man slashed again with all his might, his slash being a silver light could be seen as it was lit in the night. "You are war!" He lowered his stance as he felt the sword slice through the air seamlessly. "You are madness!" The sword blew a bit of the sand on the shore as he swung down. "You are destruction!" he said as he slashed. 'I will walk this path again. It has worked for me before and it will continue to work now,' he thought. He slashed again. 'None shall remain standing when I return to the Realms above.' ........... Cover is not mine....credit to artist..

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The King Integrates (3)

Integration was a sensitive process that happened in the soul. It was delicate.

To begin, one needed to craft a seed made of condensed Essence with their souls. This was done by drawing in Essence and usually it took quite a bit of time and spiritual consciousness.

How much someone was aware of their own soul determined if they would craft a seed and the more they were conscious of their soul, the faster they could form a seed.

Sadly, among people from Worlds, being unable to Integrate was a common issue as most didn't have a connection to their own soul and had no means of finding out how.

Those that had World Essence in their bodies were not always talented enough to begin integrating as those with true talent for it would find that they would unconsciously draw Essence into their soul.

These were the so-called geniuses.

So far, in Ginaia no one knew fully about soul consciousness being the reason why they could cultivate. Many a concensus had been made, by there was barely any progress. However...

Denva knew.

When souls were expelled by the Mobius of Birth, they would have bodies crafted for them as they settled in a random world to begin their journey. Others would get lost in the feeling of their body and forget their soul entirely while some felt its presence.

Denva in his jump suit sat down and took in deep breaths.

He was going to give himself a big edge and a strong foundation for his journey. He closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings while the depths of the dark pit where a blistering sensation of Realm Essence roiled within.

World Essence was also present within the odd mixture around him, constituting the majority of the energy while only two fifths was the overbearing Realm Essence.

It was hot, but Denva ignored.

Denva had been working with Johnn at the site, giving his body a tremendous burden by carrying weights that exceeded his physical capacity.

Why had he indulged in this self torture?

To create a connection with his body.

Unlike the people in this world, Denva had a full consciousness of his soul, but what he didn't have was a connection with the body he was inhabiting.

Sadly, while integration was done in the soul, one couldn't do it with a bodiless soul. This was something that couldn't be done by those in these meagre realms of power.

By putting a heavy burden on his body, Denva made his body desperate for a semblance of respite. The only source of strength it could turn to was Denva's soul.

What he had experienced before; the change in the way he talked to being similar to how the original Denva did, the uncontrollable affection towards Denva's family. That was all how his body was not accepting of this new soul and tried to impose its will on him.

 Since the body wasn't his in the first place, it had naturally been averse to his invasion and he would have likely been unable to integrate otherwise.

Now, after a week of torture, Denva's body was submissive to his soul and he was conscious of his body as well, feeling that it wasn't rebellious as it had been before.

There were other ways to do this, but this was the safest way. Denva preferred to be gentler with his own body anyway.

With a deep concentration, Denva imposed the will of his soul on the Essence that was roiling in the atmosphere.

He felt a gust of this hot energy being drawn to him and it entered his body and then his soul.

The feeling made him gnash his teeth. The burning sensation of the Realm Essence mixedd within the World Essence made his soul tremble, but pushed through.

What he was attempting was dangerous, to say to the least.

Realm Essence couldn't be integrated into normal souls. It was a vast number of times stronger than World Essence and for individuals in the Mortis, certain death was assured if they tried to cultivate it.

However, Denva was not exactly a normal soul. He had a familiarity with Realm Essence that all the experts in the Mortis did not because of his many years worth of life. While his soul couldn't handle the full brunt of the force packed within the Realm Essence, it could handle having a portion of it.

Denva felt the white World Essence being drawn into his soul as well as the purplish Realm Essence that was visible along with it.

He was limiting the Realm Essence as much as he could, using just enough of it to make sure that his seed would be like no other. Stronger.

A seed made from World and Realm Essence!

The feeling of what would bloom from this made Denva grin.

Within the centre of his soul, the Essences were pulled and he began condensing them. He put all his focus into making a seed that had a small compressed portion of Realm Essence in the centre while the rest was the World Essence.

Minutes passed, Denva finding the progress to be agonisingly slow, yet he was patient.

To him, it seemed like it was going slow, but if others who took months or years to forge a World Seed were to know that he was attempting to do it within an hour, they would mock him ceaselessly.

With a perfect consciousness of one's soul, Denva was different from the rest, especially now that his body had accepted him. Drawing Essence and manipulating was child's play.

After forty minutes, the structure of the Essences which by now looked like a circular mass of two lights within his soul; a white shell and a light purple centre, shone brightly.

It was almost there.

Denva refused to create anything other than a superior seed which would bloom into a powerful tree.

At his side Denva felt the rusty sword, Emenidas, tremble. It was coming to life, empowered by the strength its master was about to achieve.

After pumping more and more Essence into the mass of light that could be seen at the centre of his soul, Denva finally felt it refuse to take in any more Essence.

It was full.

The centre, which was a bright purple lit up powerfully, while the encasing white was as brilliant as ever.

He stopped drawing in Essence focused on keeping the light in a proper form.

He made sure none of the energy leaked and slowly, the brightness of the light died down until an oval shaped seed appeared.

It was silver in colour with veins of purple across its surface. It slowly rotated at Denva's centre and released a wave of power across his soul that made him groan.

Denva felt his soul that had been weakened, gain a drizzle of strength.

He had done it.

Continuous waves of power pulsed through his soul, energising it with a refined energy that was different from simply taking in Essence as it was.

Denva had finally begun again, being at the beginner level of strength among experts in Ginaia.

The Novice Rank.