

"Hi Tiffany"

"Good morning Tiffany"

"Good day Tiffany"

They all said as I walk passed them... All of them adore me and respect me. Wanna know why?

Because I'm Tiffany Angel Lim, the second daughter of a well-known fashion designer and a chef. I'm also the school's president and school model. I sometimes work as a model on my mom's clothing line that's why I'm famous. I'm 18 years old and in my last year in high school. Next year, I'll go to college which is not very good.

I'm almost perfect but not perfect. Just almost. Because even though I'm smart, talented, pretty, and famous, I have a bad attitude.

Yes, I admit that. That's why all of them are afraid of me.

You can't study here at Starline University if you're not rich. So everyone here is rather wealthy people or famous people like actors and actresses and models. All of them know me, girls are jealous of me, and boys like and adore me.

Except... him

I looked at him as he made his way to the entrance of our school. I can also hear all of the girls scream just because he's handsome. "Hi, Tristan" I greeted and let out my killer smile but he just passed by me. I smirked. Yes, all of the boys like and adore me except Tristan Kent Ramirez, my future boyfriend, and my future husband

It seems like he doesn't know me but I know, he likes me too

Just wait and see.....

"YAYA! WHERE'S MY WHITE BAG?! THE 3-INCH STILETTOS THAT I'M ASKING ABOUT SINCE EARLIER?! WHERE IS IT?! CAN'T YOU DO YOUR JOB FAST AND PROPERLY?!" I shouted to our maids, early in the morning. It's already 7 am and I don't want to be late just because they're so slow!

They immediately came inside my room, searching for what I asked. I just stood there, rolling my eyes as they roam around, searching for my things. A maid handed me a grey handbag that made me pissed off. "NOT THAT! I SAID WHITE! IS THAT WHITE? STUPID!" I shouted at the maid. She bowed to me and search for the white bag I'm asking for.

"NOT THAT! ARE YOU BLIND?! THAT'S A 5-INCH HIGH HEELS AND I'M ASKING FOR MY 3-INCH STILETTOS! DO YOU WANT MY FEET TO HURT?!" I shouted to the other maid when she handed me a 5-inch stilettos heels.

"Young lady, what's happening here?" my grandma said as she enters my room. "Grandma! They're so slow! If I were you, I will fire them!" I said, irritated, and rolled my eyes. The maid offered me everything I'm looking for but I just rolled my eyes at them. I'll let their hands feel numb!

"You have your eyes, hands, and feet to do those simple things, why can't you use them?" My grandma asked that made me roll my eyes again. Of course, she's taking the maid's side again rather than me, her own blood and flesh granddaughter. What's new? I wish mom and dad are here instead of her.

My mom and dad, together with my older brother are in America for our business so they sent Grandma here to take care of us. I'm living at a mansion with my little sister, Tracy, and the other girl, my grandma adopted. The "other" girl is named Wenresa and she's younger than me but older than Tracy. We don't treat her as our sibling because of her bad attitude.

"You have your mind, why don't you think?" I answered, rolled my eyes, and got my things from the maid. I went to our garage where our cars are. I went inside my car and drove to our school.

"GUARD! OPEN THE GATE OR I'LL HIT THAT WITH MY CAR!" I shouted at the school's guard and yes, I'm late because of those stupid maids.

"I'm sorry Ms. Tiffany, I didn't notice it was you." The guard said and opened the gate. I rolled my eyes and drove inside the school and parked. I walk to the hallways and I notice all of the students are inside their classrooms now. Obviously, I'm the only one here outside because I'm late. I opened our classroom door and everyone looked at me, even my adviser

"Tiffany, you're late... Again" She said in a serious tone. Everyone's afraid of her because she's very strict but not me. "And so?" I rolled my eyes at her and went inside and sat beside my friends. "Anyways. As I was saying, we have a new student here from now on" Our teacher said. She looked outside and gestured for the transferee to come in. A girl student came in with her high heels. She was tall and had dark wavy hair. I raised my brows when I saw her face. She looks like a clown with her make-up.

I can hear my male classmate, whispering about how pretty she is. Pretty? She doesn't even pass my feet to call her pretty. "Hi everyone, I'm Celine Margarette Santiago. Your new classmate. Nice to meet you and I hope, we can all be friends" the new student said and all of my classmates clapped. I just rolled my eyes. I can already smell her bad and fake attitude. "Any questions?" Our adviser asked and my best friend, Alijah, raised her hand "Yes, Alijah?" our adviser asked her. "Why do we have a new student? I thought all of the council agreed that Section A's maximum student was 20?" Alijah asked. She's also a part of the Student Council and she's the secretary. And yes, Section A is exclusive and strict for smart people. If you managed to rank up to the top 20 for the smartest in this school, you can get here in this section, and me, being the always rank 1, I'm always here with my 4 best friends.

"Yeah right. We already talked about this and the latecomers will go to Section F?" Alisha, my other best friend asked. "Because she had a good record and-" I cute our adviser's answer. "Because she's stupid and dumb. Section F didn't accept her because they're afraid that she might become the top 1 for the dumbest students that only know how to be pretty but don't know how to study" I continued our adviser's sentence though that's not her answer. I know her because all of the student's profiles should come to me first before they can totally enroll and since I'm pretty and smart, I read her records and she really is a dummy.

Our adviser sighed and looked at me "Ms. Tiffany. Since you're the president, do you have any questions?" our adviser asked me so I rolled my eyes and stood up, crossed my arms, and looked at that Celine from head to toe

"Why are you so ugly?" I asked and everyone laughed at my sudden questions. Celine looked at me with disbelief

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You got it right! I really want to ask her that question!" Marie, my other best friend, said while laughing. "Really? What about you? Why do you have blood in your hair?" Celine asked, pertaining to my hair color. She is a dummy because this is pink and not red to be distinguished as blood! Yeah, I colored my hair though it's not really allowed here. It's just a highlight color though. This won't affect them so they don't have the right to tell me what to do. The laughs earlier vanished as Celine answered. "Because I'm the one who'll kill you. Are you blind? this is pink and not red. You should go back to the nursery and learn the colors again. You're so stupid. You're just wasting your parent's money on your tuition because even if you're studying at an expensive school, that doesn't change the fact that you're a dummy" I said and rolled my eyes again.

"That's enough. Celine, you can now seat" Our adviser said so I sat back in my chair again. "Ma'am, where should I sit?" She asked, shyly. I rolled my eyes. "Sit beside Tristan" our adviser said. I gasped and raised my hand "Objection!" I shouted and the teacher looked at me. "Why would she sit there? Knowing Tristan, he doesn't like girls around him! Just sit next to Marie!" I said and pointed to Marie's empty chair beside her

"No! Ew! Why me? No way!" Marie exclaimed and acted disgusted. I glared at her but she just rolled her eyes. Yes, my friends are not afraid of me because they knew what's the real me. "It's okay, you can sit here" Tristan suddenly answered. Yes, suddenly, because he barely talks but that's okay, I'm still in love with him. But what? Did he just?! OMG! I can't! "Awww. Tiffany is BH" Kristan, Tristan's twin brother and my other best friend, said "BH?" Sian, my other friend asked. Kristan and Sian looked at each other and smiled crazily. "BROKENHEARTED!" They both shouted and laughed. I threw my notebook to them and the teacher stopped me. I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

Just wait and see, I'll get Tristan sooner or later.

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