
For the Record: The Nth Time

"It's been a year?" She doubted, "How?... Why?" She have many questions in her mind she desperately wants to find out but before she even realize half of them, she's starting all over again, "It's been a year?" again she doubted, "How?... Why?" She scratched her head out of confusion. She tried to grab everything she could but she can only keep few every morning. "It's been more than two decades... Since this thing happened to me..." He trembly said to himself out of frustration. "How could people be like this overnight?" He questioned with full annoyance, *I've been working hard and yet... And yet this still happens.* He thought as his blood become a raging ocean during storm while seemingly calm on the outside as he stares at her on a distance. *I'm trying to make you realize it over and over but it seems like you never paid attention.* To the one who wish he is being remembered... How long does he have to wait? To the one who wish she remembers... How long will it take her to recognize everything?... Everyone?...

AA_Battery01 · Urban
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20 Chs

Forgive and Forget 4

"Is that so? Okay." The President agreed. "Professor Guil. send me your files tomorrow, let's not bother professor Ramiscal anymore, I believe 'SHE ALREADY HAS TOO MUCH ON HER PLATE'." He emphasized and gave professor A a seemingly professional but sharp look before he turned and leave.

"Mr. President, I have something to ask you anyway!..." Professor Guil said as he followed the University President who just exited.

That looked made Professor A's cheeks burn out of embarassment again, though she's looking on the ground, she can sense everyone looking at her. In order to regain her dignity she decided to shift the blame on professor Ramiscal.

"This is all your fault!" Professor A turned to Ms. Professor pinpointing her in the middle of the other teachers and some students are starting to notice them and becoming busybody. The other professor felt bad for her and professor A can sense that no one is on her side, "Stop sympathizing with this vixen!" She nagged them, "I'm the victim here!" She put her palm to herself as a gesture of self referring.

"On which part of what I did makes it my fault?" This question of Ms. Professor regained professor A's attention to her again, "Was it the part that he called me as compliance to the President's order?" she calmly asked as she fixed her disheveled hair and then her clothes while looking at her, "And if you are the victim, what am I?"

Anyone can tell including Maia that she's been minimizing human interaction for almost four months, this makes her confident that she would always avoid to get caught in anyone's affair. And she's back to her unanswered question, "If you are the victim, what am I? And if you really have an issue with me, why in school? I'm embarrassed-"

"Yeah! You should be emb-" Professor A blurted out but she was interrupted by Maia.

"-for you. I'm embarrassed for you." And professor A was stupefied like a brat who thought things are on her side but not. "I understand the frustration but your action is frustrating too, what made you consider making this University as your battlefield?"

This made professor A notice that the faculty are staring at her with silence but seems to echo a lot of criticisms then her eyes transferred to the doorway's location with full-packed students gossiping while looking at her.

"Huh!" She scoffs, "You got to be kidding, wanna act righteous now?" She looked back at Maia again, "Don't think your righteous 'cause you're still the same woman who sed-"

This accusation was paused by professor Guillermo's ringing phone from professor A's hand, she lifted it up and saw an unregistered number calling her boyfriend's phone, she stared at everyone for at least four seconds as if she knows where this is going assuming that it will not favor her before answering the call.

"Babe!" A woman with a childish tone suddenly spoke up before professor A could even say 'hello', "You finally answered, you seems to be so busy lately, but I'm still glad that you answered, you haven't really forgotten me and your child or should I say children, you know I'm about to labor next month for Beny's younger sister, he'll be excited to tell you this when you return, by the way, does that professor Ramiscal, right? Does she already checked on your works? How is it? Oh, well, I should thank her if I happened to meet her in person for guiding my husband." The woman on the other side of the line said with no pause not giving professor A a chance to even reply on every shocking phrases that left her silent for a moment and just subconsciously hang up.

"Husband? Did she say husband?" A multiple murmur among the faculty can be heard referring to the woman on the phone.