
For The Love of Art and HIM

Fiona, a self-righteous princess is arranged to be married to a prince with few redeeming qualities. Stuck in an unhappy engagement, her dark sky gets filled with stars when she encounters an artist she admires. But the stars might not be bright enough and the night is still filled with fear, evil, and anxiety. Unknown to her the Royal and Nobel families of the modern Kingdom of Chenyth are hiding sinister secrets all the while pretending to be virtuous and admirable to the public eye. As the lies unravel, will she find a way out? Or will the secrets of royalty keep her boxed in? .... Excerpt... My eyes widened as they roamed the painting in front of me. "Don't go around in circles. A single dagger to the heart is better than multiple cuts leading to the same ending." He said, this time his voice came from behind me and I felt his warm breath on my neck. Even with the tingling sensation on the base of my neck, my eyes were fixed on the nude painting in front of me. Yes! A nude painting. "This... This is for your sponsor isn't it?" I took a guess, turning my head to face him. He let out a muffled yes. I moved away from the painting and poured another glass of wine for myself. "Your sponsors have you go to these lengths?" I asked between giggles, "I wonder... do you sleep with them too?" as I reached the last sentence my tone became more serious. I took another gulp from the glass twirling in my hand. "And if I did. Why would you care? To judge me?" He scoffed and moved further away from me. My mind was a blur, a lot of hazing thoughts were already going through it, each one bounced off the sides of my brain and collided with each other, similar to the motion of the electrons in an atom. "No!" I stood up straight or at least tried to after some effort. Haziel rotated his gaze back to me. Dropping the wine glass on the table, I reached for the zip of my dress. "I won't judge." I zipped down the dress I was wearing while cherishing words like gold. With a swift motion, I guided the sleeves off and stripped myself. I pushed forth my bare chest, beginning to feel dizzy. "In fact. Paint me!" ◇ ◇ ◇ Credit: cover art is not mine, credit goes to the artist Support my hobby for faster updates XD!!! https://ko-fi.com/icyinfinity Rated: R, Some mild scenes of language, sex, nudity, violence, and other themes may not be suitable for all ages

Infinity_1022 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


His was a voice I would recognize anywhere. The soothing sound reached my ears at a time when my focus was on the sound of the music mixed with my muddled thoughts.

Still, his words pierced through my mind. Not in a startling manner but rather a smooth one. Like I was waiting for it.

Was I?

I turned to look at the artist I met a few weeks back. His looks were as I remembered them, only, his attire had switched from formal to casual. He wore a plain long-sleeved t-shirt with written graffiti art by his left chest area.

I gave no reply to him, I was too busy ogling his facial features subtly. My eyes moved from his angular jaw to his stone-like eyes.

"I'm Haziel... We met at the gallery?" He leaned back on the chair he sat on by my side, looking a bit embarrassed, probably because of my non-response. He had mistaken my silence for lack of recollection.

I offered him a smile, "I remember. How could I forget." I ushered words through my mouth.

He sighed in relief, grinning my way. His smile softened his features, making it seem more friendly.

"I'm glad." He said, turning his attention to the bartender to order a drink. I granted him a weak smile as a response.

"With the way you stared down my painting last time as though you were planning a heist for it, I was afraid you wouldn't be able to identify me without it." He joked.

"Oh... Yes." I mused a bit embarrassed as I remembered the way I crawled on the floor for a stupid earring. I should've let it be. It's not like it did me any good going back for it.

"Why are you alone at a bar? Heartbreak? Work stress?" He threw questions my way, perhaps motivated my monotonous answers. I shook my head.

"There were a couple of lead factors to my being here. But I can't really think of a one reason," I replied and due to social courtesy finally picked up my drink to take a sip. The liquor was cold to the taste.

"I get that," Haziel murmured in understanding.

The band that was playing ended a song and began another one while we sat in silence listening to it. An uneasy feeling started up in me. I rubbed my palms on my thighs softly.

"I.," We said in unison, breaking the silence.

"I should've asked this before, but, why are you here alone?" I inquired, before letting him speak.

"I had company but something came up. Was about to leave before you caught my eye." He replied quickly, not bothered by being interrupted.

Strange, in the society I usually mingled in, everyone was quick to put forth themselves in the spotlight whenever there was a conversation.

Feeling like I had been impolite, I asked what he was about to say. He shrugged in reply, hinting it probably wasn't important.

Silence crept up between us once again. To quail the discomfort, Haziel started humming along with the song the band played.

With his focus on the band which played opposite the bar at the left-center of the establishment, I stole a glance at him again. Everything from the way he moved his head slightly to the music, to his lashes when he blinked. It all felt like it wasn't meant to be viewed for free.

In a complicated state of mind, and perhaps alcohol beginning to take effect, I reached out my hand to touch his hand that laid resting on the bar table, drawing his attention back to me.

His switch of gaze was quick. In a swift second his eyes and mine were locked. His eyes held a questioning look. Mine had no answer.

I truly did not know what motivated me to touch him. "I..." I opened my mouth before shutting it again.

He tilted his head. "I'm tired, I should get going." I continued after a while.

"You seemed curious about something before you said that. If there's something you want to ask me, go ahead, I don't offend easy." He said lightly, having an easy-going aura around him, yet a frown formed on my lips.

After a moment of silence, I spoke up, "Have you ever had a feeling of weird comfort with a stranger?"

He smiled reaching his eyes nodding. "Of course I have. Sometimes amidst the noise of close relationships... they seem like a way out." He deliberated no further.

Saying nothing else, I gulped down the drink in front of me, letting the alcohol slither through my system.

" I really should get going," I exclaimed once more, propping myself off the seat. He followed suit.

"Did you come here with your car?" he inquired, slightly towering over me.

"Yes," I replied, waiting for his follow-up.

"Can I get a ride home maybe? The person I was with that had an emergency? Well, she was my ride home." He explained with his hand on his neck, scratching it. His cheeks were flushed, he looked kind of cute.


That rang through my brain.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to impose." He continued.

I gave him a 'no problem' smile.

"It wouldn't be imposing at all. Plus, it's not every day I get to drive a celebrity I admire." I uttered as we walked out of the place after paying.

◇ ◇ ◇

He was a reliable GPS when it came to directing me to his home. More efficient than any software.

The ride was mostly quiet.

"I'm sorry if you find this rude but how old are you?" his question came from the passenger's side of the car.

"I'm 26 if it helps."

Although most people minded a question about age, I didn't.

I shrugged, "23."

He nodded silently. I did wonder about the sudden question but, never voiced it out.

A few minutes later we arrived at an apartment building.

Hazel got out of the car and walked over to the driver's side. "I have a few unseen works up in my apartment would you like to peak at them?" his suggestion sat well with me, but, I was a little suspicious.

"Why would you be willing to show me that. Aren't you scare I'll take a picture and upload online," I questioned, diverting my suspicions into creating doubt of myself in him.

"You should be warier of me than I should of you." He pointed out, nullifying my previous intent.

Throwing caution to the wind, I park the car and entered the building with him. What to say? I was a fish and he had the perfect bait.

His apartment was on the darker side even with the lights on. The main sitting room was basically an art studio with furniture. The walls were painted gray. On one wall it was light gray, on the other it was a darker shade. The tones alternated.

At the entrance of the apartment, I was greeted with 2 couches, one was light purple, wide as a bed, while the other was a fur black sofa by the wall. There was only one painting of a boy in the woods that stood out on the wall.

The floor was more eventful and as expected of an artist. There were painted canvases on the floor leaning against the wall, covered with cloths that had multicolored brush smears on them.

An easel was pushed next to the wall separating the dining table and sitting room.

"No TV?" I pointed out shuffling towards where the art laid like a kid looking for candy.

"I have one in my room. I like to think of this place as my workspace." He replied, "please feel at home," he muttered before disappearing into the kitchen.

I did not disappoint. I walked around the room I was in, gliding my hand through the textures of the purple couch. I removed my shoes and kept them by the side of the door when I came in, so, my feet enjoyed the ticklish feeling of his soft black rug.

Although he had been welcoming, I didn't dare remove the cloth covers of the artwork on the floor, or the translucent one on the easel. I could only peak the exposed areas.

Finally, I sat down on the back couch, my hand tracing the fur of it aimlessly.

During my mindless action, Haziel appeared out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glass cups to entertain.

I eyed the bottle with lazy eyes filled with doubt. "You don't have to bring out the wine. The way the events of our meeting are going, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up in your bed tomorrow morning." I joked, leaning my chest forward and meeting his gaze, I continued. "Or is that your intention?"

My tone was playful and Haziel caught on, nodding his head. He dropped the wine on the center table and poured one glass out for himself. "If you don't want a glass I definitely won't push." He said after a sip of wine, standing casually on his own.

"The woman you were with earlier on won't mind that you are entertaining another woman?" I inquired, citing his words from the bar.

After hearing my words he laughed heartily without letting me in on the joke. My mouth was fixed shut as blood rushed to my face.

He opened his mouth to speak after having his fill of laughter. "Why would she mind? She knows well enough about how our relationship is."

My eyes widened slightly at his words. How exactly was their relationship like?

The cat in me wanted to keep probing but felt curiosity might really be its downfall, so, it was reined in.

Haziel however, addressed my silent question as he continued.

"She's not even my girlfriend. She's my..."

My ears perked up.

His phone buzzed from his pocket causing his attention to divert.

Buzz Buzz ◇

Trying to master the art of cliffhangers but failing. Next chapter more juicy details of our dear artist!!!

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