
For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Driven by his pride, Shianl decided to repay a favour he never asked for. { our unwillingness does not change the fact that we are gratified by your actions. Thus, we shall requite whatever been acquired equally } And so, Shainl was reborn as the first son of Sitia Empire's ruler [Lennox]. However, he faced many troubles trying to balance his new fragile human body and the immense magical energy in his soul. By using the most suitable solution, Shianl sealed his powers temporarily, resulting in a slight leak of his pheromones. As a honourable being, Shainl's pheromones are a prove if his superiority. Deeply installing fear and submission in other living beings. Now that he has become the cursed crown prince to his subjects, Shianl's mission was proceeding leisurely as he wished to. Until he stumbled upon an unidentified weird young girl.

faithful_jelly · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 73

" what do you think you are doing, Maitea? "

Everly turned her head towards the stables' entrance. Lennox was leaning on the wall as he nonchalantly looked at her.

" stealing a horse. Lennox said he doesn't want to come, so I am going alone...with a pretty horse"

" pretty horse my ass. I never said I am not coming "

Everly's eyes lit for a second. She looked calm from on the surface, but Lennox knew very well that it was not the case inside her mind. Everly caressed one of the horses as she said in a low voice.

" so Lennox is still with me...."

" stop talking bullshit, let's go "

Lennox looked at the young girl hopping towards him with his usual emotionless face. He waited until she arrived close to him before turning back and exiting the stables.

' I ought to keep a distance from her before my olfactory cells explode '