
Chapter 71

As the sunlight gradually disappeared behind the horizon, it's supposed to be the time that Lennox wakes up. But it has been a while since the last time he had a peaceful slumber, thus, Lennox decided to sleep in for a little more.


" Lennox, Lennox, Lennox. Wake up, wake up, wake up. His majesty said it's dinner time. Wake up, dinner,  Lennox, Lennox, Lennox "

Everly, who arrived the day before, was annoyingly tapping on Lennox's shoulder. She has been roaming around Jennings as he carried on his duties. When Everly joined him during the sublime tour ceremony, Jennings has convinced(fooled) her to believe that she is an imperial gourd. That way, Everly would always stay with Jennings to ' protect ' him while actually being protected by him.

Lennox debated whether to pull the knife under his pillow and shove it in her eye or just burn her at the sight. However, he gave up on both.

" I don't want to be cursed by God....."

" hm? You said something? "