
For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Driven by his pride, Shianl decided to repay a favour he never asked for. { our unwillingness does not change the fact that we are gratified by your actions. Thus, we shall requite whatever been acquired equally } And so, Shainl was reborn as the first son of Sitia Empire's ruler [Lennox]. However, he faced many troubles trying to balance his new fragile human body and the immense magical energy in his soul. By using the most suitable solution, Shianl sealed his powers temporarily, resulting in a slight leak of his pheromones. As a honourable being, Shainl's pheromones are a prove if his superiority. Deeply installing fear and submission in other living beings. Now that he has become the cursed crown prince to his subjects, Shianl's mission was proceeding leisurely as he wished to. Until he stumbled upon an unidentified weird young girl.

faithful_jelly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

chapter 51


" was that lightning just now?"

"It did not seem like it came from the sky though..."

"Man....The battle is no joke, I probably might have died in seconds if I would have to even breath near them"

"If it was not for the liege, I don't think anyone would be able to stand up for that monster "

"I heard that the beast was too fast that no one saw where it came from before crashing our way. But hey, hear me out, I say based on the direction of the wind that crossed us seconds before the shockwaves, I believe it came from the east"

"East? There are only rock mountains, even animals rarely live up there"


Jennings, who happened to hear the soldiers' conversation, had a terrifying thought crossing his mind but he quickly shook it away.

'It can't be...it must not be!'

However, Jennings instantly flinched after hearing what they said next.

"Well, that makes it a perfect place for a dead mana beast to hide"

" Bernard told us that the beast was already injured when it arrived, seems like some crazy bastards were messing with it before it went berserk"



"Ugh, it's raining "

The soldiers who were standing at the entrance of the cave quickly moved inside. They had finished evacuating the residents and isolating the ones infected by dead mana, thus they were assigned to guard Maitea and Jennings.

'How....?! So the knights failed in obliterating the beast! What about the mages?! Could they not cage it in a formation?!!'

Jennings's mind was in chaos, Amaira mines were in the east, specifically in one of the mountains closest to the other end of the mountain chain.

He was told that the beast residing in one of the mines abnormally imitated an ominous aura. However, humans aren't able to sense dead mana, thus, it can only be explained as immeasurable (aka S rank beast).

For Jennings to direct his underlings to attack a dead mana beast was basically commanding them to create a disaster.

Unlike the creatures who are naturally borne with dead mana system, the living creatures that are infected by it usually dies. However, if one was to survive through the painful process of the dead mana invading their circular mana system, they then will experience mana deviation, allowing them to produce unlimited magical energy. Although it's possible, for someone to survive through such process was extremely rare, enough for that fact to turn into a myth.

A monster that can produce magic incessantly, was it really easy to kill?


As Jennings anxiously tried to sort his thoughts, he heard a faint sound coming from behind him. He turned back to find that the little girl, who was lying unconscious, was missing. At the same time one of the soldiers called:" hey Maitea!! Where are you going?!".

The moment she opened her eyes, Maitea quickly grabbed a sword that was on the ground and instantly dashed out of the cave.

Seeing her running towards the south, Jennings immediately shoot behind her. He pulled a horse of one of the knights and chased after her.

" Maitea!!"

"Hey, mister!! Come back it's dangerous!"

Neither Maitea responded to Jennings, nor Jennings responded to the soldier, and both disappeared in the town's ruins.

Since Maitea's jumps were too high, Jennings found it difficult to keep her in his sight even with a horse. Gradually he lost her trace, however, he does know where she was heading, thus he kept calling for her as he headed in full speed to the southern hill.

" Maitea, stop!! Come back!"

Hearing someone calling for his sister, Bernard quickly turned to see the young girl standing stiffly with her round emerald eyes wide open. She looked terrified while staring at the great peach tree next to her brother.


Bernard said with a hoarse voice, his master has returned to his original form, without a tremendous amount of divine magic the master can not reform himself.

Bernard knew that, so did Maitea.

The young girl could not avert her gaze from the peach tree, her head was heating by her boiling blood, while her fingers began turning pale by the coldness. She took small steps as she said with a brittle voice.

"Master...why are you doing this...?"

She was asking why did he choose to leave her, they could have avoided this situation by both Maitea and Bernard fighting the monster.

"Is it because Maitea doesn't know how to do anything by herself....?"

Was it because she burdened him by making her master do everything for her, that he grew tired of being a babysitter for such a useless and troublesome girl.

".....but. but Maitea can fight"

She might too dense about any things, however, Maitea was capable. She won't be much compared to her master, but surely above normal knights and soldiers.

"I will learn.....I won't trouble master anymore"

She will learn to be a trustworthy person so her master would rely on her even for a little.

" so please....master....*sob"

The tears that she had suppressed finally poured down merging with the raindrops. once she reached near the peach tree, Maitea limply collapsed. Her legs could no more carry her, she understands the fact that her master won't return by her pleadings, however,  she just does not want to accept it.

Bernard, who could not find any words to comfort the trembling young girl, silently pulled her to his embrace. Hoping that it might, even for the slightest bit, soothe her somehow.

Soon after, Jennings arrived at the hill. He was speechless at the great peach tree that was on full bloom. If not for the heavy rain, the rosy pink flowers would have glowed in the dark night, creating a magnificent scene.