
For the Fatherland

At the eve of Roberts Birthday, he suffered many misfortunes such as losing his job, his life, and his family to a friend who betrayed him. In Roberts agony, he committed one last act of revenge before completely dying to his wounds due to the fire, and exhaustion as the flames consumed his grand parents estate. When he expected to be judged in the afterlife or heaven if you will, he was reincarnated in Europe. Most specifically in Germany of 1920. Where history doesnt exactly match up to his own history. Robert will have to face challenges, hardships, triumphs, and failures to tackle the future and be the inevitable leader of germany in these trying times. =====Disclaimer===== I do not own any images nor any copyrighted characters in this novel. I also do not actively support any political nor extremist parties that will be mentioned in this novel.

VallerieTempest · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Money is Power

[New yorkia, Unified States of America]

[August 23rd, 1920]

[Inside one of the Lobbies of 5 star hotels within New yorkia]

[10:21 AM]

[Robert's POV]

"It is quite surprising when I arrived in New Yorkia a few days ago by ship as the entire trip took me almost 3 Weeks to even arrive here. Although I have to say, New Yorkia hasn't changed much other than the taxes and prices which from a business perspective, a ludicrous increase but understandable profit since New Yorkia was portrayed as 'Land of the Rich' by some people. The prices here are kinda still fair in hindsight, and only on expensive hotel and restaurants is where the prices are expensive. I even checked when I checked in the hotel yesterday, and the prices were expensive for 1920. I mean come on, a Steak costs $200!? I can eat a steak a fraction of that price and it will still taste good in some restaurant that's moderate. Although I am on a business trips after all... " I thought.

As I finished my food and drinks, I paid and left a subtantial amount of tip on the table and grabbed my briefcase and left the restaurant.

" Let's see, from what I remember from him Henry Ford, is that he liked to eat healthy foods, and from what I can remember from him from articles and newspapers, he's a somewhat weird man, but a honest man since he spent most of his money on charity and many things, which is respectable I can give him that. But as of now, the Ford brand is only one of many brands in America that are mediocre so to speak and not popular, which it will be in 10-20 years from now thanks to their new vehicles. Hence I need to get a contract from him that exclusively makes us his partner and make us the heavy duty ford trucks that I saw from war photos. "

My thoughts were stopped as I saw Henry Ford eating Salad as he was waiting for me to arrive. I checked my watch to see if I was late, and I was not late. I learn something new everyday since Ford likes to arrive early than scheduled which is rare nowadays. And thank God he's not like most vegetarians back in my world or the possible future that whined everything that's animal related.

I entered the restaurant and hastily, but not too quickly, walked to the table Ford sat and introduced myself.

"Hello, Mr. Ford, I am Robert Aelberht Zettour. And I was the one who requested a meeting." I said, although I wanted the meeting to be private, I could somewhat see why he chose this place since there was barely no customers, and the spot he picked is somewhat obscured from the streets and only at an high angle where you could spot the entire table itself which was somewhat fine for me.

"Ahh Mr. Zettour, color me surprised since I didn't expect a man of your stature would arrange a meeting this early arriving in America. I thought you would enjoy the sights of New Yorkia has to offer. Please sit." He said, gesturing to the bolted foam chair in front of him as I sat down and removed my fedora and settled it on the table and replied.

"I can explore it in due time Mr. Ford since I'm on a tight schedule and Germania doesn't have enough for me to... Appreciate America has to offer." I said, somewhat in a sarcastic but in a non offensive way since arriving here still took me by surprise somewhat.

"I see. And from what I can gather, you've done researched about me before arriving here yes? Tell me, why my company and not other companies that are far a better option. As I see it, it is definitely odd why you chose my brand since German brands are also high quality in itself depending on who you ask. " Ford said, still waiting his salad.

"Because your brand caught my eye. Not just because of the brand itself, it's the man behind it." I said, thanking the waitress for handing a coffee and pancake for me.

"I'm more of a Pragmatist Mr. Zettour. What would you want from me?" Ford said skeptically and without looking up as he continued eating.

"I want you to design a vehicle for me. Or if you want my honest words, I want your partnership." I said with a neutral expression as I digged in to my pancakes.

Ford stopped for a moment to look at my expression and said "You could've approached my office and called in an appointment." He said, continued eating his half finished salad by now.

"I could. But you and I both know why I insisted in meeting you without anyone in your company hearing this." I said.

"You're afraid that your project would be sabotaged by my company? In case you don't realize, I'm not most companies. Although I do appreciate the location you've picked. How did you know I was a vegetarian?" He asked, glancing up for a brief moment before focusing on his salad.

"Had to do some background check and research your company through word of mouth and your reputation within America. I have to say Mr. Ford, you're reputation precedes you. Your brand is appealing in the eyes of Americans, but not yet a top notch brand that everyone would clamor for. " I said, decided that I didn't need to lie in front of this man as he grew his company from the ground up and I respected him for it.

"Thank you for the compliment. Although I was half surprised on the background check since my company isn't that old yet." He said somewhat jokingly.

I just chuckled at the off hand joke that Ford made and get to the point as I set aside my plate that I emptied and leaned forward a bit.

"Let's discuss business shall we Mr. Ford? I'm on a time crunch." I said, opening my briefcase that I placed on my right and grabbed some folders.

"I suppose we do Mr. Zettour." He said, setting aside his plate as well, emptied of its contents as he grabbed the folder that was given to him by Robert and opened it. And immediately, his eyebrows rose, as well as his interest.

"I have to say Mr. Zettour, your drawing is...amazing. Such fine details along with the design of it... Although I have a couple of questions." He said, closing the folder in his hands and setting it down on the table to look at me again, this time his expression was serious and didn't want no bullshit as I was ready to answer any question he fired at me.

"Why approach me with this design? You could've have this made in one of your automotive companies back in Germania." He questioned me.

"The issue was compatibility and as you know it, secrecy." I vaguely said.

Ford whom caught on was silent for a few seconds before speaking out his thoughts.

"I can understand the secrecy, and I won't bother to answer why you're in a hurry to build this design you've proposed to me by 1930, but I have no hatred for your people, nor your country. So I'll happily accept this project of yours. But keep in mind Mr. Zettour, once the Americans find out your deisnf, they'll demand me to make it for the. Is that fine with you?" He said, and waited as he took a sip of tea and tried to distract himself for a moment.

For me, I was weighing my options as Fords words do carry some truths to it. The Americans will eventually want to copy my design and use it for themselves, effectively hiring Ford for his services for it. Thus, I replied.

"I'll just have to take that risk. I hope you don't mind if that ever comes to pass, we would have copied your design in Germania. No hard feelings? " I said, somewhat hinting that in the future and half sarcastically teasing Ford that Germania will copy Fords design that he got from me, to which Ford set down his tea and snorted.

"Bah. copycat will eventually spring up anyways. It is inevitable when technology is advancing rapidly even in this day and age. I'm a pragmatist Mr. Zettour, Im just doing what's best for my family and for my company." He said.

"The do we have a deal?" I said, holding my breath for a moment.

"We have a deal Mr. Zettour. Let's hope it lasts a long time. Would be a shame to lose such a dedicated and rich partner such as you." He jokingly said, and we both laughed for a bit as he handed back the folder that I showed him and stood up.

Likewise, I placed my folder on my briefcase and closed it and stood up as well. We both left a tip on the table and exited the restaurant. We walked for a bit and I stopped when he stopped as he said before opening his car door.

"Those designs will change the future Mr. Zettour. I hope what you're fighting for is the best of Germanian and American relationship. It will change the world I realize it now, you're gonna be in the center of it all. I will contact you again once the designs you've showed me has finished its trials and will be exclusively shipped to you in secret." He said.

"Thank you Mr. Ford. I will remember this." I said, approaching him and show him my outstretched hand and said. "And if America and Germania were enemies, what would you do then?" I asked him.

He was silent for a moment, staring at me, then at my outstretched hand and shake it for a brief moment before retracting his hand and replied.

"We would still be trading partners. It's just that I'll be more sympathetic to your cause once it does happen and American politics will either kill my company or use me. It maybe the latter but who knows. Goodluck Mr. Zettour. I'll be in touch." He said, before entering his car, starting the engine and turned his car and left.

I stood there for a moment as I processed his words and chuckled." Ford you're such a risk taker. That's why your name is still mentioned even after your death... " I muttered as I head back to my Hotel and mentally checked on my mental list that I talked and secured a deal with Ford. As for other companies, I'll have to schedule a lot of meetings with them which would be already a pain.

I entered my room and lied down with all my clothes on as I knew that going through automotive companies that are very re popular and drug companies as well was gonna take me at least a month before I can effectively say that I've established my power here in America.

I've also come to realize that when I arrived that Prohibition was passed, hence why I was utterly clueless on why alcohol was not sold everywhere I went. Adding to the fact that I'm Germania didn't help since the propaganda at the time made us the villian.

Oh well. I'll try my luck again in good Ole America. I just need to open a legal company here and it's problem solved for me.

With that, I closed my eyes and slept, praying that everything will be fine.

[Somewhere In Pennsylvania , Unified States of America]

[October 8th, 1920]

[On a Bus Heading to Chicago]

[7:15 PM]

[Robert's POV]

It went well... For the most part, I've secured some deals and some deals just went out of the windows due to my nationality, my identity, and heck, even why I was planning to open a company here. God I am so annoyed and if this is act towards me, I can't imagine the hate that my fellow countrymen will suffer. I just hope they have good lives.

Also it's been almost 3 months since I left Germania, and the latest news I got from there was that new factories were being built and our revenue is ever increasing. Especially the food trucks that instantly became popular between the poor and middle class. Bosch also reported that we've acquired or bought around 76 small Restuaranrs or eateries, and 34 Large establishments and turn them into either hideous, shelters, orphanages, eateries, and also a Information hub. Colognia and 4 more other cities beside it were under my information sphere now and I was happy some good news to come as the bad news made me want to return to Germania immediately but held back the urge.

Bosch stated in his letter that the economy is going downhill and there's riots already in some parts of Germania which was concerning at least and and multiple parties have sprung up and the one I was worried about was the Nazi Party. I told Bosch to keep an eye on their activities for now and to slow down their political agendas and propaganda as best as he can, and also I told him to use my spy network to infiltrate or possibly kill their key members. With that, I send the letter via package of souvenirs to Bosch and hell have to wait a month for them to be received.

Now I need time to rest before I arrive in Chicago to meet a certain man. With that, I closed the windows shutters beside me and tipped the hat to cover my face and slept lightly since this is America after all, it's easy to get robbed.

[Chicago, Illinois State]

[9:02 AM]

[Outside the Greyhound Bus Station]

[3rd Person POV]

Robert finally arrived at his destination and exited the bus and stretched for a bit before muttering.

"Time to eat first before meeting him..." With those words, he found a burger joint just 2 blocks away from the station and walked.

He was fine with any food as long it was semi good since. He was hungry and arrived at the said burger joint and ordered.

With his order arriving, he paid in and left a tip and proceeded to dig in.

Halfway eating though, he was surprised that a man sat down in front of him along with 3 other men wearing business suits with fedoras. Chicago suits Robert thought and smiled for a brief moment and set down the burger he was eating to face the man in front of him.

The said man spoke with an Italian accent.

"Welcome to Chigaco the land of the free Mr. Zettour." He spoke

"Can't say I'm surprised you'd find me here of all places." Robert pointed it out.

"I have my eyes in Chicago everywhere. No one can hide from me." He said.

"Now, let me ask you politely Mr. Zettour. What are you doing in my city?" He said calmly, but with a tone that took no for an answer.

"Business Mr Al capone. Business" Robert said, smiling at the revealed man named Al capone.

Al capone used his signature smile and replied.

"You've got my attention and interest. What kind of deal?" Al Capone said, smiling at the smell of money and a biggest deal that he has ever made in his life.

Hallo! This is your friendly Author here vallerie or Val whatever you call me.

Sorry for the massive delay of a few days as I was busy and didn't have time to write.

Tomorrow I'll be busy or the following 3 days since Im helping my aunt making logos for clothes so I deeply apologize if I can't update tomorrow or the day after but I'll try!

Many loves and kisses from me and please vote me using your stones and I'll try my damndest best to pump out more chapters.

Still struggling with finding the right picture size for this novel haha anyways see ya!

This is Vallerie signing out!

VallerieTempestcreators' thoughts