
For the Fatherland

At the eve of Roberts Birthday, he suffered many misfortunes such as losing his job, his life, and his family to a friend who betrayed him. In Roberts agony, he committed one last act of revenge before completely dying to his wounds due to the fire, and exhaustion as the flames consumed his grand parents estate. When he expected to be judged in the afterlife or heaven if you will, he was reincarnated in Europe. Most specifically in Germany of 1920. Where history doesnt exactly match up to his own history. Robert will have to face challenges, hardships, triumphs, and failures to tackle the future and be the inevitable leader of germany in these trying times. =====Disclaimer===== I do not own any images nor any copyrighted characters in this novel. I also do not actively support any political nor extremist parties that will be mentioned in this novel.

VallerieTempest · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Food for the Future

[March 3rd, 1920]

[Colognia, Germania]

[Inside one of warehouses Robert bought.]

[3rd Person POV]

Robert was scanning through the list that the handyman gave him. The clipboard in question showed him a diverse list of acquired canned goods, sacks of food, and finally, weapons and ammunition. Of course it was sort of illegal to store unregistered weapons and ammunition boxes, but as of right now, the Germania Republic would care less as it's facing a economic crisis relatively soon.

There's already rumors circulating around that banks are not taking loans anymore, and in America, there's already rumors circulating that shares and overflowing loans given to us by the Americans are taking a toll on the stock market.

"It's happening earlier then intended... Then again this is a different alternate world. So variables are to be expected..." Robert thought as he handed the clipboard back to the handyman saying all was accounted for and signed it.

After Robert finished expecting the last of the warehouses that were full, he was approached by Bosh, Felix, the manager that he hired in overlooking and guarding the warehouses. And beside him was a man in his late fourties, a pretty cruse man who's been through hell from traveling through the seas, and Robert knew he shouldn't play the said man with deceiving tactics and decided to be straight with the man.

Felix introduced the individual to Robert. "Sir Zettours, this is Mr. Hermann Heinrich Meier one of the owners of [Norddeutscher Lloyd] or NDL for short in Hamburg. Mr. Meier, this is Mr. Zettour, owner of Fortuna Industries.

"I have to say, I'm quite surprised Mr. Zettour, your company is is making wvaes through the business world." Meier said, giving Robert some credit on his achievement, but not yet still acknowledging him as a businessman just yet.

"Thank you Mr. Meier for the compliment. Shall we get down to business?" Robert gestured towards the office near one of the warehouses.

Mr. Hermann nodded as he followed Robert towards the office while Felix excused himself as he knew this was a very important meeting.

After a few minutes of walking, discussing about daily things such as family, politics, they finally arrived at the office and entered the office room that was overlooking the warehouses down below.

Robert closed the door behind him after Mr. Hermann entered and gestured for Hermann to sit down first in the sofa and Robert also sat down in front of Hermann and proceeded to discuss business.

"Mr. Hermann, if I'm allowed to call you by your first name, I have a business proposition for you and your company that will... Revolutionize ship trading by a very good margin. It will even give you an edge towards your competitors. Robert laid down the first offer and bait.

Hermann raised his eyebrows at this somewhat ludicrous proposal, but he has seen worse ones before so he gestured for Robert to continue with this offer of his.

Robert continued on as he gestured down to the table in front of them. In the table, they were countless drawings of a rectangle shaped box that puzzled Hermann a bit and as Robert explained why it was shape like that, he was now intrigued

"This drawing that I made is called an container. A container that is large enough to store lots of goods depending on their color. Here is the list of colors and some pre cautions that I placed in order for my idea to work."

Robert handed over a clipboard that was on the table that listed the basic colors for now, and what type of pain that can be used for insulation, ventilation, and to keep the goods inside either fresh, warm, or cold.

There's also a color list that Hermann was interested in looking at the list follows:

White containers - This white containers is the most common and is used to transport dry cargo such as textiles, electronics and non-perishable foodstuffs.

They usually have a dry and ventilated interior to avoid humidity and damp conditions that can damage the cargo. Due to their characteristics and design they are easy to clean and maintain, making them ideal for use in the transport of dry cargo.


Blue containers - are used to transport refrigerated or frozen cargo such as meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy and pharmaceutical products.

They are designed to maintain a constant temperature inside, which is controlled by an integrated refrigeration system.

Blue containers are also characterized by thermal insulation and are equipped with a ventilation system to prevent moisture accumulation.


Green containers are used to transport agriculture-related cargo such as seeds, grains and processed agricultural products.

They are usually larger than white containers and are designed to carry heavy and bulky loads. In addition, they usually have a dry and ventilated interior to prevent moisture.


Yellow containers are used to transport bulk cargo such as chemicals, grain and minerals.

They are generally larger than white containers and have a stronger structure to support large and heavy cargoes.

They also incorporate special openings at the top to allow loading and unloading of bulk cargoes.


Red containers are used to transport hazardous cargo such as chemicals, explosives and flammable materials.

They have a number of safety features, such as thicker walls, special ventilation systems and additional security locks.

They often have specific warning labels and identification markings to indicate the type of hazardous cargo inside.


Brown containers are used to transport loads of timber and other forest industry related products such as paper and cardboard.

They have a strong structure and are able to accommodate large volume and weight loads and are often equipped with special hooks and clamps to facilitate the loading and unloading of wood products.

As Hermann was reading each classification, he was more and more invested and interested on the idea and wanted to know more and as if Robert read his mind, Robert explained why the classification is important and what were the benefits for such a system.

"As you can see, each sea container color is used to classify the different types of cargo that are transported on the oceans.

This classification is important because it allows transport and logistics companies to handle containers more efficiently and safely." Robert explained.

Robert also breaker down on why color really matters for containers or cargo as Robert called them and emphasize it very clearly.

He listed down some examples on the papers that were on the table.

- For example, red containers carrying hazardous goods must be handled with extra caution and must be separated from other containers to minimize the risk of accidents.

- In addition to their usefulness in transport and logistics, the colors of sea containers are also important for container identification and tracking. Each container has a unique identification number which is used to track its location and transport history. Color thus acts as an additional visual identification mechanism to help transport and logistics operators quickly identify the correct containers.

- Another benefit for colored containers is that it is also easy to transport, unload and load onto ships.

"Although we will need to build a new ship that can accommodate my idea. But as of right now, we can make smaller containers for now for our ships. As for advertising your company, you can put your logo onto the side of the container after the color scheme is finished." Robert finished his salespitch somewhat as he waited for Hermann to reply.

For Hermann, he was already amazed, he knew he could earn a fortune by going with this method, heck, he might be even the number one shipping company in all of Germany for this. But the challenges that we are facing is the costs and maintenance for these containers. But that can be mitigated once we advertise that our method is much safer, and much more quicker.

"I have to say Mr. Zettour, you have completed hooked me to your idea. But the costs will be immense to improve the facitilies within the ports."

Robert pondered for a brief moment, how he wished he could pitch the idea to the current government to expand Kiel, but with the current situation as it is, the republic is lucky that it's still standing.

Robert answered Hermann concerns for the cost. "We will shoulder the Improvement costs, as well as the new ship design that we are pitching for you to build. It will be undoubtly large, but it will bring you tons of profit and cement yourself as one of the big shipping companies in Germania, no in Europe." I said, flattering and giving Hermann a boost to his pride and ego.

"So your condition is for us to be your subsidiary partner?" Hermann said, clearly wanting to get the facts straight with Robert and him.

"Yes, in exchange all we want is our changes to be implemented and we will never touch other policies that you will enact inside your company." Robert emphasize on that wording heavily, to ensure that his company, is not here to swallow nor give orders to her Ann's company, but on the other hand, Robert is playing the long game to where he would absorb Hermann company entirely. He just needs to play the long game of hook, line, and sinker method and right now, it's working as Hermann finally said the words Robert needed to hear.

"Mr. Zettour, you have yourself a partner and hopefully a friend in this trying times." Hermann said, standing up and reached his hand out to shake Robert's, whom Robert gladly returned the favor as Robert replied.

"You won't be disappointed. As I emphasized earlier, we will shoulder the costs. You just need to handle advertising, and sales, along with convincing some ports that will be the first ones to receive said containers that this is the future. It's up to you. " Robert smiled, as Hermann laughed at Robert's remark, imagining it already in his mind that such a scenario would surely bring change within Germania and to the world.

" Well then Mr. Zettour, I will see you in a few months, maybe in a few weeks after we implement your changes to my shipping company and maybe in a few years, the results of our hard labour and work would bring us wealth and prosperity." Hermann said his final words as he was ready to leave.

" Likewise Mr. Hermann. I wish you the best of luck and to our endeavors. " Robert said, also heading for the door and opening it, gesturing for Hermann to go first."

Hermann laughed once again as he said goodbye to Robert and left the office.

Robert stood there for a moment, taking stock of what happened and finally, after a few minutes, he wanted to shout to the heavens but held it all in, but his expression was all smiles in that moment as he too, exited the office and head to the next meeting on where his next plans need to succeed for Germania to prosper.

It also helps Bosch in a way and it was time to return the favor for the man.

[Colognia, Germania]

[Restaurant Gallardo that's located downtown of Colognia]

[2:05 PM. Same day]

[3rd Person POV]

Robert and Bosch at the restaurant after 30 minutes to where the man who was in his late 30s was just about to sit down and order a beer when he spotted us. He waved at us to join him and after a few maneuver from a semi crowded restaurant, we finally sat down and introduce ourselves.

After the short introduction, we ordered a few drinks and some food in the menu and quickly settled in by talking about business and the situation brewing inside Germania.

"Is it OK if we wait a little longer? My partner Karl Rapp, is on his way since he had something to do shortly." Gustav said, apologizing for the small inconvenience.

We didn't mind and agreed to wait, and after a few minutes passed, we finally saw Karl Rapp who looks about almost in his late 20s and wore a tired expression as he sat down beside Gustav and introduce himself shortly after.

After our food arrives just 5 minutes after, we digged in while we discussed business.

"Mr. Zettour was it?" Gustav inquired again to make sure he didn't mistake his name.

He nodded as he gestured for Gustav to start first. "Forgive me if this comes off as off putting Mr. Zettour, but why do you want to buy our company that's on the verge of bankruptcy?" Gustav was suspicious and rightfully so, since they almost exhausted all of their option and were about to decide to merge with another company when Robert put a stop to that and proposed quite a shocking offer which put their plans on hold.

" I understand your suspicions and my motives Mr. Gustav Mr. Karl. But I ensure you that my intentions are purely business related and for the future of Germania." Robert said, while Bosch kept quiet since He was I formed that Robert would share his idea to them and make his dream come true, or his invention come to life.

"It's really surprising on how much amount you're offering to buy my company." Karl said, still skeptical of such a deal since in the business world, the only eternal friend you have is either connections, influence, money, and most certainly power.

"The amount that I'm offering is what I think k you're worth in my opinion. That's why we are completely buying you out. To shut out all potential buyers that make aquire your company and it's stocks." Robert said, eating the steak that he ordered.

"And what would you have us do?" Gustav asked.

"I want 3 Brands of vehicles that need to be produced as quick as possible. Mr. Bosch, if you will please." Robert said, as Bosch nodded and grabbed his briefcase and pulled out some documents and drawings and presented it to Gustav and Karl whom carefully scanned through it while they ate in silence.

After almost 10 minutes of staring each other down, no longer eating, trying to see if each side would flinch or not. Then finally, Karl spoke.

"Since it has come to this. We will agree on a few conditions."

"Name them." Robert said.

"We want a say on what we make or vote at least in the company, and our approval first in designing vehicles." Karl said, sipping his beer for brief moment.

Hearing those conditions, Robert hesitated for a moment as these conditions would either bring them close, or in the future, for them to separate with the company. Robert leaned forward, his hands pressed together and said.

"I will agree to these conditions, but I will also have a say on your designs and ideas as well. Do we have a deal?"

Karl and Gustav looked at each other for a moment and towards Robert and readily agreed and discussed on what type of vehicles that Robert wanted to be made.

Robert smiled as their in for a surprise as it wasn't just 3 Vehicles but 5.

Hello! Your friendly author here once again to say I'm finally done with Chapter 4 and writing chapter 5 soon and releasing it tomorrow

Hope my writing isn't bad for you guys and the quality is decent.

Trying my best to portray my Mc as best as I can.

Anyways, see ya tomorrow I'm open to suggestions down in the Comments!

Your friendly author, Vallerie

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