
For the Downfall of My Beloved

In White Flower Kingdom, where only spring is welcomed. General Gion lived for the glory of the kingdom. The first thing Gion did upon returning alive from the 'Valley of Snow' was to kill the king and queen. "Gion?" To be more precise, the parents of the woman he loved. "Now the throne is your rightful place." The 17th and only royal descendant of White Flower Kingdom, the noble only daughter of the king, his beloved woman, Princess Rohwa, was thus seated on the throne. For the glory of White Flower Kingdom, for the life of Rohwa. And then, he died in front of her. He was certain. But for some reasons he could hear Rohwa's voice. "It took a hundred years." A hundred years after Gion's ‘death,’ White Flower Kingdom had fallen.

ShadowScripter77 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 2

Twelve years ago unfolded like any other day, marked by the simplicity of routine.

It began with the cheerful sounds of a younger sibling at play in the yard, the warmth of a greeting exchanged with tender-hearted parents, and was to conclude with a session of martial arts practice post-breakfast, followed by restful slumber.

However, the day took an unexpected turn when Gion received a summons to White Dragon Castle, instigated by the king's decree.

"Seeing only the children of military officials gathered here, it seems that rumor is true?"

Young warriors gathered in front of White Hall in White Dragon Castle, buzzing with conversation.

It was the day Princess Rohwa celebrated her fourteenth year.

When the king inquired about her desired gift, Rohwa promptly expressed her wish for a personal guard—a guardian who would valiantly risk their life for her protection, handpicked by herself.

But, she wanted a warrior of her own age.

Thus, all the children of military officials in White Flower Kingdom were summoned by the king.

"Being the Princess's guard would bring glory to our family, wouldn't it?"

"But doesn't the Princess already have excellent warriors for protection? Why us..."

"Whatever the reason, this is an opportunity for us! A rare chance for a warrior to rise! Plus, we get to see the beautiful Princess every day!"

"Stop it. We all know who it's going to be."

At that, the eager young warriors turned their gaze to one spot.

There stood a boy, silent, clutching his sword sheath.

"What are you looking at?"

Gion frowned, and the young warriors glanced around nervously.

"Gion. Why such a grim face on this good day... Among the young warriors of White Flower Kingdom, you're the strongest. Obviously, you'll be the Princess's guard-"

"I didn't dedicate myself to martial arts to become some pampered princess's guard."


The Princess already had excellent warriors for protection. So why pick a young one?

To Gion, it sounded like a request for a playmate to cure the Princess's boredom.

Just as a warrior next to him paled and tried to silence Gion,


The hall in front of White Hall fell suddenly silent.

"You've all worked hard coming to White Dragon Castle."

The mere presence of the girl at the entrance of White Hall commanded the entirety of the atmosphere.

The warriors, taken by her aura, momentarily lost themselves, and Gion was no exception.

'She is indeed the most beautiful in the world.'

Princess Rohwa, though small in stature, appeared magnificently noble.

Her youthful face, not yet rid of baby fat, was so beautifully featured that her fine silk clothes and ornate accessories seemed insignificant.

Her blue eyes and white hair only enhanced her already stunning appearance.

The young warriors, momentarily forgetting Gion's earlier words, were visibly smitten, their faces flushed and expressions dazed.

Amidst them, Gion was the only one looking at the princess with a cold gaze.

By appearing indifferent, he was convinced he would not be chosen.

Gion thought so

The king had raised Rohwa like a flower in a greenhouse. Not a drop of rain nor a gust of cold wind had ever touched her.

The people also called her 'The Lady of Spring,' a figure to be protected.

Princess Rohwa, loved by all, would surely not choose a guardian who bore any semblance of resentment towards her.

'She shouldn't.'

Rohwa scanned the warriors and locked eyes with Gion. Just as he scowled,


A smile spread across Rohwa's previously expressionless face.

"I like that boy."

Contrary to all expectations, Rohwa's finger pointed at Gion.

It was the moment Gion's life was turned upside down.


"Do you really dislike me that much?"

Rohwa, sitting by the pond, looked up at Gion standing behind her.

Gone was the demeanor she displayed in White Hall; when alone with Gion, Rohwa's manner of speaking was like that of an ordinary child.

Gion replied with an expressionless face.


It was humiliating.

A warrior should be dedicating time to martial arts, not wasting it like this.

Fifteen days had elapsed, and Gion could sense the diminishing efficacy of his clandestine dawn training sessions. The rigor and challenge he experienced sparring with his father were irreplaceable, and he could feel his muscles tensing, growing unaccustomed to the lack of real combat. With a sense of frustration, he clenched his fists tightly.


Gion stared blankly at Rohwa as she let out a small laugh.

Rohwa was trying hard to suppress her laughter, her lips tightly pursed.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just happy."

Happy that a mere young warrior openly disliked a princess of the nation?

Gion doubted his ears.

Princess Rohwa was two years older than Gion.

The same age as Gion's sibling. While Gion could easily read his sibling's thoughts, Rohwa was different. Every word she spoke was incomprehensible.

"You look pleased, yet you don't want to scold me?"

"You wish to be scolded?"

"...I was prepared for it when I spoke."


Rohwa's laughter was unrestrained.

Gion just stared blankly at the pond, defeated. Asking more questions would only lead to more from Rohwa. She had a knack for steering conversations into playful banter, then...

"You don't have to stay by my side all day. There are other guards besides you."


"You can use the training grounds in White Dragon Castle whenever. If you need a sword, just ask. If your uniform tears, tell me. Oh, and if you get injured, I'll call a physician. So don't secretly swing your sword at dawn. It's dangerous."

She had accurately read Gion's thoughts, even how he lived his life. And yet...

"You appointed me as your guard, yet you suggest I need not guard?"

Gion always felt like he was dancing in Rohwa's palm. What sin had he committed to deserve this fate? Young Gion felt a pointless defiance rising within him. A youthful audacity.

"...Since everyone in White Flower Kingdom loves you, my dislike must intrigue you."

An enigmatic person.

"You don't need a guard, yet you brought me here. Do you need a conversation partner whenever you're bored?"

The words carried an edge, hinting at a person harboring a streak of cruelty.

"Why do you never answer my questions? As the future ruler of White Flower Kingdom, shouldn't you listen to the people's concerns?"

His words painted the image of a person ensconced in pride and opulence.

Rohwa's blue eyes flickered for a moment, unlike the calm pond, as if waves were stirring.

Rohwa stood up.


Gion simply stared at her.

Who had called this princess 'The Lady of Spring,' a figure needing protection?

This princess, whose gaze alone could devour a person.

"Do you think you are someone important?"

Rohwa clenched her fist. It looked like she was finally going to scold him. But Gion had no regrets. He could endure being slapped or verbally abused, but he couldn't conform to unfairness.

As Gion bowed his head, resigned,


Instead of the expected harsh impact, a tiny warmth settled on Gion's head.

It was Rohwa's hand.

"That's right."

She smiled gently, responding to his earlier question. Gion, baffled, just blinked in confusion.

"You are important. That's why I chose you to stay by my side among all those young warriors."

"What do you mean-"

"Among the blushing young warriors, you were the one who dared to look at me sternly."


"You saw not just a beautiful princess but one spoiled by luxury. Then, perhaps, you might see something deeper?"

Gion couldn't fully grasp her words. He was just bewildered, seeing Rohwa looking particularly vulnerable as she spoke. Rohwa, returning to her playful tone, ruffled Gion's hair.

"Oh? Softer than I thought."

Gion's face flushed red amid his tangled emotions.

"What are you doing!"

As Gion reacted in confusion, Rohwa burst into laughter.

Cunning and unnervingly astute, she possessed an uncanny ability to disrupt Gion's typically unflappable demeanor. As Rohwa's laughter finally ebbed, she regained her composure.

"Besides, what you said was all wrong."

What could possibly be wrong?

Everyone in White Flower Kingdom loves Rohwa, and she is destined to be the future ruler.

It's true she hadn't responded to his questions and had only engaged him in idle chatter. His accusations weren't unfounded.

Gion had a multitude of questions, but he couldn't continue.

Rohwa was smiling, yet her eyes trembled faintly.

It was a fleeting moment, but he saw it.

"Do as you wish. If the role of a guard doesn't suit you, feel no obligation, nor is there a necessity to accompany me. However—"

Rohwa faced Gion.

"Call me Rohwa. That's what you need to do."

A guard addressing a princess by her first name was unthinkable.

If the king knew this, it could spell doom for Gion and his family.

"Better you strike me down."

"No, it's true. Oh, and you must still train hard. You're my guard after all. I know you will without me saying, but still."

Rohwa sat back by the pond, creating ripples with her fingertips.

"You'll do that, right? I have already obtained permission from my father."


"It's an order from your princess."

It was a voice Gion had never heard before.

It sounded like a command, yet it felt like a plea, almost a request. Faced with this, Gion found only one response.



"Understood, Roh... Rohwa."


Rohwa's eyes sparkled as usual, bright and pure.

Gion couldn't understand why, but it was difficult to look into Rohwa's beautiful eyes, the ones everyone yearned to face. The spot where her hand had touched his head felt tingly, and his heart raced, whether from anger or something else.

They sat by the pond for a long while. Like the rippling water, Gion's heart was in turmoil. It didn't take long for him to understand the nature of these ripples.


"Lord Gion! Quickly, this way...!"

Urged by the pale-faced maid, Gion hastened towards where Rohwa was.

He learned a few things in his six years at White Dragon Castle.

Firstly, contrary to his initial thoughts, Rohwa was transparent, innocent, and had a fragile side.


Gion opened the door to see Rohwa precariously standing on a windowsill, a sharp dagger at her throat.

The king and queen were helplessly pacing.

Rohwa didn't even glance at them but commanded Gion.

"Gion. Tell them I won't go."

Secondly, 'The Lady of Spring,' as Rohwa was known, was far more intelligent than anyone expected.

"...How can a general refuse to go to battle."

"That battlefield is next to 'Valley of Snow,' in 'Biryu,' isn't it!"

Rohwa yelled out. Gion knew what that meant.

The survival odds were slim for anyone returning alive from 'Walley of Snow', infested with night demons, and 'Biryu', a mountainous border region under invasion from Japanese forces. When Gion remained silent, Rohwa glared with wide eyes and turned her head towards the king.

"Father! If you intend to take Gion away from me, then prepare for my funeral!"

"How dare you say such things to your father!"

"If you have no intention of passing on the throne of White Flower Kingdom to me, then my existence is meaningless, isn't it?"

The king looked dazed, as if he had been struck on the back of the head. He hadn't expected Rohwa to know that much. Shivering with anger, the king started to speak, but Gion intervened, unable to watch anymore.

"Don't speak harshly to the king. You'll regret it."


"Princess, there are many who will protect you besides me."

"I told you to call me Rohwa!"

The third fact that Gion learned: everyone loved Rohwa, but she was the one most starved for affection. Nobody truly saw her for who she was - not as a pretty daughter or a beautiful princess, but as Rohwa herself. She often acted out due to this unstable affection. And sometimes, it hurt Rohwa too.

When Gion first realized this, the words he had once spat out at Rohwa by the pond came back to haunt him. He regretted it, so he lingered around her more. Understanding the reason for her defiance made him feel sorry for Rohwa. Sometimes, he wanted to see her clear, happy smile more often, and his heart sank whenever she showed that smile to him.

And so, he suffered for a full six years.

"...Gion. I told you to refuse to leave."

A few strands of Rohwa's ethereal white hair, gently swaying near her neck, were severed by a sharp dagger and drifted to the ground.

Gion's expression contorted with distress.

"Rohwa. Doing this won't stop me from going to the battlefield. Don't act like a child."

Harsh words slipped out. He knew she was desperate to go to such lengths. Yet, he was infuriated by her disregard for herself. But his anger was short-lived, as Rohwa began to sob.

"Why are you so cruel..."

Tears welled up in her blue eyes. Seeing this, Gion's lips quivered. It was his turn to regret his harsh words. Slowly, he approached Rohwa.

"I will return alive. I can do it."


"Have I ever broken a promise I made to you?"

Rohwa shook her head gently. Gion, renowned as the most formidable general of White Flower Kingdom, was said to rival even the chief of the five guardian spirits that safeguarded the White Dragon. Moreover, he was a man of his word, never committing to promises he couldn't fulfill. Extending his hand towards Rohwa, he spoke softly.

"Come down. And give me that damned dagger, too."

After a moment's hesitation, Rohwa accepted his hand. Her eyes remained glistening with tears, but she surrendered the dagger and descended. Gion knelt, his gaze lifted to meet hers.

"Forgive me."

"...I won't."

Even as she said that, Rohwa stroked Gion's hair. She knew too well. Gion would have gone to the battlefield even without the king's command. For the glory of White Flower Kingdom. For its people and the royal family, who should enjoy that glory. And for her. No matter how much she struggled, she knew he would not change his mind this time.

"Come back alive."

And Rohwa's words remained as a promise, saving Gion numerous times on the battlefield.


The war, thought to last only two years, finally came to an end after five years.

And for another year, Gion was in 'Valley of Snow', a place abandoned by the king.

It was a miserable six years, a stark contrast to his time in White Dragon Castle.

"You... came back... you're alive..."

Every moment of the war, Gion had imagined how he would face Rohwa upon his return.

Would she cry like the time she held a dagger to her throat? Would she smile brightly? Maybe she would command him to bow his head and then stroke his hair.

There were many scenarios, but one thing was certain.

"I came back because you told me to."

He had never wished for a moment like this.

After wandering for five years and stagnating for another, Gion and Rohwa finally faced each other after six years.

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