
For the Downfall of My Beloved

In White Flower Kingdom, where only spring is welcomed. General Gion lived for the glory of the kingdom. The first thing Gion did upon returning alive from the 'Valley of Snow' was to kill the king and queen. "Gion?" To be more precise, the parents of the woman he loved. "Now the throne is your rightful place." The 17th and only royal descendant of White Flower Kingdom, the noble only daughter of the king, his beloved woman, Princess Rohwa, was thus seated on the throne. For the glory of White Flower Kingdom, for the life of Rohwa. And then, he died in front of her. He was certain. But for some reasons he could hear Rohwa's voice. "It took a hundred years." A hundred years after Gion's ‘death,’ White Flower Kingdom had fallen.

ShadowScripter77 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 16

It was the era when a barrier was created in the Snow Valley to confine the demon spirits.

The act of confining the demon spirits in the Snow Valley not only isolated them from the people but also inadvertently provided them with a territory of their own.

Within this space, the demon spirits also established their own society, which was akin to making progress.

Therefore, the successor of the White Qi had to reinforce the barrier to prevent the increasingly powerful demon spirits from breaking out.

Being a 'physical tool' made of White Qi, the barrier was not permanent.

But what about the 16th king, who was also the father of Rohwa?

"After all this time, you still have that stern look in your eyes."

Mujun looked around with a sneer, seemingly amused.

"What happened to the White Flower Kingdom is regrettable. But the situation there isn't due to me; it's because of the king of White Dragon Castle, who failed to properly reinforce the barrier surrounding the Snow Valley, isn't it?"


"Oh, I see. Or maybe it's your fault for killing that king and dumping everything on the young princess!"


A strong wind blew.

But it wasn't the energy of Gion.

[How dare a general from a minor country, incomparable to the kingdom, insult the king of the White Flower Kingdom.]

A shimmering light of emerald green flashed from the Chunhwa sword (Spring Flower Sword), and Hwaran's stern words struck Mujun's mind sharply.

Gion did nothing, but the trees around the temple started to vibrate, stretching their sharp branches toward Mujun.

The power to move nature.

This was the true power of the Spring Spirit King.

Hwaran scowled and spoke to Gion.

"I've never been in such a cursed situation in my life."

Gion quietly observed the demon spirit.

It was unmistakable that the scar across the demon spirit's chest was made by Gion.

It was indeed Mujun, the general of Jiyeon Kingdom.

"The general of Jiyeon Kingdom has become a demon spirit and is stepping foot in the White Flower Kingdom."

Hwaran stood next to Gion, exuding a threatening aura, and Mujun chuckled.

"Just wait. I only wish to talk with this creature."

"What nonsense is this demon spawn spouting."

Hwaran's eyes flashed, but Gion stepped in front of her.

[There's something we need to find out from him.]

Hwaran glanced at Gion as his thoughts echoed in her head.

[Is this because of the painting inside the temple?]

Gion remained silent.

To understand its content accurately, a book should be read word by word, sentence by sentence.

But a painting is different.

A single painting contains numerous stories.

For instance, a landscape painting can reveal a period of someone's life.

"I already know that you are the Sixth Chime. That means you've been alive in the White Flower Kingdom for a hundred years."


The existence of the Sixth Chime was unmistakable as soon as he entered the temple.

The nameless and nondescript temple was filled with paintings of demon spirits.

Among them were also portraits of the Chimes.

However, what mattered to Gion was not that Mujun had become one of the Chimes.

Gion tightly grasped the painting in his hand.

"Was it not Rohwa but the Demon King who broke the barrier surrounding the Snow Valley?"

The painting depicted the Demon King and the demon spirits descending below the capital after breaking the barrier.

But there were several dubious points.

The demon spirits revered Rohwa as a princess. If Rohwa had broken the barrier, the painting should have depicted Rohwa's actions, not as if the Demon King had broken the barrier.

However, the painting seemed to exist to glorify the heroic tales of the Demon King.

Gion, who had studied history through numerous books and paintings, could not have missed such a detail.

Then, there is only one answer.

Either the painting is telling a lie, or someone has written falsehoods in the historical records.

With the credibility of historical documents diminishing, there's only one way to verify the truth.

The experiences of those who lived through the history.

That's what needs to be used to uncover the truth about history.

The reason why distorted history is recorded will naturally unravel once the truth is known. For now, finding out the truth of history is the priority.

Mujun, as if reading Gion's thoughts, shrugged and said,

"I wondered what you would ask. So you're curious about that? But what can I do."


"I don't see why I should tell you that."

"No. You have to tell me."


"You have your own wishes, too. Hence, you came to me on your own."

At Gion's words, Mujun furrowed his brow.

They were two who had faced each other with swords on the battlefield, spending days and nights strategizing to avoid falling into each other's tactics, engaging in relentless combat.

Those times were enough for Gion to thoroughly understand Mujun.

"I know that you also want to break the barrier of Seosan."

Gion precisely knew what Mujun wanted at the moment.

And Mujun, realizing he was seen through, had the habit of furrowing his brow for a moment.

To break the barrier, two things are needed.

One is the painting inside the nameless temple.

And the other is the 'White Qi'.

This meant that Mujun, who had become a demon spirit, could never break the barrier alone.


Mujun had no questions for Gion.

Questions like how he knew, or defiance born out of pride were unnecessary in this situation.


"Do you think I wouldn't know what promise you made with the princess?"

Mujun descended from the roof and stood in front of Gion.

"Defeating the Chimes and receiving the pieces of light is your goal, isn't it? You're ultimately going to break the barrier and kill me, and yet you ask for information and even my life?"

"You still only see what's right in front of you."

"What do you mean by that-"

"The promise I made with the princess is to receive a piece of light if I defeat a Chime."

Hwaran, who had been silent, quickly grasped Gion's thoughts and exclaimed.

[Are you out of your mind?!]

Hwaran shouted, but Gion did not blink an eye.

"There's no rule that says I have to capture the Chimes in order."


Mujun chuckled.

The Chimes become stronger as their numbers approach one.

Gion must first kill the Sixth Chime, Mujun, and then gather the fragments of light to face the Fourth Chime and Fifth Chime.

Even if he does that, victory is not guaranteed.

"Don't assume the Fourth and Fifth Chimes will be at a similar level to the Seventh. How can you be so sure you can take them on in your current state?"

"...You talk too much."


The Chunhwa sword began absorbing the White Qi, its emerald light flickering.

Even without attacking, the mere fluctuating energy was enough to whip up the sand lying on the ground.

"Do I look like I'm begging or persuading you right now?"


Gion might instantly annihilate Mujun.

However, the reason Gion refrains is clear.

"I know you also wish to kill the Chimes. That's why I'm not killing you."

"...How much have you figured out?"

In fact, the method to break the barrier of Seosan was almost found the moment he obtained the painting.

This barrier cannot be broken by anyone other than Gion.

Mujun was well aware of this.


If any more conditions are proposed at this point, Gion would handle Mujun and then look for a way to obtain the information.

If there isn't a way, he'd create one. That's who Gion is.

Moreover, Mujun cannot die now.

After a brief pause, Mujun continued.

"It's true that the Demon King broke the barrier in the Snowy Valley. But it's also true that the princess was there."

With this, the method to destroy the barrier became clear.

Although it's still uncertain what exactly happened back then, all the necessary information to break the barrier now is gathered.

[I'm saying this in advance: I really don't like that guy.]


[Don't forget why you had to engage in war for five years in 'Biryu', Gion.]

How could he forget? It's something he can never forget.

But that doesn't mean he can walk the same path as Rohwa.

Being consumed by resentment and stuck in the past won't allow him to move forward.

Gion said to Hwaran.

[That matter is secondary. Breaking the barrier of Seosan comes first.]

Hwaran, seemingly displeased with the situation, didn't say anything but didn't oppose Gion's stance either.

Gion, holding the painting and Chunhwa sword, looked at Mujun.

"You're coming with us."


"You've been hasty."

In front of the ruined Hwayang Palace, Doa spoke to Rohwa, who stood with dignity.

Rohwa responded without any change in expression.

"I plan to continue acting hastily."

"I know it's already overwhelming for you to pour your energy into the Seosan barrier."


As always, Doa nagged, and Rohwa asked in return.

"Your role is to focus your strength on reinforcing the barrier, nothing more."

Hwaran is assisting Gion.

Going straight to the 'Nameless Temple' right after reading the books must be to capture the Fourth and Fifth Chimes.

'And with Mujun in tow...'

It's unexpected.

According to Rohwa's calculations, Gion should have killed Mujun and immediately faced the Fourth and Fifth Chimes.

After defeating the Fifth Chime, he was supposed to break the barrier and meet the Fourth Chime to see with his own eyes how Seosan had changed.

Gion, who should be obsessed with collecting the pieces of light for the glory of the White Flower Kingdom, wouldn't spare Mujun simply for old times' sake.

'Something is odd-'

At that moment.


A tearing sound echoed in her head.


Rohwa collapsed on the spot, bleeding from her nose.

It was as if every cell entangled in her head was simultaneously glowing, her skull ringing as if it was about to break, and her core being slashed with a knife.

However, for Rohwa, pain was not the most pressing concern at the moment.


Even as her eyelids trembled, a hollow laugh escaped Rohwa.

'The barrier is breaking even though the Fifth Path is not dead?'

The Fifth Path is the guardian of Seosan.

It's unthinkable for the barrier to break without the death of the Fifth Path...

'Could it be...'

The fleeting suspicion that crossed her mind made Rohwa's expression contort momentarily.


The barrier of Seosan was broken. 

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