
For Righteousness Sake

All he wants is to fight for the downtrodden.. Yet he dies like this?

LollipopSaint · Fantasy
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No Justice For The Weak

October 24th, 2017. Late night in New Britain, Connecticut.

Sometimes the bad guys just win and there is no justice. Sometimes heroes die, and no one is saved. But what if the hero died trying to save a someone, and that someone sided with the one who was harming them? This was the case for Cameron Winter. 

As he lay in a pool of his blood wondering how this could have happened to him, he found himself flashing back to what led to this very moment..

'It's 10 pm and I am already late for my job shadow.. Sarah is going to kill me.' thought Cameron worriedly, as he jumped out of bed and threw on his work outfit. Cameron was a 19 year old college student who was job shadowing with the FBI. He was supposed to meet Sarah, the agent who he was shadowing downtown near the local bar. He had already missed the last bus of the night, and had no choice but to get a cab. He was a broke guy barely making ends meet by doing odd jobs. He lucked out by getting a job shadow opportunity through his college. Now he was late on his first night shift with Sarah. What a disaster..

Hailing a cab, Cameron hopped in, for what he couldn't possibly know would be the last cab ride of his life. Six blocks away from the bar a bloodied woman suddenly ran in front of the cab and began to wave her arms frantically. The driver was about to go around them, but Cameron hopped out of the cab after leaving the money on his seat. He couldn't ignore this. The cab driver had a wicked grin on his face as he sped off, and the back right cab door slammed shut. Sadly, Cameron did not notice this. As he was now being held at gun point by the man that attacked this woman. He was told to follow him or die.

Cameron yelled for the woman to run. The gunman laughed and said, "Who gave you the guts to stand up to me?" and Cameron was shot twice in the stomach. Glaring at him, Cameron coughed up blood and tried to stay on his feet. The gunman roared, "Kneel!" while shooting Cameron once in the left knee. The woman was begging for her life after seeing Cameron hitting the ground hard. Barely audibly as his senses were fading, Cameron heard the gunman tell the woman, "Now this is how it went down.. This man attacked you and I disarmed him and took the gun. I tried to disable him but he bled out after trying to take us down. The reason he died is because of self defense, and me protecting you. Do I make myself clear?!" The last words of the gunman faded away and the woman agreed.

Suddenly, Cameron found himself standing in the middle of a grand and most opulent garden. This garden seemed to also function as a Great Hall, or throne room, as seated before Cameron on one such throne was the most beautiful woman that Cameron had ever laid his eyes on. With eyes of purest and most radiant golden light, skin like a glistening white jade and hair like the darkest of night, this woman.. no.. this Goddess was a sight to behold and so were those cute pink lips. Seated in the throne she seemed to be around 20 feet tall and was wearing a pure white and yet simple dress. However, don't let the simplicity of the dress fool you. This was a perfect match for her. It most certainly was her style to say the least.

Now, Cameron took all this in pretty quickly, and was brought back to full awareness by a voice like angels singing and the hums of the Great Dao radiating from all directions and in his mind.

"Dear one you suffered greatly in life. To die and be betrayed by the one whom you saved. Such a sorrowful way to end your life. Your plight touched my heart here in the Outside Realm. You can call me Dalia. I am the One Who Was and the Lady of Tomorrow. I have here a welcome gift for meeting you, and an opportunity. Will you take them dear Cameron?"

"Please speak Goddess Dalia" Cameron said as he kneeled in her presence. "What gift do you speak of and what of this opportunity?"

Smiling warmly, Dalia lifted both her hands palms facing the sky in a cultivation stance. Abruptly images began to appear above them. Above her right hand was displayed images of a vast world of what could only be immortal cultivation. As for the image above her left hand, there was what looked like a user interface that he had seen in plenty of light novels. And the words clearly displayed over the image was 'God of Righteousness System'.

  "One is a gift for you and the other is your opportunity. Which is which matters not. What matters is do you accept? If so dear Cameron, you need only say yes and I will send you directly to the Zan Immortal Realm. The System is there to guide you towards greatness. Oh do please say yes, I can assure you that you will certainly not regret it."

Looking into those radiant eyes and feeling chills from that heavenly voice, there was no way in hell that Cameron was going to say no. "I gratefully accept these gifts Goddess Dalia. I am ready for a new start and a legendary adventure."

Who knows what tomorrow would bring. Live in the now, and strive to be able to smile tomorrow. With this in mind Cameron closed his eyes with a warm smile as the most radiant and colorful light flashed in his mind. 

[Initiating System Installation] a gentle womans voice sounded through his mind with a slight artificial rasp to it.

[The God Of Righteousness System is now live. Commencing rebirth to Zan Immortal Realm...]

As Cameron's thoughts began to fade, and his vision became dark, the last thing that he heard before falling unconscious was the loving voice of Goddess Dalia, "Be Happy dear.." and a kiss on the forehead..


If this turns out ok please give me your thoughts lol.

LollipopSaintcreators' thoughts