
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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45 Chs

First day of the Survival.

"Kale!! Go for the the left one and Natalie stall the one in behind."

"On it!"

Kale went onto the left side of the base.

"Roger that."

Natalie picked up her scythe and charged towards the one in the rear side. She swinged her scythe with precision and calculation to keep the Red hyena in the distance.

Meanwhile, Kale used his skill swiftly to deal with the Red hyena in a single strike. And went to the rear to support Natalie.

While this was going on, Rey was dealing with two of them in the front. After four moves, both the hyenas arrived at the spot where the { Metal Spike } was casted.

The spike pierced their hearts and stopped their moments.

Kale also successfully assisted Natalie, and gave her the final hit, so the points would go to her.

In the right side, Jim had already crisped one of the red hyena with his three consecutive fireballs.

This was the second group of F-Rank Red Hyenas that had attacked them in the past 3 hours. The first group consisted of 7 hyenas, while this one had five of them.

"I told you Natalie, this place will bring us more trouble. We should have moved after the first attack, And now it's dark!!" Jim who kept saying to change locations from the start, but was rejected sternly by Natalie, was furious.

Now, they cannot relocate as it was dark and the material collection to build the camp would be impossible. Moreover, only the strongest monsters roam freely at night. So, they had no other option but to wait here till the morning.

"This is my mistake too, Jim! I shouldn't have listened to her. I think this is their territory, so we are just unlucky I guess.." Rey accepted his mistake.

"...I think the area across the border belongs to the blood hound, and these hyenas are part of his herd."

The Red Hyena is a lower tier F-Rank monster who forms a large herd, which is generally headed by an higher tier E-Rank monster, Blood Hound. The red hyenas generally group up in the quantity of around 4-8 to hunt and scout in their Head's region.

Their body is equal to the size of a tiger from the Earth. They had red fur lines on their necks and their spine which went up to their tails, this is what gave them the name of their race. These monsters does not have any elements, they only have a slightly higher stamina. Their fangs secrete a mild acid when it scratches it's opponents. This acid causes a sudden sting of pain which distracts them for a moment, to give their other group members to attack their opponent.

It's been nearly 15 hours since the event started. In these 15 hours, Rey and his party had already reached near the borders of the Middle regions. Then they decided mutually to spend the night in this spot. The camp was build here, and during that time the hyenas spotted the camp, and the attacks started.

The Outer region was a fairly easy one for Rey's party. Rey ordered everyone to let out their presence of E-Ranks and it worked like a repellent for all the weaker monsters. Though sometime, it attracted the attention of the nearby E-Rank monsters.

All in all, their journey from the starting position to the now created camp was a smooth one.

But unfortunately, the spot they chose was under the jurisdiction of an higher tier E-Rank Blood Hound. Although the blood hound won't come out in the outer region, he will still keep sending the groups of red hyenas one after another.

And it happened exactly like that.

"Is it the tenth group or the eleventh?? . . . . . .I've lost the count already. This bast*rds just keep on coming!!" Natalie cursed the two hyenas in front of her before slitting their throats with her scythe.

But then, a third one came from the behind. She lost her balance, while blocking the sudden force of the attack.

"Stay focused Natalie! I know you are tired, but still pay attention to your surroundings. The sun will rise soon, we will be able to move then and rest somewhere quiet." Kale rebuked Natalie as he slayed the monster which attacked Natalie.

"Tsk. My Essence is really low, I can't believe I had to use a potion before the end of first day. It's all because of her." Jim, who usually rarely uttered a single word during fights, was still complaining about Natalie.

He was much more sensitive than his usual self. Jim who never showed any kind of emotions easily, was a completely different person this days. He was always on his toes and would start arguing about every little things.

It was a relief that no heard what he said, apart from Rey.

'I never knew he could say something like that. It's been like this recently with him. But considering what happened throughout the night, I too feel like cursing myself to accept her idea while rejecting Jim's. . . . . . . .I hope this will be the last one.'

One after another group of hyenas swarmed the camp throughout the entire night. It was a points fest for Rey's party but at the same time they didn't get an ounce of rest for the entire night. Just as the morning sun rose, they all left the camp and took a different direction for the middle regions. The constant attacks from the hyenas also stopped. This meant that they were finally out of the blood hounds territory.

As the party was travelling, all of their devices vibrated at once.

[100 points have been rewarded.]

This notification, could be seen on all four of their devices.


"Just four more to go!"

"With the amount of cores I have, it will be well over 250 points for me!! It's a great haul for all of us!!"

They still haven't scanned their monster cores yet, so counting all the cores and the given hundred points together, every member had (240-300) points on their first day.

Everyone's positivity after estimating their points filled up their bodies, eliminating all the tiredness gained from the last night.

'This was all thanks to the blood hound and the red hyenas!'

Rey's party entered the middle regions after an hour of travelling and two hours of resting.


In the other side of island, a party was speed-running the middle regions. This was none other than Elliott's party. All five of them were on a killing spree.

Unlike the Rey's party's unlucky night, Elliott and his team arrived inside the middle regions, even before the night began. Hence, their night was relatively refreshing. As the Essence density increases going from outer region to the middle regions. Their body felt really refreshed after just three hours of sleep.

Currently, Elliott's party was inside the territories of Orcs.

The Orcs territory consisted of vast farmlands. Orcs are known to be intelligent as well as greedy race. They are all between lower tier E-Ranks to higher tier E-Ranks. The Orc Lord, who leads the Orcs is a low tier D-Rank monster. The orcs have a huge body and high muscle density, they are bipedal with a pig's head on top of their bodies. Orcs are one of the fewer races who understands the human language, hence they tend to make trades with any passerby humans rather than attacking them.

When Elliott's party arrived within their territory yesterday, The Orc Lord asked for a trade which consisted of 10 E-Rank monster cores for a decent place to let the party rest for the night.

Elliott agreed the terms for the trade and handed over all ten E-Rank monster cores. In return, they got a medium sized shed with three rooms in it. It was all going well between Elliott and the Orcs, until the morning arrived.

The Orc Lord arrived before the shed alongside his full strength army.

The orcs are greedy by nature, when the lord saw Elliott giving away ten E-Rank cores just for one night, which was a total rip-off in the first place. The lord only said the price higher to gain an advantage in the negotiations, but to his surprise the human didn't even question anything and straight up paid the whole price. This meant that, the human had much more cores than a mere ten.

The cores are very important asset for the monsters of a Monster Island. Since the dungeon is closed, the number of monsters for the particular race stays the same. The only way to change it is by using the monster cores of other races.

The majority of the monsters on a Monster Island are asexual. The monster cores that are obtained after killing a monster, turns into a neutral egg. When that neutral egg is exposed to any races sex cells, the egg turns into an embryo of that race. And by this method, the number within the island stays the same but the number between the race's increases or decreases.

That's the reason for the monster core being the most coveted asset from the humans. Because, if the monster starts attacking others for cores, it would turn into a war between those two races. Hence humans are considered as the most suitable source.

The only reason the Orc lord waited till the morning was because of the trade. Orcs are a race which never breaks of any trade once it is agreed.

Elliott had no idea of this whatsoever. There were around 50 E-Rank Orcs, with the Orc Lord of D-Rank. This was a tight situation, no matter how one looked at it.

"What's the meaning of all this, Orc Lord?" Elliott asked with a frown on his face. His hand unknowingly reached out for the hilt of his sword.

The same could be said for the others, they too reached out for their own weapons.

"Humans! Give me all the monster cores you possess among yourselves in exchange for living unscathed out of this place." The lord said loudly with a face filled with greed.