
For Reality

**** Our Main Character is a young talent of the modern Earth. At the tender age of 25, he was already working for a prestigious institute and that too at a high position. On his 25th birthday, Rey came late at home and went straight to bed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself at a completely different place. On that day, his life changed completely. Now he is living four different lives in different universes - as a student, an office worker, a super soldier, and a martial artist. At least Rey is not alone and has a great partner Jerry who is an incompetent system. Rey : " Jerry! where do we go next ??? " Jerry : [ You can go to meet your University Girlfriend or do you wanna go meet your other three wives???] Rey : "....." Follow these two as they conquered multiple realities..... *** In some chapters, there may be abusive words used. ***

7th_Reader · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 29

Many things happened in this past week.

There was a strange rumor passed around in the Academy. The rumor stated that, a girl was sexually harassed by a male teacher of the Academy.

The rumor didn't mention any names, so it was impossible to find whether it's true or false.

The rumor started at the start of the week and in 4 days, many new rumors about the same teacher and different students also emerged.

Now, the students were slightly uncomfortable with all these things coming out.

The rumor even reached till the principal's office. Then Yullia promised the panicking students that an official investigation will happen regarding the situation.

And since the investigation started, nothing came out. The team wasn't able to find a single clue about the personnel involved or even the start of the rumor.


Professor Raya was also on the investigation team.

Just the day before the weekend, he found a note inside his shoe locker.

"Hmm....what's this??"

Raya picked up the note and opened it.

It said -

( Professor Raya,

I know that you are a part of the investigation team who are finding about the rumors. Actually, I started the rumors.

And I want to tell everything about the incident to you alone, because the culprit is amongst the investigation team. I can only trust you, so please don't mention anything about this note to anyone.

I will be waiting in Hans Coffee Shop this evening at 7pm. You can disclose all the information I will give you after we meet today.

So please don't mention this note to anyone until we meet. )

"What the heck..." Raya was furious at the teacher who was the culprit and became the part of the investigation team.

"No wonder we didn't find anything till now!! That basta*d was among us this whole time!!!"

"Who could it be - Shallen, Walter or the old man Doug....Don't worry child, I'll give you justice!!"

After making his mind, Raya decided to follow the instructions in the note and kept his mouth shut the entire day.

In the evening, Raya reached the mentioned Coffee shop in simple and plain clothes.

There was a table booked for the student and Raya in a private room. The manager lead Raya inside the room and asked him to wait for the other person.

Raya nodded and waited inside the room.

Soon it was the time for the meeting.

1 minute passed.

3 minutes passed.


And then finally the other party arrived.

She was a girl with a small build wearing the uniform of Grace Academy. Her thick spects were covering more than half of her face.

She nervously came inside the room with her head down.

"Please sit comfortably, no need to be nervous. I haven't told anyone about the note. Aah! By the way, you are the one who wrote the note right??"

At Raya's words, Emily took the sit and responded in a meek voice -

"I-I was the one who left the note in the locker."

At her confirmation, Raya turned into serious mood and asked for the information he came for.

"Can you start telling me, what happened? who was it??"

Emily was slightly shaking when she heard those words, but after a deep breath and looking Professor Raya with a straight face, she started telling her story.

"My name is Emily Clark. I am a student of first year class-1-D. Everything was going normal, I used to be with my friends all the time, until that incident.

It happened a week and a half ago. Three days before the rumors began. It was a regular day at the Academy and in the afternoon when every lessons were finished, that professor called for me.

It was a sudden and quite out of nowhere. The professor who called, didn't even had lessons in our class.I had absolutely no reason to meet in his office. But since it was a call from a professor, I didn't think about it deeply and went to the office.

But as soon as I entered the office, the professor jumped on me and started touching all over my bod-body...hng!hng....."

Tears started dripping down her eyes and Emily couldn't continue the story and started crying out loud.


Raya was furious hearing the story of the girl. He wanted to beat the sh*t out of that monster right away. Even though Raya was a petty person and easily held grudges with others over small things. But still he deeply cared for his students. He always took his teaching profession very seriously. Raya waited for Emily to calm down.

Emily calmed down after a bit. She took repetitive deep breaths and cleaned her wet face with her handkerchief.

"Have you calmed down Emily? Can you please tell me the name of the Professor who did this to you? He has to be caught immediately."

Emily looked at Raya and nodded lightly. Then she took out a device, which looked like a tablet. It had a black screen. Along with it was a pendant with a circular gem at the center.

"This is-....?"

Raya was confused as it was his first time looking at this item.

"Professor, this is a set artifact. The pendant acts like a camera to record events and the black screen can show everything recorded inside the pendant. When I entered the office, I was already wearing the pendant and the entire incident is recorded in the pendant along with the face of the professor. I can show it to you on the black screen."

This was the first time Raya heard about an artifact like this. Generally he had a vast knowledge about artifacts, but this set came as a news to him.

Emily linked the pendant and the black screen by inserting the gem in the back of the screen, where a hollow space existed to fit the gem.

Once the screen started playing, Emily gave the Black screen to professor Raya. He looked at the playing video thoroughly.

When Emily entered the office, a thought came into Raya's mind-

'This office looks very similar to mine...Did this happened on the same floor?'

When this thought came in Raya's mind, he somehow got a bad feeling. But he quickly threw that in the back of his mind and concentrate on the video.

The next scenes were quite disturbing. The man's face wasn't captured at the start, only his hands and body was seen. The hands were moving all over Emily's body and touching her at various indecent places. Emily tried to struggle and move out of the clutches of the man, and in that struggle the man's face was revealed.


As soon as the face was shown in the black screen, the tablet was dropped down from Raya's hands. He had a bewildered expression on his face.

"Wha-How is this possible? Why is my face in this footage? Emily what the fu*k is going on!!"

Raya was scared sh*tless after seeing himself in the black screen. If this was to be gone viral, he would be done for. His job, fame, reputation as well as his family will all get scr*wed.

Raya was more confused than he was frightened. How did he end up being in that video, and there was only one person who could tell him that.

When he looked at Emily, Raya understood what happened. The meek looking girl, who was sobbing until now about her trauma, was now grinning from ear to ear.

"Why ? Why did you have to go to this extent? We never even met before, so what's the reason...TELL ME BITCH!!! WHAT DID I DO TO GET THIS??"

The tension and fear inside Raya now turned into frustration and then it exploded in form of pure anger and hatred.

"I'll kill you Bitch!! I'll burn your entire fami-"

"Oi Raya, what will you do to her family, burn them? hahahaha!! do you even know who her father is??"

A person appeared inside the room out of nowhere. He was none other than the mastermind of the entire picture, Brian.

"You-You..? Why are you here? Wait is this all for...."

"You are quick to catch on, aren't you professor! Well, you are absolutely correct. This was all planned by me. Ah! Of course, with the crucial help of this young lady. I give my thanks to you, Lady Emily." Brian thanked Emily by bowing his head down.

"No worries, it was fun working with you Brian. Then I'll leave it to you, I have other things to do."

Emily picked up her artifact and for the last time, looked at the now devastated Raya with a mocking smile on her face and then she left the shop.

Raya was shell shocked watching the turning of events one by one. He was being fooled by the girl, ever since he received the note.

Thinking about all the rumors going on for a week now and the evidence he saw earlier, it was a very bad situation no matter how he looked at it. Just thinking about it was draining his strength at a rapid speed.

Raya knew he had fallen into the deep hole and escaping is impossible. But he was still fuming. And the target of his rage was not Brian, the mastermind but the actor Emily.

"Raya, before your mind goes astray, I have a warning for you. No matter what, not even in your dream, try to do something against Lady Emily. She is the one and only daughter of Lord Salar, the undisputed leader of Warlocks. If you have any thoughts about getting revenge or something, be prepared to live a living hell."

Hearing the words of Brian, Raya was truly speechless. Raya only knew that Brian wants to do something to Somia during the Monster Island camp. But only now he understood that, this is a big plot of Warlock organization.

It was a power, Raya couldn't even fathom going against. Whatever talk would happen between him and Brian will be resulted in his demise. The hole Raya fell into was suddenly now much more deeper than his previous situation. Now, it was a matter of life and death for him.

Brian looked at Raya going through five stages of grief and smiled lightly,

"Shall we start talking now?"